My 1995 Small Farm

Chapter 226: scandal

   Chapter 226 The scandal

   Sent these three families away, and the days of Chen Ling's own family returned to their previous calm.

   Every day, I either walk slowly from the home to the farm, or from the farm slowly back home.

  Anyway, apart from the fact that my daughter-in-law is going to have a baby recently, there is nothing particularly important.

Wang Susu's physical fitness is far superior to that of ordinary pregnant women. She has been pregnant for more than eight months and has never had any adverse reactions. She is taken care of at home by Gao Xiulan. she.

   Therefore, Chen Ling and Wang Cunye Weng and their son-in-law still have time to go to the county seat, go to the village to go to the market, and sell eggs and duck eggs.

Now the laying hens at home are raised by Chen Ling's family, brought by Wang Zhenzhen, and bought from Erwazi's chicken farm in the village some time ago. There are almost 80 chickens in total. That guy can lay eggs every day. Pick up more than half a basket.

   In addition, there are a lot of duck eggs.

   If you can’t save for a few days like this, it’s time to sell it, and the family can’t keep it at all.

   Although there will still be people in the county town to buy them, but that’s how much they can buy. Two days’ worth of eggs is enough for them to share, while the chickens of Chen Ling’s family are still laying eggs, so they can only go to the market and pull them into the county town market.

   As for the village, he and Wang Cunye also went to the village twice, but they didn't go back because the price couldn't sell.

   This year's prices are much higher than in previous years.

   Although it cannot be compared with the high prices after the flood last year, it can be felt in all aspects of grain, grain and oil, and meat.

Last year, due to the shortage of grain and oil, peanuts and soybeans, as the main oil-pressing crops, soared to over 3 yuan per catty. Two hairs higher.

   The normal price of pork last year was 25 yuan per catty, but this year it has remained at around 38 to 4 yuan.

   And the eggs have risen even more, from 2.3 to 2.5 per catty last year, to 3.1 and 3.2 this year.

  Chen Ling pulled the eggs to the market and sold them at three yuan and five people.

  My dear, egg prices are catching up with pork?

   This is no coincidence.

   But because the price of meat was too high last year, so many pigs and sheep are raised this year, but the number of chickens is greatly reduced.

  Many breeding factories even sold chickens and ducks in large batches a few years ago and replaced them with piglets.

   Since then, there are fewer eggs on the market, and the price naturally increases.

  According to the daily egg production of Chen Ling's family, there are 80 eggs on average every day, excluding the usual household food.

  Because the size of the eggs is large, the local eggs are comparable to the foreign eggs. If you count eight eggs per catty, this is at least ten catties of eggs per day.

  I go to a fair every five days, and I sell more than 50 catties of eggs at a price of three yuan and five. If I go to the market six times a month to sell eggs, I have an income of one thousand two to three hundred yuan.

   It doesn’t sound like much, but now the maximum for major workers in the county is only 20 yuan per day, and the small workers are only 10 yuan. Chen Ling’s income is half higher than that of major workers.

  If it takes some time for the chicks and ducks to grow up completely, they will at least double.

  Wang Cunye was worried that his son-in-law's farm would lose money, but recently he made the calculations in private. If he is safe, just selling eggs, ducks and eggs, the gross profit for a year can be recovered.

When    was surprised, the old man became more and more interested in the farm.

   made many people in the village tease him.

   said that he worked so hard for his son-in-law, and his son-in-law would not give him money, and he would not be filial to him in the future.

  Wang Cunye was not annoyed, but he secretly laughed at these people who had narrow vision and did not know the abilities of their son-in-law.

Chen Ling didn't care about these things. After the chickens, ducks and geese got used to the environment, he released them all, letting them hunt for insects all over the mountains and plains, and sent two dogs to watch them. At night, they knocked on the pots or tin buckets. Call back once, and then take the dog around to pick up eggs.

   At other times he was very free, just tinkering with his fish on the farm.

   Now that the place is big, isn't it a tossing with joy?

   In addition, after a year, the scale of the fish in the cave is getting bigger and bigger, and it is a bit over-breeding.

   At the beginning of the year, he opened two more ponds in the woods, but he still couldn't meet the expansion rate of the fish. Now that there is a place, he simply stopped tossing in it and began to secretly release fish every day.

   In the past few days, the lotus ponds, water channels, and the small river ditch at the foot of the mountain were all filled with fry and half-big fish that he released.

   As for the big fish that are raised, very few are put out, and those are all offered to the family to eat every now and then.

