Multiverse Dimensional Shop

Chapter 614: The Commission for World Fusion, a sudden appearance (revision)

Preaching space, a secret place carved out separately.

Witnessing the completeness of Patriarch Bodhi's sermon, just when Zhao Chen was about to leave, a light screen popped up in front of him, displaying a notification from the system.

This scene made Zhao Chen feel like he had seen it before, full of a sense of familiarity.

Opening the notification content, what was presented to him was an extremely special commission.

This commission is not only marked as exclusive to the owner, but also reveals its particularity from content to source.

"Commissioned content: world integration, reconstruction and unification, requester: Perfect World World Consciousness, Zhetian World World Consciousness, Holy Ruins World World Consciousness, Commission Source: Perfect World, Zhetian World and Shengxu World World, details are as follows: Note: Shop Owner Exclusive commission, please treat it with caution!"

The details of tens of thousands of words, that is, the "love, hate, and hatred" in the three worlds of the Perfect World, the Zhetian World, and the Holy Ruins World, were completely displayed before Zhao Chen's eyes.

He had seen the appearance of these three worlds in the sea of ​​dimensions before, three worlds standing in the shape of a triangle, and they were three worlds in the same space and different time.

Even if you look at the comparison of the entire dimensional sea, it is an extremely special existence. At that time, Zhao Chen had thought about whether he would see the three worlds merge into one one day, but he did not expect that he would actually come.

It's just that the person responsible for the unification of the three realms fell on him.

"This commission comes from three world consciousnesses, or it is not an exaggeration to say that it is the same world consciousness. After all, these three worlds were once one, and the world consciousness naturally comes from the same source. Although the difficulty of the commission is a bit high, after it is completed The rewards are indeed very attractive”

"And according to the calculations given by the system, when these three broken worlds are reunited, they will be promoted to high-level worlds. In this way, the revenue they can bring to the store is estimated to be a lot more, except In addition, there are

"If you look at these aspects alone, the benefits of completing the commission outweigh the disadvantages, that is, the world of Zhetian, which is an open world, is in trouble. How should we deal with it?"


Looking at the light screen in front of him, Zhao Chen touched his chin and thought carefully about this sudden commission.

About a minute later, before Zhao Chen could make a decision, a new notification covered the light screen in front of him.


Confused, Zhao Chen opened this new notification, only to find that it was not some other news, but another commission from the three world consciousnesses.

The content is the same as the previous one, but the value of the final commission reward has been increased by about ten times.

Zhao Chen was stunned for a moment as his eyes swept over the reward column, but he quickly recovered and the smile on his face became even brighter.

What else is there to say, this shop owner accepted this request!

Hurry, leave now!

Zhao Chen, who was blinded by money, or no, dimensional coins, didn't care about the two pets around him at the moment, and left the preaching space in one teleportation.

As for Xuan Niao, who is still immersed in the sermon's insights, and Xiao Jiuwei, who only cares about snacks, it is estimated that they can only passively return to the store after it is completely over.

"I left as gently as I came, waving my hand and not taking away a single cloud."

Just as this sentence describes, neither Zhao Chen's arrival nor his departure did not attract anyone's attention.

Even a long time after Zhao Chen left, the sermon space still maintained a superficial calm. The enlightenment that needed to be enlightened, the precipitation that needed to be settled, and the communication that needed to be communicated were also lightly laid with a layer of barrier before speaking.

In the listening position on the west side, far away from the large army, Hongmeng, Hongjun, Sanqing, Demon God and others sat down in order according to their respective cultivation levels.

Out of respect for Patriarch Bodhi and the shop owner (mainly the latter), they did not leave immediately after listening to the sermon. Instead, they watched Patriarch Bodhi come to them after the sermon.

"I wonder if fellow Taoists and seniors can give me some advice?"

Standing in front of these people, Patriarch Bodhi was able to detect the general level of the people in front of him by virtue of his control over the sermon space, so his posture was a bit low.

There is nothing that can be done about this. No matter which one of these is taken out, they are all powerful at the same level as themselves, or even several realms beyond themselves. There is no harm in being humble.

Facing Patriarch Bodhi who lowered his posture, everyone's senses were okay with him.

It's just that the strongest one among them hasn't spoken yet, and the others are too embarrassed to seize the opportunity.

After a few breaths, Hongmeng was the first to speak: "The foundation has been laid well. Although there are some shortcomings in this sermon, considering the situation of the world you came from, it is still considered to be top-notch. However, if you want to climb to a higher realm, you still need to Work hard!”

