Mulan Has No Elder Brother

Chapter 151: See mountain is mountain

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Mulan Wu Brother!

He Mulan was all slimy and extremely uncomfortable, but even so, let her take a bath in front of Su Hejun?

If the first gossip king of Dawei were to see his daughter, all the people in Dawei would know that she was a woman.

So He Mulan could only keep commanding Su Hejun to hold one and take that one.

Although the latter ran fast, the grievance on his face was obviously getting heavier.

Perhaps he was afraid that the blood stains and stains on He Mulan's body were too scary, or that he might stain the deputy account, and Tuobati rewarded her with her personal account. At this time there were no good bath products. Nobles of the Southern Dynasties could scrub their bodies with powder like "bath beans", while those of the northern gentry made "pig pancreas" for the nobles to enjoy.

He Mulan's pancreas was given by Kumoti, but it looks like it has been used ...

Could it be that he thinks that rewarding someone with what he has used is trusting the other person?

She found a bucket, dipped her hands in hot water first, soaked the dirt in her nails, wiped the bathroom, and wiped out her light, and found that the slave rescued from the Rouran Army was still there, could not help asking He: "Why do you consider me Lord?"

"They said that I was successful in guiding me, so I didn't scold me. But Heishankou was not what I said ..." The child was surprisingly keen. "They treat me because of you. My mother said, I ca n’t take anything that isn't mine. You told me to leave from the Rouran side and put on new clothes and eat rice. I want to repay."

"But following me, it's hard not to be a slave ..." He Mulan sighed. "I haven't got the ability to collect soldiers. You may have to be a slave for a while. Do you think so?"

"I ... I don't think the days are like slaves anymore." He has never received any knowledge. For them, it is not so much "not wanting to be a slave" but "not wanting to be a slave." Ordinary life. "

He Mulan heard what he said and understood what he meant, and the pressure on her mind became even more severe.

Not like a slave's life ...

It's really difficult.

"What's your name?" He Mulan found his eyes pale. "Which race is it?"

"I don't have a name." The child's eyes dimmed. "My mother is a Xianbei, and my grandfather doesn't know who it is. My mother calls me 'Children', and others call me 'evil ghosts.'"

He Mulan paused with her fingernails.

If this is the case, according to the traversing novel she has seen, the heroine should be excited to say, "What's your name then?" The other party will also thank the owner for giving the name, and then This name has been used ever since.

But He Mulan's two lips were stretched together, and she finally left a sentence:

"The names are mostly from parents, but there are exceptions. I have a friend, who is generally a slave to you. He gave himself a name 'kill the ghost'. What name do you want, you think about it, yourself That changed. "

She moved the dirty water aside.

"After you have a name, we will call you with that name."

"I ... name it myself?" Peer paused. "May I?"

"Yes, you can do it yourself."

She passed the bucket in her hand to the child.

"When Su Hejun comes, you give him the bucket, let him pour the water and change the bucket of hot water, and then guard the door. No one is allowed to come in. Can you do it?"

After the child who was still in the daze took the barrel, he nodded silently, moved to the door of the account, and dedicated to his duty.

He Mulan couldn't help it. She was too dirty. If there was no one to help, the degree of soiling would definitely not be clean. Far from mentioning it, it would be necessary to follow the water change when the water was changed.

But her identity determines that she can't let others, especially Su Hejun, see her identity, so she can only let the slave guard the door, and she decides quickly.

He Mulan first wet her head in a clean basin outside, crushed the clotted part, then took off her clothes, wrapped her body with a cloth towel at random, and started rubbing in the bathtub.

Pig pancreas is not the same as modern soap. It has no bubbles. Fortunately, although it is made of pig fat, it does not have any strange smell.

Since the decontamination component is a protease, the principle of action is something like "adding enzyme detergent", which should have a wonderful effect on oil stains, but there is no good place to remove blood stains and mud.

He Mulan's bath towel is only over a meter long, which can only protect the key parts. She is arched and busy in the tub, washing more and more urgently, and the voice of Su Hejun and children comes from the door.

"The host told you to pour this water down and change the bucket of hot water." The child's voice was hard.

"You're just a slave, dare you tell me?" Su Hejun said angrily, "Go and pour water, I'll stay here!"

He Mulan raised her ears with concern.

"The master said you go down, I'll keep the door." The child recognized the truth and shook his head. "The host doesn't let people in."

