Multiverse Dimensional Shop

Chapter 831: Familiar and Strange Existences, Collection of Celebration Activities (Revision)

Somewhere in the dimensional sea.

This was originally the counterpoint of the "transcendent space", but after its complete collapse, all that was left was the suppressive seal composed of the power of balance, and the strange black substance that was about to swallow the seal together.

Based on the collapsed transcendent space, these strange black substances spread outward a little, and suddenly occupied part of the dimensional sea.

Although after reaching a certain range, there is no further spread.

But as time goes by, the sense of dissonance and rejection becomes stronger and stronger, causing a certain dislocation in the surrounding space and time.

There is a feeling as if this area no longer belongs to the dimensional sea.

At the same time, within these strange black substances, countless overlapping yet distinct vitalities began to emerge, as if countless lives were being given birth to at the same time.

If according to the normal progress, if these weak vitality are to reach a level sufficient to manifest in the world, it will take at least more than a month to develop.

However, after the "original seed" completed the fruiting process from "seed" to "seedling", some subtle synchronized reactions also appeared in these strange black substances.

This is easy to understand, because the black matter swallowed up the previous original ancient tree, which was the complete form of the "Primary Seed".

It is also normal for there to be some entrustment between the previous one and the next one.

"Yuanchu\u0026 @kai* # must be stopped"

The overlapping sound mixed with countless languages ​​​​rang dullly inside the black material, and as the sound fell, the originally massive vitality began to weaken. Although it was not completely wiped out, it returned to the original starting point.

While most of the vitality is weakening, six strands of vitality are blooming with different fireworks, increasing the [height] and [intensity] of the vitality at an unimaginable speed.

At the expense of the growth progress of other organisms, the existence of six pioneers will be manifested in advance.

Perhaps a wise decision.

But who knows about this kind of thing?

There is no need for collective progress, but to promote individual development alone. With the current black material reserves, it is completely possible.

Therefore, six "cocoons" of different heights soon appeared on these black substances. The rich vitality coming from the cocoons showed that they all met the standards of the manifest world.

The next second, six different forces burst out from the cocoon and burst out.

"Is it another turn for destruction? It seems that this time I manifested first, bringing the initial fear. I wonder if there are still a few of those self-proclaimed guardians left in the world who can stop them. Live in my flame!"

Walking out of the second cocoon on the left, a girl with black hair and red eyes wearing a black Hokage robe looked up at the sky at a pure 45-degree angle, no, at the sea of ​​dimensions, and uttered incomparable words.


Then she was hit on the head with a stick behind her. Although it didn't hurt, she still pretended to roll on the black substance, trying to touch the porcelain.

"Ah, I was injured. I need half of my vitality to recover!"

The one who made the move was the young man who walked away from the first cocoon on the left. He seemed to be quite familiar with the girl. After knocking her head, he simply ignored her touching words and turned to look at the other four people.

"It seems to be a 4+2 combination of old and new, but from the same origin, you should all know where you come from and why you are reborn here, right? Then I don't need to explain anything more. Let me explain our birth again. the goal of."

"We belong to the vanguard force. In addition to finding the whereabouts of the First Seed, the most important thing is development. We try our best to destroy or despair the world and collect enough 'negative energy' to allow other brothers and sisters to recover."

"As for our own will, after transforming the entire dimensional sea, we will naturally have the opportunity to achieve it, so everyone, start taking action!"

The young man holding the stick showed a big smile and gave a thumbs up to the four people in front of him.

Unfortunately, no one responded to him.

smile gradually disappears

"Hey, hey, what are you doing! Didn't you see senior here?"

The other four people who came out of the cocoon directly ignored the young man's words and were just thinking about something on their own.

But soon, the youngest-looking one among them spoke.

"It's a pity that I couldn't finish the last test, and I couldn't see the picture of all parallel worlds being led to a common future. But I didn't expect that I would survive one day, even though it was in such an inhuman way. "

"Can I meet you? My name is Gao Ying, and I am a candidate."

"Fang Zheng." The young man first on the right looked a little gloomy.

The man standing next to Fang Zheng had an unpredictable personality, but he also looked like a young man. He took over the topic: "Chen Jian, was once a chief."

The young man in ancient costume in black robes followed immediately: "Zhang Yunsu, the martial arts novelist and the leader of the Tai Chi Sect, somehow disappeared with his life and the world. I just want to find out the reason!"

Someone took the initiative to open up the situation. The young man holding the stick immediately coughed and said: "My name is Sun Wukong. I am the reincarnation of a hair of the Great Sage. The world I lived in was blown up by the Harmony Bomb during my lifetime. I have experienced four resurrections."

Then, he picked up the girl who was rolling on the black substance.

"This guy's name is Uzumaki Leng Yu. She comes from a parallel world of Naruto that was also blown up by the Harmony Bomb. Although she doesn't want to admit it, she has been resurrected six times, and one of them almost blew up the Eternal World. She is considered a veteran."

After being praised like this, the girl, oh no, Uzumaki Leng Yu, immediately raised her tail to the sky.

"Humph, I'm not an ordinary time traveler. I'm the fifth generation Hokage, a unique blood escape ninja, and the supreme Amaterasu God! Hahaha~~ Cough cough cough cough, I'm sorry to choke."

