My Age of Investment

Three hundred and fifty four, American dream

"I don't think there's a single young person in America who doesn't know about Facebook, who doesn't know about YouTube.

The birth of these two websites has changed the lives of many people.

Through Facebook, you can learn about the latest trends of your friends, who went on vacation, who had a big meal today, who is in a bad mood...

And there are countless videos on YouTube, they are classified according to channels, everyone can see the videos they like and are interested in..."

Bradley sat on a chair, facing the video camera, first made an opening speech, and then the camera turned to Xia Jingxing who was sitting opposite her.

Bradley went on to introduce, "Daren Xia was born in 1984 and grew up in Rongcheng City, Sichuan Province, western China. Three years ago, he received an offer from Stanford...

He arrived in the United States in July 2002, and co-founded Facebook with his roommate Heisaburo Kogu and an alumnus Christina who lived in the dormitory opposite him...

Darren, I'm curious, did you have any exposure to computer programming when you were in high school in China? After only coming to school for a month, I started a website. "

Xia Jingxing said indifferently: "China also has the Internet, and there are computer courses in junior high and high schools. This is because a great man said that "computers should start from babies."

At that time, I was obsessed with the Internet. After I got the offer from Stanford, I devoted myself to self-study computer courses for a period of time.

Because I heard that there are a lot of top students at Stanford, and I am afraid that I will fall behind too much after entering school. "

Bradley continued to ask along the written script: "Are all Chinese students so passionate about learning?"

Xia Jingxing smiled, "It's because we believe that 'knowledge can change destiny'."

Bradley nodded with a smile: "That's a good sentence, your current fate will be rewritten.

Facebook's valuation has reached 10 billion U.S. dollars, and you also have a net worth of 4 billion U.S. dollars. You may be listed on this year's Forbes rich list.

But I have a question, why did you choose to leave Facebook at this time? "

These are all commonplace questions, but Xia Jingxing can't really say it: such an important company, the US government doesn't want to let people of yellow race control it.

He said in a unified external caliber: "Facebook has already established its advantages in the social field,

Later, you only need to develop step by step...

Plus, I discovered a career I really enjoyed. "

Bradley pointed to the "Vision Capital" billboard marked in Chinese and English behind him, "Is that what you're talking about?"

Xia Jingxing nodded, "That's right, this is the second stop of my business."

"Prospect capital, why is it called this name?"

Knowing that it was time for the commercial, Xia Jingxing explained with a smile: "Prospect means possibility, hope, prospect, outlook, vision, chance of success, and future in English.

This name entrusts my original intention of investing, to bring hope and chance of success to entrepreneurs and invested companies.

And its Chinese name "Yuanjing" refers to the scenery in the distance, which is a metaphor for looking far enough to appreciate the most beautiful scenery. "

Bradley asked: "According to the meaning of Vision Capital's name, is this investment institution doing value investing?

A few days ago, I heard that you also visited Mr. Buffett. Do you also believe in value investing and long-termism? "

Xia Jingxing said with a smile: "Vision Capital currently has established three types of funds: hedge funds, VC funds, and PE funds.

Needless to say, VC will definitely accompany entrepreneurs to break through all the way until the day of success.

Our PE fund also operates differently from other companies. The simplest point is that there is no exit deadline for the fund. "

Bradley was surprised, "There is no exit deadline, so what do you give back to the investors?"

"Not setting an exit deadline doesn't mean we won't exit at all."

Xia Jingxing said with a smile: "This is actually a strategy to allow companies to make the most long-term plans, instead of sacrificing growth for short-term profits.

In this way, there is also a big advantage for the fund, which can exit at the most appropriate time. "

"What about your hedge fund?" Bradley continued.

"It is a stock-oriented hedge fund that insists on long-term long positions."

Bradley didn't ask any more questions about hedge funds, and Xia Jingxing didn't show the rate of return.

