My Age of Investment

Five hundred and ninety, star enterprise visit

The time came to March of 2006.

A brand-new luxury bus with the four characters of "Vision College" spray-painted was firmly parked downstairs in Lin'an Ali's headquarters.

The car door opened, and Xia Jingxing stepped down first.

He was wearing a black custom-made sweater with the ancient seal logo of Yuanjing College printed on the chest.

After him, more people got out of the car.

Yang Haoyong, Wang Wei, Li Xiang, Zhang Tao, Dai Zhikang...all wore uniform sweaters.

For Internet companies, the staff are relatively young. Wearing sweaters and hoodies is nothing more than a normal thing, and they don't feel awkward.

The founder and chairman of Sunny Optical, Wang Wenjian, is the oldest among Envision Capital's invested entrepreneurs, and he is already fifty-nine years old.

He looked at the sweater on himself, and then at the same style of clothes on Yuan Fugen, the founder of Dongshan Precision, who was four years younger than him, standing next to him. No matter how he looked at it, he felt very incongruous.

"Old Yuan, you said it's fine for young people to wear this kind of clothes, and we two old men are also dressed like this, it feels weird."

Yuan Fugen laughed, "Old comrade, I have to criticize you, you must be collective.

Besides, the clothes are pretty, and the material is not bad, and I haven't asked you to pay a penny. If you still think this or that, then it's a little confusing. "

Wang Wenjian has a good attitude of admitting his mistakes, "You are right to criticize, and you really can't hold the old-fashioned thinking."

Looking at the red banner "Welcome the Entrepreneurs of Vision College as Guest Ari" hanging above the gate, Wang Wenjian pointed to it and said, "I heard that Ari is valued at more than 30 billion yuan. Let's take a good look at it, learn and understand it. Let’s look at advanced productivity.”

"That's right, Mr. Xia has provided such a good opportunity, we really should make good use of it."

Wearing the same sweater as the other entrepreneurs, Ma Yun walked towards them surrounded by several executives from Ari.

Jack Ma first shook hands with Xia Jingxing, and then shook hands with other entrepreneurs one by one.

"Welcome all the students of Vision Academy to our Ahri..."

Jack Ma is very good at talking in scenes,

The entrepreneurs present applauded one after another.

Only Zhou Hongyi put his hands behind his back and squinted at Ma Yun who was talking.

Xia Jingxing noticed this scene, and felt that the red cannon was really weird, it was so arrogant even in someone else's territory.

"Everyone, please!"

After the speech, Ma Yun, Cai Congxin, Sun Tongyu and other Ari executives gestured and invited the entrepreneurs to walk into the office building.

At the end of the team, two videographers from were tracking and shooting.

Part of the video was edited and produced as a documentary "Vision Academy" and uploaded to Tudou for users to watch freely.

Everyone visited Ari’s various subsidiaries such as Taobao, Yahoo China, Alipay, and 1688.

Every time he visits a subsidiary or a department, Ari will arrange a special person to give a detailed introduction.

Except for Zhou Hongyi, the group of people engaged in the Internet quite agree with what they saw along the way.

Ari has thousands of employees. In the open office area, at a glance, there are densely packed human heads and computers, which looks like an Internet giant.

Seeing this scene, more than a dozen entrepreneurs in traditional industries couldn't help admiring it. It was a big scene.

Wang Wenjian inquired about the salary of the programmers, and then multiplied it by thousands of people, and the data he got made him dumbfounded.

Ari's labor cost alone is several times the revenue of their Sunny Optical.

"Mr. Ma, we sell sheet metal, can you come to your Ahri's online e-commerce platform to open a store?"

After hearing that a traditional manufacturing company had settled in Ahri, Yuan Fugen had a keen sense of business and immediately approached Ma Yun next to him to discuss cooperation matters.

"Of course, we welcome ten thousand people."

Ma Yun smiled and looked at the entrepreneurs behind him, and said loudly: "If you want to settle in Ahli, it doesn't matter if you don't know how to do e-commerce.

We established the Ali Academy the year before last, which can provide hands-on teaching for companies to operate e-commerce..."

Everyone stopped and looked around, and it took half a day to see the whole of Ari.

Some entrepreneur students asked questions, and Jack Ma answered them patiently.

At noon, after everyone had lunch in Ari's staff cafeteria, a meeting was held in the meeting room provided by Ari.

The heads of Ari's various departments came to the stage to share, from Ari's values, corporate culture, to the company's industry, operating strategy and other aspects.

He spoke very carefully, and everyone listened carefully.

Even if he is as rebellious as a cannon in red, he is not wandering in the sky, but is studying hard.

Although Zhou Hongyi didn't think highly of Jack Ma, he liked Ahri's brainwashing method.

If you learn it well, won't it come in handy when running Qihoo?

Of course, Zhou Hongyi still put on a very disdainful look on his face, but he was already silently stealing his teacher in his heart.

For a pragmatist like him, it is one thing to learn from Ali, but another thing to look down on Jack Ma.

After a whole set of courses, the entrepreneur students have a deeper understanding of Ali.

This kind of understanding includes some early failure summaries of Ahri, the basis for judging the development strategy, and so on.

Everyone listened with gusto, and felt that they had learned a thing or two and improved their horizons.

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Jack Ma didn't want to show so many of Ahri's secret weapons to the outside world, it was Xia Jingxing who managed to persuade Jack Ma to let go of some restrictions.

"Ari's recruitment method is "wide entry and strict exit". Usually more than a hundred people are recruited. After the training, there are only fifty or sixty people left, and then they are sent to the front line to fight. Half of them will be screened through assessment in the middle, and they may even be eliminated.

The China Iron Army that the outside world often talks about today was trained in this way..."

As the Chief Human Resources Officer, Pang Lei broke a lot of news about Ahri.

From its establishment in 1999 to 2007, Ari would not recruit students from prestigious schools for non-technical positions, because it was impossible to recruit.

This is because Ali mainly served small and medium-sized enterprises at that time, and some customers were even in mountain villages. The working environment was very difficult and they could only recruit some college graduates.

Then, just like raising Gu, they continued to fight, and finally picked out the elite.

This is how Gan Jiawei stands out.

At the same time, Ahri's human resources department has also put a lot of effort into the construction of corporate culture to improve the cohesion of employees and maintain the vitality and combat effectiveness of the team.

In addition, Ali's chief financial officer, legal officer, and technical officer took turns to appear on stage, and each gave a wonderful speech.

It's not that kind of big and empty content, it's all real dry goods, shaking out Ari's old background without any beautification.

Those present are all old capitalists, so naturally they will not criticize Ari from a moral standpoint, but are thinking about Ari's corporate culture that turns decay into magic.

At the end of the day's visit, everyone has gained a lot.

Before leaving, everyone took a picture downstairs in Ari's company.

Xia Jingxing stood in the middle, Ma Yun stood on the left, and Zhou Hongyi stood on the right.

There is also a long banner in the first row, which reads "The First Entrepreneurship Training Camp of Yuanjing College".

This was a group photo that established his status in the world. Xia Jingxing went to the photographer's place to check the shooting effect, and he was very satisfied.

With this photo, Ma Yun can be regarded as a complete confirmation of the name of the great disciple who opened the door.

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