Musashi of the Elves

Vol 3 Chapter 11: Opening Ceremony

   509 bedroom three people, because they were too late to have breakfast, they went to the canteen on the way to the playground, each bought a sandwich with different flavors, and ate them as they walked.

   "Uh (we)...Should I enter the first team directly? Or..."

   "Don't talk while eating."

   "Hi hi~"

   "Should go directly to the first class queue. After all, Musashi is a new transfer student, and you passed the first class assessment, so the first class line should be correct."

   "Then I will listen to you."

   Musashi is just a little Mengxin. As for the current topic, he doesn't have the right to speak, as long as he listens carefully.

   Hmm~ The orange and orange fruit sandwich is so delicious, huh!

   Haruna is Musashi’s second roommate. Her full name is Amano Haruna. She is a shrine maiden, but she has nothing to do with the Garden Shrine. She belongs to the Fengyuan area, Yinyu City.

   In the sea of ​​natural trees in Yinyu City, rain is a common occurrence, or it happens almost every day.

   In order to get sunny days, people's custom of worshiping the weather gradually evolved, and then there was a deity that was clearly worshipped: the sacred seat.

   Then the shrine came into being and the witches also prospered, and created a new profession of witches: the weather witches.

They offered sacrifices to the Separation Seat and prayed for him to bring a clear sky to Yinyu City, until the Separation Seat personally gave a floating bubble, a divine envoy that could slightly overwhelm the weather, and the status of the Weather Witch became even higher. .

   The witch uses weather skills by taming floating bubbles to slightly change sunny and rainy days, bringing good news to the citizens of Yinyu City.

   But with the continuous advancement of technology, floating bubbles are no longer the exclusive Pokémon of the Weather Miko, their status has plummeted...

  Yangcai came to Happy Town to enter the Geely Egg Nurses Academy. She followed the instructions of the previous witches and went out to learn better knowledge, so as to improve their knowledge of the weather witches, and resolve the crisis of status decline caused by the lack of gods.

There are five other maidens like Yangna who go out to study in the weather. They are located in universities around the world. The six little maidens selected by the previous maidens were almost thoughtless in order to prevent someone from dying halfway or unable to resist. The temptation of the outside world is not coming back.

   As long as there is a little maiden who succeeds in school and returns to Yinyu City safely, then the plan of the previous generation of maiden will succeed.

   passed on from generation to generation, even if their fascination dissipates, their weather witches can become an indispensable force in Yinyu City, and they will no longer be the object of being suppressed and ignored.

   By the way, Yangna is two years older than Musashi, and the same age as Yoshimi, but Yoshimi is a bit before the exam in the month. But in the 509 bedroom, Yoshimi is the one who has been taken care of the most. Yangna's role is the confidant sister. Now that there is more Musashi, Yangna's status remains the same, but Yoshimei's ranking has risen by one level, ranking second. , Musashi ranked third.

   dormitory culture, on the first day of meeting, after understanding each other's basic information, they will naturally be divided into a ranking. People from the same place, with the same hobbies, and experience can all become the cornerstones of their friendship.

   Like the 509 bedroom, the three of them come from different places, nurturing Pokémon with different attributes.

   But it's also a coincidence that Musashi has had the experience of a maiden and shares the same topic with Yang Na. I spent two days with Jigme and had a simple emotional foundation, while Jigme and Yangcai lived together for a little half a year and knew each other's personalities.

   So it seems that the three of them will get along very well together.

   The three people passed through the crowd in twos and threes and successfully arrived at the playground. The upper grades are in the middle, the middle grades are on the left, and the lower grades are on the right.

   The middle and lower grades are all close to the upper grades, so they are slightly closer to the podium.

   But the distance from the podium is really irrelevant to most students.

   Because no one wants to listen to the long talks of the principal, school directors, school leaders, and the chairman of the student union.

   The three of Musashi followed Yangna to find the head teacher of the middle grade class 1. After confirming their position, the three of them stood in line and waited for the speech to begin.

   After about ten minutes, the student team did not change, and the time moved forward to nine o'clock on time. As the school song sounded, the leaders headed by the principal appeared one by one and sat in their respective chairs.

   The principal of Geely Egg Nursing College, Joey Qingxue got up and looked around at the students and future pillars of the Nursing College after the singing ended, nodded and started to give a speech.

   "Students, I am the principal of Geely Egg Nursing College, Joey Qingxue, you must all know me.

   At the opening ceremony, I simply said two things.

   The first thing: It’s about the seniors in the next half semester, please be sure to study hard. This is because after you graduate, whether you have enough strength to obtain the diploma issued by the school and the certificate issued by the alliance, as well as the opportunity to enter the wizard center under the jurisdiction of the alliance and the major hospitals in various cities.

   Even if the ambition is not here, if you want to be a free Pokémon trainer, then you need to study hard.

  Because the graduation certificate issued by the college is equivalent to the vocational trainer qualification certificate issued by the alliance, there is a policy of exemption and discount in the wizard center and friendly shops.

   Say everything here, I hope you will have good results. "

   "The second thing is that a new teacher has arrived in our college. Let us welcome this new teacher with warm applause."

   Joey Haruyuki stepped aside and gave the stage to Yin Gu.

   Yin Gu was stunned, because there was no such link when he was told.

   But now is not the time to be stunned, he gave a light cough, walked to the microphone, adjusted the height of the microphone and said.

   "Hello everyone, I am the new teacher that your principal speaks of. My name is Simu Yingu. The course I teach is an elective course Herbology. If you are interested, you can come and listen.

   Yin Gu returned after speaking.

  "It seems that our teacher Yingu is a little bit shy. Although he only teaches herbal medicine, he has quite a high level of medical skills, so here is the opportunity. Whether you can grasp it is up to you.

   I'm going down, you can applaud. "

   Qingxue finally said The originally beautiful face was loved by the teachers and students. This loving interaction made the students excited and thunderous applause.

   "Our principal is still so energetic. Since her Yuzhu only talked about two points before, I won't have more than two points here, about..."


Now the speaker on the stage is the school’s largest director Joey Zuo Kazuko. She is an older Joey. Although her hair is still pink, she does not have a bright texture. The cheek lines are constantly proclaiming her truth. age.

   She is the current patriarch of the Joey family in the Kanto region and the mother of Joey Haruyuki.

   Without the support of Joey Zuo and Zi, it would be impossible for Joey Haruyuki to build such a large academy in just five years. And it can also catch up with and deal with the Elf League, allowing students to get a through train to enter the league after graduation.

   Chief Joey finished speaking, and another Joey continued to stand up. This Joey is one of the school directors and the dean of the college. She is a stern-faced Joey. Even with glasses and a plump body as modifiers, she still can’t hide the sternness. The content of her speech is the same as her expression, nothing more than the same rules and regulations, college regulations, and crimes What kind of punishment will you be punished if you make a mistake?

Leaders one after another, and finally it’s the turn of the student council president to speak. This is not Joey, but an ordinary and unusual girl. She said it was ordinary because she looks so ordinary. You may not want to throw it in the crowd. Find out what she looked like and find her.

   is unusual because of her status as the president of the student union and the disciple of the principal Joey Haruyuki, a person who was favored by Joey Haruyuki as a commoner and accepted as a disciple, showing her talent.

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