"What you said, how do you get water for grown-ups if you don't go in!"

"I don't know. The host can't let anyone in and tells you to change the water."

"I'm so angry!" Su Hejun yelled, picked up the bucket, and ran towards the other end.

He Mulan breathed a sigh of relief and continued to fight the dirt on her body.

After a while, He Mulan felt a little bad. The winter is cold, and this is not the modern type of circulating hot water. The water in the large wooden barrels becomes cold immediately.

She originally thought that Mulan in the previous life had to bear the cold water to take a bath. It was better to stick to it. However, she had never had a cold shower experience in the later generations, but she couldn't help snoring after a while, until the water had reached the temperature , Immediately jumped out, wrapped his body with a towel, looking forward to Su Hejun returning soon.

Su Hejun is an intelligence officer, but he didn't really come to the present to find a good master for his future. To him, there really needs to be a master, which is also a British master like Tuobayu, and he will never be a small military relative. Blocked by a slave and not allowed to enter the camp, Su Hejun felt a little angry, and deliberately procrastinated when he went to change the water. The time passed long before he reached the account.

The slave was still standing stupidly, and Mulan kept asking in the account: "Have Su Hejun who went to get hot water returned?"


"Come back, come back!" Su Hejun shouted, holding the bucket straight forward.

Hahaha, do you know me?

Know my role can't be ignored?

He Mulan shouted "Let him in" in the account. Su Hejun gave the child a slanting glance, his eyes could not be proud and provocative, and he held the bucket with both hands. All of a sudden into the private account.

The first warrior of the right army recruits, capable of carrying Ding's Mulan!

I don't know if my body is muscle knot or strong bones!

He can immediately explore ...


Who told him why Mulan was wearing clothes while bathing?

He Mulan stepped forward to greet him, and he copied the barrel from his hand and poured water into the large basin next to him: "You are coming too slowly, me, hiss, it's cold, I haven't washed After a while, the water became cold, so I had to get up and wipe it dry and get dressed, otherwise we must get cold. "

She wrapped her clothes in several layers and put her hand in the water: "No, it's still cold, you must run fast this time!"

These mortals can only carry a bucket of water at a time!

When Hua Mulan helped Su and Jun take a bath, they used to have a bucket in hand and ran fast!

‘To get the answer, do you need to run faster? ’

Su Hejun gritted his teeth, took the bucket back, and flew away.

The child at the door of the account watched him come and go, and asked softly, "Master, what can I do?"

"Ah ..." He Mulan said coldly as he shivered. "Just keep it."

She picked up the hot water in the large basin and started to wash her hair against the cold water next to it. After a while, the water in the basin became dark.

This result made her panic.

No way? Washing your head is so dirty, isn't the water in the bucket?

He Mulan patronized the bath before. She didn't pay attention to the condition in the bath tub. After reaching her head for a glance, the whole person was beaten, and she no longer wanted to take a second look.

She also hated the dirty dirt of Kumoti. Washing this bucket of water for a while, it is strange that gynecological diseases are not allowed!

She rides horses every day, and can only be cleaned by washing. She doubts whether she will get sick in the future.

Thinking of this, He Mulan never dared to "bath", decided to wait for Su Hejun to come, and simply stood in the basin, like other people taking a bath, just rushed.

Although it is not clean, is it better than soaking in dirty water?

Poor Su and Jun tired breathed back, and sent the bucket into the account, but saw He Mulan looked thoughtfully into the tub, her hair was wet all over.

"Sir, I'll wipe your hair for you. You should wash it in the water." He looked at He Mulan diligently, waiting for him to undress.

"No, you can wash my dirty clothes." He Mulan was wearing clean clothes and handed the dirty clothes to Su Hejun: "If it doesn't wash out, just don't."

It's too dirty and it's normal to not wash it out.


Su Hejun glanced at Mulan again: "Do you really want to wipe your hair? You can rub your back!"

"No, you go."

Su Hejun was holding his clothes and looked at He Mulan with a bit of wonder: "Sir, wouldn't you be injured somewhere? It's better to get a medical account if you are injured ..."

This boy is still spying on the news!

He Mulan could not help coming forward three or two steps, mentioned his collar, and threw it out.

"Go and go! I don't have any clothes!"

He Mulan's coat and jacket were ready to be burned out, and it was the middle jacket that was thrown to Su Hejun. Even in winter, so many winter clothes with blood stains may breed bacteria and cause disease. The **** camp went to burn Guan Guan's corpse early in the morning, and she returned with blood stains. Without Kumoti's bathing place and bathing objects, she didn't know how long it would take to wash the dirt on her body.