After struggling with Patriarch Bodhi, two Hongmeng and one Lin Meng left first. With their cultivation, being able to say a few words to Patriarch Bodhi, who was equal to the King of Gods, was a great honor and even an opportunity. .

If today were not in a dimensional store but in the God Realm, they probably wouldn't even give me a look.

As for the theory of chance, there is certainly evidence to support it.

It should be noted that the gap in cultivation between Hongmeng and the Bodhi Patriarch is very large.

If divided according to the level of the main universe of Hongmeng World, this Bodhi is only a god king, and he is still a weaker type.

Therefore, even the casual words and deeds of Hongmeng, who has a tendency to surpass the first-level Hongmeng controller, can have a considerable impact on him.

If you have enough qualifications, you may be able to learn some special magical powers from it.

Patriarch Bodhi falls into this category, but it is not clear what he actually realized.

Then there are Bai, Hongjun Daozu, Sanqing Sage, Lord Yandi and others. Although their cultivation is lower than the three first-level Hongmeng controllers, they are still rated at the seventh level, so it is not a problem to give them some advice.

Soon, all the listeners in this area left, leaving behind a lot of insights and some codes for Patriarch Bodhi.

"Compared with now, I used to be like a frog at the bottom of a well. I thought that the mouth of the well was the entire sky. I never thought that only after I really jumped out of the well could I get a glimpse of the true face of heaven and earth!"

After standing there and saying a few words of emotion, Patriarch Bodhi turned and looked at the other audience members.

At this time, there were many empty seats in the square. It was obvious that many people had retired and left the preaching space.

These are not the concerns of Patriarch Bodhi. There is only one focus he is paying attention to now, and that is Wang Lu, who is "hooking up" with his junior sister Liulixian!

Seeing Wang Lu's smiling face, Patriarch Bodhi twitched the corner of his mouth and gave a sneer.

Wang Lu, little bastard, it’s your turn!

At this time, Wang Lu was telling Liulician about the many delicacies in the food market, which made the innocent and straightforward little junior sister so greedy that she couldn't help but bite her fingers, and the little crystals oozing out of the corners of her mouth shone in the sun.

Just after he finished talking about the little master's secret rainbow juice, a warning sign came to Wang Lu's mind, and at the same time, there was an out-of-nowhere itching sensation in his nose that was very intense.

"Ah sneeze!"

The sudden attack caused Wang Lu's expression to change drastically. He hurriedly took out his jade token and was about to leave the preaching space.

Except for Patriarch Bodhi, who was cheated by him, no one else could give him this feeling in the dimensional store.

In fact, Wang Lu had a bad feeling when Hongmeng, Hongjun and others appeared in the sermon space. At first, he thought that such sermons would only attract people with lower cultivation levels than Patriarch Bodhi. Unexpectedly, the shop owner His name works so well, they all came!

"Senior brother, haven't you finished what you just said? What does that rainbow juice feel like when you drink it?"

Pulling the corner of Wang Lu's clothes, Liulixian tilted his head. He looked very cute. If an ordinary otaku with extremely high otaku attributes were here, it would not be impossible for him to have no regrets.

But in the eyes of Wang Lu, who was eager to leave, such a cute look was tantamount to Yama demanding his life!

"No more talk, no more talk, senior brother will treat you to a drink later, let's go first!"

After saying a few words casually, and seeing that he was about to escape, Wang Lu's breath of relief came to his throat, and his face had the same smile as usual.

But soon, the smile froze on his face, and the breath lost its meaning.

It was all because of a demonic groan coming from behind and the demonic grip reaching towards the back of Wang Lu's neck.

"Where are you going?"

As the slightly familiar voice of Patriarch Bodhi rang in his ears, Wang Lu found that his perspective had changed slightly, from looking directly to looking down, and there was an extra strength on his neck.

At this moment, Wang Lu knew that he obviously couldn't escape.

Wang Lu, who was pulled up along the back collar of his clothes and was dangling in the air, sighed helplessly and turned his head to force a smile: "Hey, senior, you just finished your sermon, shouldn't you take a break?"

"No, no, no, not only do I not need to rest, but I also gained some insights from this sermon. I am just missing a target to join hands with!"

Recalling the feeling of fear before and during the sermon, Patriarch Bodhi felt that his hands were extremely itchy.