Because this program faces too many people, most of them are ordinary Americans, non-high-net-worth users, and random publicity will be punished.

Soon Bradley turned the topic back to Buffett.

Xia Jingxing said humorously: "That old man is very good at playing table tennis, I hope I can still be as strong as him when I am in my seventies.

Of course, his devotion to the investment business is worth pondering for every financial practitioner.

Although he didn't teach me anything, chatting with him also brought me a lot of career thinking. "

Bradley asked again: "Daren, when you started Facebook, did you think about how successful it will be in the future? What kind of height will it reach?"

"I thought about it!"

Xia Jingxing spread his hands and said, "We thought at the time that we must let all the students in Stanford become our users..."

Bradley laughed, this was specially arranged for the effect of the show.

They give Envision Capital a certain amount of advertising exposure, and Xia Jingxing also cooperates with them to make a good program.

She smiled and asked, "That is to say, in the beginning, you didn't expect the website to be so popular?"

Xia Jingxing shook his head, "I didn't expect it at all, but we saw that the website became more and more popular, and our confidence became stronger. We started to register companies and look for angel investment..."

"The American Dream was first proposed by European immigrants, who believed that they would have a better life by taking risks in the New World and through unremitting efforts.

At that time in the United States, the vast land was uninhabited and owned, and anyone who wanted to occupy it could invest and cultivate it.

But in the 21st century, many people have begun to question the American Dream.

But your appearance seems to meet several elements of the American Dream:

Provide opportunities for everyone to succeed;

Success depends on one's own talent and hard work, not on family background and background;

Everyone has equal rights, and everyone has faith and freedom.

What do you think of it? "

Bradley looked at Xia Jingxing with a smile on his face. She insisted on keeping this question. For this reason, she argued with Xia Jingxing for a long time.

A foreign student who studied in the United States for three years earned billions of dollars. Isn’t this a good example of promoting the American Dream?

Xia Jingxing had a plan in mind, and said slowly: "There is no shortcut to success, and the European immigrants who realized the American dream have also made great efforts and sacrifices.

Let’s talk about me, in order to start a business, I have sacrificed almost all social activities in the past three years, and I have also stopped my studies to focus on starting a business. "

"You mean encouraging dropouts to start businesses?" Bradley asked.

Xia Jingxing successfully diverted the topic, he didn't want to express any views on the American Dream, because too many words would lead to mistakes.

The beautiful side of the American dream belongs only to European immigrants, while the dark side is the massacre of Indians, the trafficking of black slaves, and the exhaustion of Chinese workers repairing railways...

After bringing the topic to dropping out of school, Xia Jingxing started to argue for a while.

The final conclusion is neither against nor support, you make your own choice in life.

Bradley also noticed at this time that the other party didn't seem to want to talk more about the American dream.

She was quite interesting, so she didn't answer the question after the topic was over, and asked a new question: "After you became a billionaire, has there been any change in your mentality?"

Xia Jingxing nodded, "A little bit, I have become more confident."

"What about material life?"

Xia Jingxing thought about it seriously, and said, "When I eat KFC, I dare to add two more chicken legs."

Bradley was very calm and smiled.

With a little humor, Xia Jingxing continued to add: "I'm serious, money is just a tool, and if you have money, don't be a slave to it.

Every day Mr. Buffett goes to work, he has to drive to the McDonald's at the door and buy a $3 hamburger for breakfast.

This kind of simple and unadorned life allows a person to maintain a rational heart instead of getting lost in materialistic desires.

The investment philosophy is the same, you need to keep a clear and rational mind at all times, and don't be blinded by short-term profits. "

Bradley went on to ask: "Has your family benefited from becoming a billionaire?"

Xia Jingxing shook his head, "No, they still go to work as before, contributing their value to the society."

Bradley ended the interview after asking a few more questions.

She declined Xia Jingxing's private banquet, and hurried back to New York with the team, wanting to edit the show as soon as possible.

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