  Like grass carp and herring, the fast-growing fish, after being placed in the cave, their size jumped up even more, and in just half a year, they could grow to ten pounds.

   The meat is also firm and delicious, without any muddy smell.

   After eating several times, my father-in-law and mother-in-law sighed repeatedly, saying that it is no wonder that Chen Ling cooks fish for her daughter every day, and her daughter is not tired of it.

  The fish meat is good, and there are many ways to make it.

   This is the big fish in the cave. While feeding them at home, they are still producing seeds and breeding small fish, which can be a good supplement for consumption.

  Put small fish and keep big fish.

   After a few days, the canals and ponds in the cave were empty.

  Chen Ling went into the cave and re-planned.

   Ordinary fish in one pond, ornamental fish in one pond, and rare fish such as trout and mullet in one pond.

   Of course, the individuals of the trout are too small, and now they can only be kept in one place alone, and cannot be raised together. Now I am trying to see what changes will occur after being placed in the cave, and whether they can be raised in a larger size.

   After planning, Chen Ling caught some small turtles and put them into the river ditch at the foot of the mountain.

  He wrapped the mountain, and the river and ditch naturally belonged to him. He could put whatever he wanted, and he was not afraid that people would know about it.

  Others, such as red eel, will not work.

   Except for the few he raised at home, he has not let go.

   Those big old turtles with garlic head are not good either.

  Chen Ling pondered, after this year, if there is no more strange movement in the reservoir, he will take the garlic and them to Lake Yamanaka, where the place is big, and they will not be shy when they stay.

   "Shush, shush..."

   In the morning, Wang Cunye kept sheep in the fruit forest, constantly driving away the birds that flew to the canal to steal the fry.

   This is to only put small fish, not to magnify the disadvantages of fish.

But the big fish is wild and ferocious, like a herring. It was like an old tortoise. It sank in the water and didn't like to move, but the herring raised in the cave was very fierce. Get out on the water to eat some birds that come to drink.

   If this is released, the smaller bird is really not its opponent.

  It is also a hassle to be seen.

   "Why don't you bring the Harrier here, there are more and more thieves who come to steal fish and eat."

   Wang Cunye said.

   "The Harrier can't bring it here, and now I'm busy flying around looking for a companion."

  Chen Ling was picking up eggs and duck eggs with the dog. Hearing this, he smiled at his father-in-law: "I'll go and tie the sticky bird net again."

   Actually, eating small fish is fine, because you don’t need too many small fish.

   Recently, even magpies and old squirrels often fly over and eat small fish by the canal. When people come over, they have slipped up and flew away in the air.

   This is because of the attractiveness of the fish fry in Dongtian, and also because Chen Ling pours buckets of Dongtian spirit water in lotus ponds and mountain streams all day long.

Now two canals surround the farm and flow all over the orchard. Pour a few buckets of spiritual water in the stream at the foot of the mountain. The diluted spiritual water will flow everywhere in the orchard along with the canal. The barren land brings vitality, and weeds and shrubs grow rapidly.

   Therefore, it is normal to attract a lot of birds and beasts.

   It's fine to eat fish and drink water, as long as it doesn't harm eggs and duck eggs. You must know that magpies and old squirrels are small experts at stealing eggs and meat. Now the little fish can feed them, so why not steal eggs.

   In fact, this is also because the price of fish is now low, the traffic is not good, and no one comes to collect it. If the fish can be sold, let alone the use of sticky bird nets, Chen Ling would have already opened fire with a gun.

   But since he couldn't sell for money like this, Wang Cunye was still a little distressed, "Give me your slingshot this afternoon, I'll get angry when I see these thieves."


  Chen Ling smiled and continued to pick up eggs with two dogs.

   When he walked to the small river ditch at the foot of the mountain, because he put fish in it, there were more water birds, such as wild ducks, water hyacinth, and railroad chickens, on the water surface foraging and playing.

   When someone came over, the wild duck flew up immediately, the water hyacinth dived into the water, and the chicken ran away quickly, and the water surface squeaked.

  The frogs in the grass by the river also thumped into the river.

   It’s just that this small river ditch is still a little turbid and not clear enough. When you get closer, you can see the green water plants swaying under the water through the green water surface, and the small fish and shrimps will flicker in the grass from time to time.

  Suddenly, his eyes stopped, staring at a place and slowly opening his eyes, "My dear, the duck eggs have fallen into the water."

   The bottom of the Xiaohe ditch is lush with water plants, and several duck eggs are hidden among the water plants. There is a dense layer of small fish fry around the duck eggs, gnawing on the eggshells.

