My Age of Investment

One thousand five hundred and fifty-two, proxy war

【My investment era】 【】

After Andrew Mason left with an unhappy expression, Xia Jingxing also returned home from get off work.

After a while, the car drove to the entrance of the courtyard house in Shichahai. Just as he was about to enter the gate, a man suddenly jumped out and stopped the car.

Xia Jingxing glanced through the car window and found that the person blocking the car was Huang Xin, so he lowered the car window, stuck his head out and asked, "What are you doing here?"

Huang Xin was wrapped in a thick down jacket, with his hands in his pockets, and said with a playful smile: "Waiting for you!"

"Is something wrong?"

Huang Xin nodded heavily.

"Get in the car!"

Huang Xin quickly opened the door and got in the car.

Xia Jingxing glanced at Huang Xin, whose face was red from the cold and sniffling constantly. He felt a little strange in his heart, so he asked, "How long have you been waiting?"

"Not long, just an hour or two."

"Why didn't you call me? Or you could just go into the courtyard and wait. There's someone at home."

"It's okay, didn't I wait for you?"

Xia Jingxing felt that there must be a monster when something went wrong. Huang Xin ran to the door of his house and crouched down. He was still so cold and pitiful. Did he have something to ask of him?

Thinking of this, Xia Jingxing asked, "Tell me, what trouble did you encounter?"

Huang Xin smiled and said, "It's okay, I just want to chat with you."

"You want to chat with me? Thousands of group buying websites have become a mess. Do you want to chat with me when you have time?"

Xia Jingxing looked at Huang Xin with a gentle smile, "Hurry up, tell me, what is going on?"

Huang Xin looked embarrassed, opening his mouth for a while and sighing for a while.

At this time, the car had already driven into the garage in the courtyard. Seeing Huang Xin's appearance, Xia Jingxing didn't continue to ask questions, and got out of the car quickly, and Huang Xin followed suit.

As soon as the two of them passed through the yard in front, Xia Jingxing heard his son's loud cry.

Not caring about chatting with Huang Xin, Xia Jingxing trotted all the way into the house. As soon as he entered the house, he saw Shen Xinyi holding her son and coaxing him there.

"What's wrong?"

"You must be hungry."

"Come on, let me hold you while you go get the milk powder."

Just as Xia Jingxing was about to stretch out his hand, Shen Xinyi scolded him, "You forgot again, you have to wash your hands first."

"Look at my memory."

Xia Jingxing smiled and washed his hands, then wiped the water off his hands, and then he held the crying child in his arms.

Huang Xin watched Xia Jingxing carefully coaxing the child and couldn't help but smile: "I didn't expect you to have such a side?"

"You'll understand when you become a father. Oh, by the way, why aren't you getting married yet? Don't your family urge you to get married?"

"Urgent, why don't you? Our cement factory with an annual output of tens of millions of tons is still waiting for someone to inherit it."

Xia Jingxing sneered and asked, "Isn't it an annual output of two million tons?"

"You, Mr. Xia, are only allowed to improve the Forbes ranking every year, but are you not allowed to expand the production of my cement factory?"

"Oh, then you are under a lot of pressure to start a business!"

"Stop teasing me, I'm really in a dilemma now! I have a family and a career, but I haven't done anything well. It's not as good as your family with children and grandchildren."

Xia Jingxing secretly glanced outside the house and saw that Shen Xinyi hadn't come back yet. Then he said to Huang Xin with some displeasure, "Shut up and stop prying into other people's family affairs!"

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【My investment era】 【】

Huang Xin pursed his lips and smiled, stopped bickering with Xia Jingxing, and began to talk about his own problems.

“Meituan’s development is too slow. No matter how we catch up, key operating indicators such as the number of city sites, order volume, and user volume lag behind Lashou, Wowo Tuan, and Manzu. They can’t even compete with, which was established after us. !”

Speaking of this, Huang Xin no longer had any smile on his face, and said very seriously: "If this continues, Meituan may be submerged in the wave of group buying entrepreneurship."

Xia Jingxing did not go to see Huang Xin, but concentrated on coaxing the child. After a long time, he quietly replied: "Chen Yizhou, you can't do it?"

"How can I beat him? Chen Yizhou is much better at finding money than me. I heard that he recently hugged a thick leg again."

"Thick legs? How thick are they?"

"Not as thick as you, but not bad either."


"Robin Lee!"

A smile gradually appeared on the corner of Huang Xin's mouth, "The group buying business has not yet fully taken off, and we have started to form teams and divide into factions."

Xia Jingxing finally looked away from his son and towards Huang Xin. Just as he was about to ask, Shen Xinyi came into the room holding the milk bottle, "Give Zeran a hug so you can talk."

Xia Jingxing handed the child to Shen Xinyi, and then sat down next to Huang Xin.

"Tell me, what do you want to do?"

Huang Xin did not answer immediately. After looking at Xia Jingxing, he let out a long breath and said, "Jack is looking for me!"

Xia Jingxing's eyelids suddenly twitched. This old horse is not very particular about his food. Rabbits don't even eat the grass around their nests. He is good at poaching his fellow disciples.

"When did you get along?"

Huang Xin was drinking tea and almost choked at these words. He quickly put down the tea cup and said: "Darren, let me make it clear first that I am always with you!