Throwing this embarrassing thing aside with an immortal grasp, the young man who claimed to be Sun Wukong looked at the four people in front of him, his expression serious.

"Okay, we can't waste any more time. It takes a lot of time to travel through the sea of ​​dimensions. Let's set off quickly. Otherwise, when the original seed fully grows, we will have to return to the never-ending darkness. ."

After saying the last warning, he took a step to the side, and the space fluctuations took him to the distance.

The recovered Uzumaki Lengyu also temporarily blocked the funny mode and said seriously: "As a senior, I give you one last piece of advice. We are all a collection of things that are rejected in this world, and death is not our end. !”

After all, she also followed the spatial fluctuations to the distance, but in a different direction from the young Sun Wukong.

The four advance teams who can be called "newcomers" who are still standing on the black matter naturally have basic information in their minds, and they can also understand the meaning of Uzumaki Lengyu's words.

So, in the next few minutes, they left the area one by one.

Relying on the spatial fluctuations of the dimensional sea is an ability that all beings born from black matter must master, along with "world pollution" and "endless devouring".

In other words, they are the destroyers of all the heavens and realms in the dimensional sea!

Of course, only six are still on their way.

The remaining ones in the black matter were all knocked back to their original state due to excessive consumption of vitality. Without external help, it would take another three to five months before a new batch of Destroyers would be born.

However, judging from the capabilities of the advance team, it may not take that long.

daily dividing line

Dimensional store, shopkeeper’s office area.


As a sudden ringtone rang, Zhao Chen, who was addicted to posting and laning, immediately came to his senses and immediately logged out of the small account and replaced it with his own large account.

There is no way, for things like fighting people and laning, it is more convenient and more enjoyable to play on the alt account.

Otherwise, once the shop owner comes out with a big number, which customer will dare to say something sarcastic?

Back to the topic, Zhao Chen, who changed into the owner's size, posted a "Anniversary Celebration Activities Collection Theme Post" on the public forum of the internal beta network.

"Theme: Dimension Store Anniversary Celebration Activities Collection"

"Content: This post has a reply limit. Only the 1,000 selected customers can reply with their own activity ideas. If it deviates from the restricted content of this post, it can be regarded as a fake post and the account will be banned directly. At the same time, all internal test network logins Anyone who logs in can like it, and each logged-in person can only cast one vote."

"Time: ninety-six hours store standard time"

"Result: The activity ideas with the top ten likes can be listed as the Dimension Store's anniversary celebration."

"Note: The person who proposes the event will also receive a mysterious gift."

With the release of this new post, it was quickly pinned to the top.

Almost instantly, a large number of customers who logged in to the internal test network went crazy, and then spread to the entire Dimensional Plaza and street market.

"Really or not, is this anniversary celebration going to be based on what we, the customers, think? Is it possible that some bold person is pretending to be a store owner and posting a phishing post? Want to trick people into getting replies and upgrades?"

"It's not fake. I've seen that post. It was indeed posted by the shop owner himself. The post is pinned to the top, and no one can reply at the moment. No one else except the shop owner should have this authority."

"I really don't know those people will win the permission to reply to the post. I seem to be designing a gold-making activity. Seven-star products are really expensive!!!"


Research Market, Kayaba Akihiko's personal research laboratory.

After reading this post, Kayaba Akihiko sighed, with a bit of resentment in his eyes.

〖Obviously, I was the one who drafted the previous activities〗

"It seems that the shop owner doesn't need to squeeze my value anymore. He just feels a sense of inexplicable regret. But fortunately, I also have the opportunity to reply. So what kind of celebration event should I design? Let me think about it."

Kayaba Akihiko fell into thinking

At the same time, next to him in the "God's Talent Laboratory".

Tan Lidou, who has suffered countless blows, is still fighting wits and courage with the basic rules of the dimensional store today, vowing to develop the power to leave the store and return to his own world.

"Huh? Anniversary celebration activity solicitation? Of course, I, the Tanli God of War, must be in control. I will launch a rebellious holy war against the dimensional store, a game with the store owner as the final boss, and then take this opportunity to collect more data. Finally hahaha!”

Despite being brought into the store early, Tan Lidou still became the president of Yanyi.

Following his train of thought, an activity plan to "defeat the shopkeeper" quickly took shape and was posted to the thread.


Yui, the world administrator in charge of reviewing posts, saw Tan Lidou's post. After a moment of silence, he chose to kill the activity plan in the name of "violating the internal beta network security law."

She then continued to review the posts below and posted qualified responses.

On the other side, Dimensional Plaza.

Many customers who have obtained the permission to reply are also racing against time to design activity plans.

Some customers only care about themselves and think this is a good opportunity to make money. The activities designed are purely self-interested plans. Even if they are approved, few will vote in favor.

Of course, these are only a very small number of customers.

There are customers who care about all sentient beings and have designed a plan that takes into account the interests of most customers, but they are not recognized by many people among the many replies.

Some customers also designed a relatively complete plan based on the four words "Anniversary Celebration" and combined it with the experience of the last store celebration and many collective activities, which was recognized by a considerable number of customers.

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