Buzz! ×2

Two sword sounds sounded, and Liulixian, who was still sitting, held two swords and looked warily at Patriarch Bodhi, who was holding his senior brother by the collar.

But there was some doubt and curiosity in those vigilant eyes. She did not feel any murderous intent or hostility from Patriarch Bodhi, but the anger was very obvious.

Therefore, although Liulixian was vigilant with two swords in his hands, he did not take any substantial actions.

Patriarch Bodhi, who was distracted by her actions and took a look at the girl, was a little surprised: "The sword's heart is clear? What a good swordsman!"

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Wang Lu immediately gave his unscrupulous master a look and gesture, asking her to come and rescue him quickly.

Unexpectedly, Wang Wu simply shrugged and gave him a look that said, "You wish for more luck on your own." Then he turned around and started chatting with the leader of Feng Yin. A few words left him speechless.

"No need to worry, I just have some small matters to ask of your senior brother, so I can help him out a little bit."

After saying a few words, Patriarch Bodhi and Wang Lu disappeared from everyone's sight, while Liuli Xian, who had had her IQ deducted for practicing Sword Heart Transparency, showed a puzzled expression.

"Do you mean to open a small stove to eat delicious food?"

Zhu Shiyao, one of the onlookers, pushed up her glasses and did not speak. However, this was only because she was a little slow in speaking, so she did not speak. In fact, she felt a little happy in her heart.

Sure enough, it was right to choose the Star Sword Code as the main technique!

On the other side, seeing Wang Lu being taken away by the powerful preacher, Hua Yun, the ninth elder of the Spirit Sword Sect, poked Wang Wu and whispered: "I, your mascot apprentice was taken away, there is no problem. ?"

Wang Wu replied nonchalantly: "Oh, Wang Lu, right? No problem, no problem, this kid is not an ordinary person, nothing will happen to him!"

Afterwards, she continued to argue with the head of Fengyin, trying to increase the number of spiritual stones.

Looking at the noisy head brother and Wang Wu, and then glancing in the direction where Patriarch Bodhi left, Hua Yun had doubts on her face.

Is it really okay?

The matter in the preaching space is not over yet, but Zhao Chen, who has left, directly brings the commission to the sea of ​​dimensions.

Relying on the store's powerful space transmission authority, Zhao Chen appeared outside the three worlds of Perfection, Zhetian and Shengxu in just a breath.

Standing in the sea of ​​dimensions, Yuanli automatically protected his body, igniting a pale golden flame outside Zhao Chen's body, which not only prevented the omnipresent corrosive force, but also illuminated the surroundings a lot.

However, the second effect is greatly reduced in the current situation, because the three huge worlds in front of them are themselves luminous bodies, or three different kinds of light.

The Zhetian world directly in front is shown in light blue, the perfect world on the upper left side is shown in three colors: light gray, black, and red, slightly depressed and lost, while the Holy Ruins world on the upper right side is light white, a kind of The hidden rhythm of hope is contained within.

"Although I have accepted this commission, I still don't seem to have a clue on how to do it. I have tried to merge two worlds, but how should three worlds, and three worlds with the same origin, be merged?"

Zhao Chen glanced across the three worlds and muttered to himself, but he did not notice that a small black dot appeared under the pale white light of the Holy Ruins world.

In fact, this black spot is the mysterious woman who appeared here once before, holding a brush as tall as a person, poking and drawing on the outer wall of the Holy Ruins World.

"Well, there seems to be nothing wrong with these three little guys. They are just a little more active than before. It's not a bad thing. Come on, come on, I'll give you a mark, hey!"

With a sweet shout as the conclusion, under the stroke of the brush, mysterious lines appeared on the outer wall of the Holy Ruins world.

At the same time, as the mysterious lines appeared, a weak wave spread, but it was quickly eliminated by the erosion of the dimensional sea.

There is no way, unless it is blessed with special power, the sea of ​​dimensions can corrode anything.

Because he was relatively close, Zhao Chen could still sense the wave before it was completely eroded.

"This is"

Zhao Chen, who noticed something strange, immediately turned into a golden stream of light and flew over. With his current cultivation level, he could move somewhat quickly.

Unfortunately, when he got there, he only saw the dim light and outer walls of the Holy Ruins World, and nothing else.

Zhao Chen frowned: "Illusion? Or is it a problem with the world? Or..."

On the other side of the world, the mysterious woman put her brush behind her back and disappeared into the darkness of the dimensional sea with a smile.

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