The reason why I agreed to contact Ahri was entirely because... I was forced by the situation! "

Xia Jingxing nodded lightly. He finally knew what Huang Xin was here for. He asked in a nonchalant tone, "What benefits did Jack Ma promise you?"

Huang Xin did not hide anything and explained everything in detail.

"... Jack Ma said that he could shut down, direct all traffic from Taobao and Alipay to Meituan, and then give us US$50 million."

Xia Jingxing smiled and said, "The conditions are good. Do you agree?"

"Aren't I here to ask for your opinion?"

Xia Jingxing turned his head, looked straight at Huang Xin, and suddenly smiled and said: "Stop beating around the bush with me and tell me what you really think.

I am not the kind of person who messes around, and Jack Ma is not an outsider. We are all our own people. "

Huang Xin smiled slightly and said, "I think so too. The wealth does not go to outsiders. Ahri is also a long-term enterprise. Cooperating with them is not considered as an enemy."

"Who is the enemy?"

Huang Xin glanced at Xia Jingxing, who was asking questions, and said with a smile, "Everyone who is not a visionary is an enemy."

"The scope of your enemy is too broad. According to your method of classification, wouldn't I be the enemy of the whole world?"

Huang Xin smiled and said nothing. This view was not his original idea, but was put forward by other people in the industry.

Vision Capital has a presence in every segment of the Internet, and the companies it invests in are all very successful. It is like a dark cloud floating over the Chinese Internet, causing some people to shout the slogan - What is Vision? No capital investment?

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【My investment era】 【】

Again, this sentence touches too many people's cheeses. Everyone is just angry and dare not say anything about the powerful Vision Capital, because Sequoia and IDG who dared to take action have been severely punished.

The venture capital industry does not dare to comment on the "ruthless and domineering" Vision Capital, but only startups that have been suppressed by Vision Capital dare to complain a few words.

Huang Xin smiled and said: “Now the industry is very wary of, or in other words, resistant to companies that have received investment from Vision Capital.

Vision Capital is like a magnet that tightly attracts a large number of high-quality companies together, and then the attracted companies can exchange resources with each other. This, to a certain extent, squeezes the living space of other startups. "

Xia Jingxing spread his hands and said, "So, if you do it too well, it is also something that is... not welcomed by others?"

"It's normal. If you don't make people jealous, you are mediocre!"

"What you mean is that you want Meituan to accept Ahri's investment, gain access to Ahri's resources, and at the same time wash away the long-term label on it, and then reduce the hostility of other group buying websites towards Meituan?"

Huang Xin said unhappily: "Darren, you are looking through the cracks in the door."

"Haha, I was just joking."

Xia Jingxing gradually put away the smile on his face and said seriously: "Do you have to accept Ahri's investment?"

Huang Xin nodded and said: "Yes, only with the full help of a giant can we move from the second echelon to the first echelon in the industry."

“You’re still blaming me for diverting overseas holding traffic to Dianping.”

"I don't, Darren, don't think nonsense, I really just want Meituan to develop better.

To put it another way, even if Meituan accepts Ali’s investment, wouldn’t Vision Capital still be one of the major shareholders? "

Xia Jingxing didn't say anything. Looking at Huang Xin's appearance, he must have decided to defect to Ah Li. The reason why he came to seek his opinion was because of their friendship? Or does it respect the strength of Vision Capital?

After thinking for a moment, Xia Jingxing replied: "Okay, since you have reached an agreement with Jack Ma, then you can accept his investment. I have no objection."

"Dylan, I really don't mean anything else."

Huang Xin seemed to want to defend a few more words, but Xia Jingxing waved his hand and interrupted, "It's okay, I understand. Development comes first. If the company is successful, it will be good for everyone."

Xia Jingxing really didn't mean to blame Huang Xin. What Jackma could give to Huang Xin, he really couldn't.

For example, the flow of overseas holdings has all led to Dianping, which received investment from Vision Capital earlier.

Dianping has raised four rounds of financing so far, and Vision Capital has invested in three of them and currently holds 41.56% of the company's shares.

Zhang Tao also worked closely with Vision Capital. He never worried about Vision Capital grabbing work and power, and was determined to follow Xia Jingxing.

Compared with the "loyal" Zhang Tao, Huang Xin is a bit like a "rebellious boy".

But Xia Jingxing still understood Huang Xin's choice. is connected with Qianxun. Overseas Holdings has close cooperation with Dianping. The first-tier companies such as Wowotuan and are also developing rapidly. Meituan is the only one that no one cares about and no one loves. When Jack Ma comes to flatter Eyes, choosing to lean over is a perfectly normal choice.

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【My investment era】 【】

In addition, Huang Xin had a strong self-esteem and was ambitious at the same time. Xia Jingxing was worried about whether Ah Li could control the knife well.

Originally, he had three chess pieces in the group buying field, Meituan, Dianping and Jumei Youpin.

Now that Meituan and Ali have run away, and Jumei Youpin will soon transform into a vertical e-commerce company for cosmetics, Xia Jingxing no longer has so many worries and can just focus on supporting Dianping.

As for Meituan...

Xia Jingxing gave Huang Xin a meaningful look. He believed that soon Huang Xin would cry and come back to hug his lap.

For now, all the giants should start a proxy war to see who has the last laugh.

Chapter 1549 has been blocked. It seems that I can't write any plot about the fight between eagles and rabbits, and I can only focus on industrial development. This undoubtedly severely limits the imagination of urban business.

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