In this era, once the epidemic is really infected, it is not much different from lying in bed waiting to die.

It is for this reason that He Mulan would rather wash herself at the risk of being known by Su Hejun. Because she couldn't afford the consequences of life.

He Mulan thought that Su Hejun should have gone far, walked to the side of the basin to take off his clothes, and began to bear the chill and rinse with hot water in the basin.

After three or three times, He Mulan looked at herself and felt that she looked like she was getting ready to dry her clothes. The slave “Child” at the door heard that there was no movement in it, and opened the account with anxiety and asked the inside Road:

"Master, did you accidentally fall asleep? Sleeping in the water will die ..."

Really, he had heard a slave go to the river to lift water, accidentally fell into the water, fainted because he was too tired, and then died in the water.

Falling asleep in the water will really die!

The child who was so worried in her heart had a face-to-face meeting with He Mulan, who was holding a towel and was preparing to wipe her body ...

He Mulan was startled, and immediately covered the key part (below), and frowned loudly:

"Go out and watch the door!"

Finished, he must have seen it!

He Mulan's heart went up and down.

In that case, as long as her eyes are not blind, she can see that she is different from a man!

In fact, children are no less scared than He Mulan.

He covered his heart, only feeling that he had seen the greatest tragedy in the world.

He had heard it before, south ... there was such a person south ...

But I did not expect that his new owner turned out to be such a person ...

He Mulan dressed up in a mess, and her personal account was cleaned up. Then she stepped out of the account.

"You ... just saw it?"

She asked the slave pale.

To be honest, she couldn't do anything to kill and kill her, so He Mulan was in a mess. She didn't expect that she could do nothing to make this slave care about her life and death ...

This is not reasonable at all? She's not the beloved Mary Sue!

"... I, I see it."

The child knelt down and almost buried his head in the soil. "I see you ... you ... below ..."

He Mulan went back three steps in shock. She was in a panic like a criminal who had been found guilty, and she felt like a poor man who had been cut off by the army on the grounds of “shaking the army” after seeing this slave's identity people.

If he is a slave, what's wrong? Unless she pulls out her sword and kills him now, he will always hold this handle, even if she is the master, she will be subject to siege.

Now he naturally obeys her. If it's a little unpleasant in the future ...

He Mulan's face was green and white, which made the child more afraid.

He intuitively felt that if he saw bad things, there would be terrible results, so he could only palely promise: "Little people will not tell the injured things below the adults. Although the adults are gone □□, But still a warrior ... "


Injured below?

In this life, except for the mother who has not touched a woman, and has never seen a woman stripped off, what a child looks like, trembling, "I ca n’t really say that. I wo n’t say ..."

He kept whispering these words, but there was a certain premonition in his heart that it should be impossible for him to survive.

He Mulan's face gradually returned to normal, and she suddenly raised a strange thought.

This thought made her look very weird. She paused and asked him, "You tell me, what did you just see?"

A wise man should say "I haven't seen anything" at this time, but the child lacks even this point of wisdom. He dare to speak truthfully about what he sees: "Small sees you no more below you ..."

He Mulan was ashamed and angry, and relieved.

She didn't know where the problem was, but she wanted to come to such a lack of humanity / knowledge. It was also possible for the slave to think that she was a puppet.

"... Don't mention it again, no one can say it, and keep your mouth shut in dreams."

Hua Mulan's lifetime was said to be "giant magnolia", how did she almost become "Magnolia magnolia" when she got here?

Do we have to live this day?

He Mulan looked at the slave named "Children" and helped him up. His voice was also milder: "I didn't take the matter too seriously, but if it was not good, it would be a bad name. .You can understand, I will not embarrass you because of this. "

Does he want to find him somewhere to kill him?

But he is a slave, he is the master, and he can kill at any time, no one will question.

So what he said is true?

The following serious injuries have almost been removed, and he can even say "doesn't take it seriously"?

Is there such a strong and open-minded person in this world?

The child stood up doubtlessly, and was warmed by the laughter in He Mulan's eyes and the mild thorns, and 80% of the hearts believed that he was really indifferent, so he quickly lowered his head and kept guaranteeing: "The villain even sleeps , Will also block his mouth and not talk nonsense. "

No wonder the new owner wasn't allowed to take a bath. He will take care of where the master baths in the future!

