Multiverse Dimensional Shop

Chapter 241 The Confusion of the King of Knights

"Then it depends on whether you have the ability!"

Facing the Conqueror King's response, Gilgamesh showed a cruel smile. He now fully recognized the other party's existence.

At this time, the Conqueror King once again drank all the wine in the wine glass, then placed the glass firmly on the round table, and stood up with a smile: "Since both of us have finished saying what they want to say, then this time the Holy Grail That’s it for the Q\u0026A.”

Just when he was about to leave, he remembered something and asked: "Actually, there is one more thing. Six of the seven heroic spirits participating in this Holy Grail War have already appeared, except [Caster] He has been missing, does anyone know?"

Although he asked this question, the Conqueror King did not expect anyone to answer. After all, the information was collected slowly by himself. If this [Caster] had not been too mysterious this time, he would not have mentioned it on such an occasion. come out.

Gilgamesh sneered and said casually: "The kind of bastard who only knows how to hide has no right to let me know!"

"If I remember correctly, [Caster] seemed to be killed by me after I was summoned." Facing the question of the Conqueror King, Mordred suddenly remembered what happened a few days ago, scratched his head and said .

"In that case, I'll take the first step."

Unexpectedly, he got the information he wanted. After being stunned, the Conqueror smiled and planned to leave. The Alexander Sword was summoned in his hand and waved it in the air. There was a flash of thunder and the roar of a sacred bull chariot. Appear.

Seeing that the King of Conqueror was about to leave, Artoria quickly took a step forward and said in a hurry: "Wait! [Rider], I haven't yet"

Although her mind was slightly confused by the previous inherent barrier, Artoria was not one to give up so easily. She still wanted to refute the Conqueror's previous views.

"Shut up! Tonight is a banquet among kings, but [Saber], I don't recognize you as the king!"

The Conqueror King, who had already boarded the car and threw his Master into the ox cart, stopped Artoria's words with a strong tone. The next second, his eyes were filled with pity.

Before Artoria could figure out what this look meant, the Conqueror King sighed and admonished in a very sincere tone: "Little girl, you'd better wake up from that painful dream of yours. Otherwise, you'd better wake up from that painful dream." One day, you will lose even the most basic self-esteem of a hero. The so-called 'king' you call is just a spell you cast on yourself."

"No, I"

Ignoring Artoria's final retort, the Conqueror drove his electric chariot into the sky without even sparing a glance.

In the end, only thunder and faint screams were left in the ears, and the chariot with sparks and lightning disappeared into the eastern sky.

"Actually, [Saber] you don't need to care, just continue to stick to the path you believe in."

What came out of Jin Shining's mouth were gentle and encouraging words that were completely inconsistent with his status, as if he had never ridiculed her before.

Hearing his inexplicable words of encouragement, Artoria replied coldly: "You were laughing at me just now, and now you want to flatter me? [Archer]!"

Hearing this, the smile on Jin Shining's face became softer and softer, as if he was really cheering for Artoria, but the words he spat out turned into sharp knives, piercing her heart.

"No, no, no, you have misunderstood this. Ridicule is true, and flattery is also true. Because I really like to see your expression. You are distressed, entangled, and confused, but you persist in what you think without hesitation. The incomparably correct royal way is really, really pitiful!"

"Just continue to follow the right path you said and play the role of a clown in pain. I like it very much. [Saber], make me so happy. Maybe I will give you the Holy Grail as a reward. Ha~ha~ha~ha ~Ha~ha!!!”

At the end of the words, there was a wild laugh full of endless malice and pity. Jin Shining felt that his interest in Artoria had increased a lot, especially when he saw the anger flashing in his eyes.

The next moment, the invisible sword wind burst out from Artoria's hand, quickly attacking Jin Shining, but was easily blocked by the shield-shaped Noble Phantasm that appeared in front of him.

"Shut up. I only give you one warning. Next time I will chop you down without mercy." Holding the invisible sword in both hands, Artoria's eyes were full of fierceness and she scolded sternly.

【I! Super fierce! JPG]

"Yes, that's it. I look forward to the day when you become my princess!" He put away the precious phantom slowly, and Jin Shining slowly disappeared in front of everyone, but his laughter spread in the atrium for a long time.

The Conqueror King and Jin Shining left, and the atrium instantly returned to calm, if you ignore the laughter in the air.

After witnessing the cynicism and denial of his father by other kings, Mordred slowly clenched his hands, as if he had made up his mind.

But the next moment, her eyes slowly swept over Artoria's face, her face was uncertain, and finally turned into a deep sigh and a pretentious harsh word.

"I said, I will completely defeat you in this Holy Grail War! So, don't lose before you meet me, Arthur!"

But deep in Mordred's heart, Zhao Chen clearly heard that the last two words were "Father"!

After saying these harsh words, Mordred immediately looked at Zhao Chen: "Master, it's time for us to leave!"

"Well, I'll leave right away. But before that, madam, I give you this amulet. It can save your life at a critical moment. Even if it is the reward for borrowing this place as the banquet venue today!"

After throwing a hand-drawn talisman to Irisviel, Zhao Chen turned and left, waving goodbye to them.

Irisviel turned over the long talisman paper with strange patterns in her hand doubtfully, and after confirming that there was no trace of magic on it, Irisviel put it away.

Artoria, who heard Mordred's words before leaving, was still in a daze. Although the other party was indeed provocative, surprisingly, the King of Knights, who did not understand people's hearts, actually heard something from it. The meaning of caring.


Artoria has never been as confused as she is today. The royal way she is proud of, the ideals and beliefs she has persisted to this day were all shattered by this night.

She even wondered whether she was really not qualified to be a king as the Conqueror King said.

Irisviel, who was standing next to her, saw this and sighed slightly. In tonight's "battle", Arturia was not the loser, but she was also not the winner.

However, she believed that this determined girl, who had united Europe and created the Kingdom of Great Britain despite many difficulties, would definitely be able to raise her fighting spirit again and achieve her own victory!

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