   After Chen Ling opened the water plants, these little fry scattered in a hurry.

   Chickens and ducks are free-range to save food, but this is not good. Eggs are laid everywhere, all kinds of horns, and I don’t know what they think.

   This duck is also, I don’t know whether it was laid on the shore and slipped into the water, or it was an egg laid while playing with the water.

   Pick them up one by one and put them in the basket.

  Chen Ling continued to take the dog and asked the dog to help find it, otherwise he would find it by himself, and he would definitely not be able to find it completely, and he would miss too much.

   After finding the eggs and ducks, he picked up his **** and went to the vegetable garden and the wheat field to weed, and the bad ears of the wheat field had to be pulled out.

   After finishing all this work, I will give the watermelon the head of the melon seedlings, and put the cattle.

   At night, he knocked on the basin and called the chickens, ducks and geese back.

   I've had the dogs help drive them away a few times, and they're all used to it. They know it's calling them to go home.

  When the sun goes down, Chen Ling stands outside the orchard and knocks with an iron basin "bang bang bang".

In the woods on the mountain, in the grass at the foot of the mountain, and in the rapeseed fields, chickens and ducks, big and small, gather in flocks to run towards the orchard. Under the leadership, he staggered and ran fast.

   Entering the fruit forest, these guys are not honest, they play with water along the canal and swim to their respective nests.

   And there are a few pheasants mixed in the chicks, and they are also pecking at the snail shells on the edge of the water channel from time to time.

   In the end, he was driven away by the dog barking several times before he returned to the den honestly.


   The days passed peacefully like this, but in the last few days of the fourth month of the lunar calendar, Chen Ling's leisurely days were broken again. It was the matter of Wang Lixian's family.

   His family hadn't come home for several years, but Sannier, who had no news, actually came back.

   And he didn't come back alone, he also brought a young boy in his twenties.

  The unmarried big girl actually led the young man outside home.

   It's amazing that this kind of thing happens these days.

   Soon, the whole village knew that the third daughter of Wang Lixian's family was out there, and there was a lot of commotion.

  I live with people outside before getting married, I have had several abortions, and I can say anything.

   After this incident, Wang Lixian didn't know what his mood was, but it is said that Liu Yuzhi fainted from crying that day, and Aunt Wang also had tears in her eyes, pointing at Sannier and scolding her out of breath.

   "Li Xian is such a good man, why do you think you have such a **** the stall?"

   During breakfast, Wang Cunye beat his legs and sighed.

   "That girl is a worry."

Chen Ling shook his head, Sannier also played with his butt, that wild girl was very fierce, and boys older than her dared not provoke her. At that time, everyone was young and ignorant, and there were boys. Calling her mother dumb, Sannier almost bit her ear off.

   The parents came to the door, but she also smashed the forehead full of blood with a stone.

   Anyone who saw this girl would say that her temper was not like someone from Wang Lixian's family.

   When he grew up, he was really disobedient. He ran away from home early, and said that he would never come back.

   I didn't expect this to happen again after a few years.

"I heard that she brought a boy six years older than her back. Sannier met while working outside. People in the village said that this boy looked like a goblin, with oily hair and pink noodles, and wearing earrings, but it didn't look like that. Serious people." Gao Xiulan also said.

   She recently got mixed up with the women in the village, and she is very well informed.

   "Who said no, males are not males, females are not females, and they don't look like a family man. How can such a young boy be able to support a family?" Wang Cunye sighed again.

   "But this humiliating and unhappy girl just likes that. She has to marry someone else, and Li Xian's old lady almost made her angry."

   Although it was someone else's business, Gao Xiulan became more and more angry.

   "If something like this happens, Li Xian is also difficult to deal with. Lingzi, you should come and have a look. Call Jusheng, and the two of you will go together."

  Wang Cunye looked at Chen Ling and said.

   Although this is troublesome, but with the relationship between the son-in-law and the Lixian family, how can we ignore it? If you are in trouble, hide, then simply don't come and go, and the village will talk about her son-in-law being ignorant.

   "Well, I was talking about going over there and taking a look."

  Chen Ling came to the farm last night and replaced Wang Cunye. He never thought he would hear about Wang Lixian's family as soon as he came back.

   "Eat first, then go after breakfast."

   Wang Susu and Gao Xiulan reached out to stop him.

   said that he was stopping him from eating, but he took the opportunity to explain that he would not be impulsive to hit people when he encountered a fire in the future. In the morning, he would talk about it in the village.

   (end of this chapter)

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