"Where is it so obvious, don't you tell everyone what secrets you know?" He Mulan smiled and shook her head. "Just don't say it."

Nothing was said.

However, it is better than the "woman" Mulan.


In other words, maybe Su Hejun knew it, and he would not go to be his guardian, but he would be closed immediately.


"The villain obeys."

The child kneeled down and worshiped, thanking him for not killing him.

"What obeys?"

Su Hejun, holding the washed clothes and squinting her eyes and smiling, said to He Mulan, "Sir, I have already washed your clothes ..."

In fact, the slaves of the military slave camp were washed, and he was only watching.

"Adult is indeed a good power, even pants are different from others!"

He discovered a secret, and the gossip was satisfied with a smile on his face.

He Mulan froze for a while before reflecting that Su Hejun refers to the kind of pants with thick crotch made by the mother of flowers. In this era, the innermost trousers of the Han people were open gear. Only the Hu people rode on their horses and the Hu clothes sewed their crotches. He Mulan's mother, considering the tenderness and uncomfortableness of riding a horse, stitched the crotch layer after layer.

It is because of this ...

No way? Su Hejun's brain power is also so strong?

"……you think too much."

He Mulan was stimulated twice a day, and her heart was tired.

"Adults are really modest. If they are ordinary men, they must show off everywhere. I know that adults are good enough. If they compare others there, I am afraid that many people will come to yin." I understand. "

"Adult, please rest assured that it is definitely not the person who waits for the small belly chicken intestines. Next time the adult bathes, let the small account serve!"

‘What the **** is he talking about, why ca n’t I understand? ’

The children looked at Su Hejun, who was smiling and smiling.

‘What pants? What divine power? ’

"I really don't need it, I'm just a soldier ..."

"Where is it? How can an adult such a gifted man always be a pro soldier. My lord ..."

He Mulan was panicked and confused by Su Hejun's off-line, and quickly fled her head.

"The general asked me to go and see him, I'll go now!"

"Sir, don't you go, I also want to ask what you like to eat on weekdays ... Hey, sir!"

Su Hejun watched He Mulan run away, and the unsatisfactory army slave looked at him directly, and his heart was very upset.

"What do you think I do?"

This person's eyes were pale, and looking at people directly made people feel a little panicky.

"The villain doesn't know what you say."

"Huh, you can't understand. How can the adult's belongings be dealt with for you." Su Hejun raised his head high.

However, after learning the secret, I really wanted to share the feelings with Su Hejun. It was impossible for him to be so proud, so he bowed his head mysteriously, and whispered to him, "Look at you as well For the sake of adults, let me tell you a little bit. Our adults ... "

He nodded at the bottom of the child.

"It's a giant!"


how is this possible.

He saw nothing with his own eyes!

"What's your expression? Why? I said you didn't believe me? I tell you, the general's breeches are sewn layer by layer! Why do you need to sew layers?"

Su Hejun looked at the children's weird expression and smiled proudly: "Only intelligent people like me who can infer from this situation can think of clues. Where are our men's pants most easily broken? Of course, it's the crotch! The bigger and harder, the easier it is to break! To sew that many layers, think about it ... "

"Well? Where are you going? Don't run ... do you have nothing to ask me? Don't go!"

The host is really pitiful. He should have been hurt so much, and he did n’t want to open his teeth. Should n’t it be painful?

With so many layers, is it to prevent blood from seeping out?

Those who can continue to fight after that kind of injury are the true warriors. Compared with him, he is really a stubborn slave who only knows to use his companion's body as a shield.

No one knows what such a terrible thing children are thinking about.

When he heard Su Hejun ask him, "Do you have anything to ask me?" He paused, suddenly turned back and asked.

"Sir, what's your name?"

The host said that he could pick his own name, but what should he do?

Why do they call this name?

"My surname is Suhe, the famous monarch." Suhejun reported his name with some reservations.

"Why is it called Jun?"

He nodded.

"Jun, Zun also ..." His name was raised by Tai Chong Hao Cui Hao, which means "honorable man with good virtues." Hahaha, how can a military slave understand the meaning of his name!

"What do you ask this for?"

The egret officer was keenly aware that there must be a reason for this, and out of curiosity he immediately gathered up.

"Tell me ... bold, don't you tell me? Damn it! You child! Don't run!"

"Boy, why are you so fast!"

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