My Apocalypse Fortress Vehicle

143. Strange like a tide

Sam suddenly rushed into the dense forest. It shuttled through the dense forest, making a "rustling" sound among the trees.

Gu Zhuo waited there with his heart in his hands. After a while, Sam came back with some weeds, leaves, and some cold night dew on his body, but other than that, he brought nothing back.

It walked back and forth beside Gu Zhuo, seeming a little anxious, and its manic and depressive mood just now decreased instead of increasing.

There was no way, Gu Zhuo couldn't talk to Sam directly, he could only guess what it meant through Sam's movements.

Sam first stared warily into the depths of the jungle, then raised his head to the sky, staring fiercely at the distant horizon. Gu Zhuo followed it and looked toward the distant sky. There was only a heavy dusk, a pure black skyline, and nothing else.

But he didn't know if it was because of the hint in his heart, but Gu Zhuo always felt a sense of oppression and a vague sense of crisis that something was about to happen.

Suddenly, a strong impulse came from the bottom of his heart, and his sixth sense forced him to turn around quickly. He picked up the gun bag on the ground, handed it to Chaoying, and then said to the two of them:

"Quick, you guys go back to the watchtower right now, you can even hide in the truck!"

Although Chaoying and Chaoying didn't know what happened, they just wanted to stay and face it with him.

But Gu Zhuo just continued to yell:

"Go back! Quick! Don't talk too much!"

Seeing that his expression was so urgent and serious, there was no room for negotiation. Chaoying and Zhao didn't waste much time and ran towards the truck in front of the observation deck.

"Sam, you go with them."

Gu Zhuo patted Sam on the head and motioned for Sam to follow Chao Ying and the others. However, Sam stood motionless next to Gu Zhuo. No matter how he tried to persuade him, he made no move.


Seeing that Sam insisted on guarding him and Gu Zhuo couldn't drive him away no matter how hard he tried, he sighed and let him guard him by default.

Gu Zhuo stretched out his sword from the arm armor of both hands. The mechanical helmet that had been automatically removed was now covering his face again. The mini-machine gun on his shoulder is ready to go into battle at any time.

He listened carefully to the movements around him, and Sam leaned against him. One person and one dog seemed to have become the best comrades at this moment.

"Gu Zhuo, how are you doing there? What did you see?"

Jia Sheng, who had already sat in the truck, asked Gu Zhuo through the intercom.

Gu Zhuo answered him:

"There's nothing yet, but I always have a strange feeling in my heart. It's so strange that I can't explain it. Anyway, be careful, the guns are all there for you."

There was a voice from the intercom, "Okay, you have to be careful yourself," and then there was no sound. Gu Zhuo put away the walkie-talkie.

The storm is about to come and the wind is filling the building.

It's such a feeling, intuitively cramped and depressing. Obviously, the environment here has not changed at all compared to the past, but deep in the dense forest, Gu Zhuo always felt that there were pairs of eyes staring at him.

Suddenly, a flock of birds fluttered over the forest in the distance. The birds flapped their wings vigorously, making a trembling sound like drum heads in the air.

Then, the woods in all directions were filled with birds, and they flew into the sky, covered with a curtain. The scene was quite strange.

Gu Zhuo couldn't imagine what kind of movement could startle all the birds in the forest.

As if to answer the question in Gu Zhuo's mind, soon, there was a violent tremor on the ground, as if it was countless horses stampeding and galloping on the ground, or it was like a slight earthquake. Gu Zhuo's whole body shook softly with the tremor. Trembling slightly.

The shaking sound was getting closer and closer, and it seemed that it was about to reach the soles of Gu Zhuo's feet. Gu Zhuo felt that a crack was about to open in the ground.

And the dense forest in front of him was shaking visibly, as if something was torn out from the depths. It was absolute darkness and complete despair.

Gu Zhuo unconsciously took a step back. The last time he faced a sudden danger without any defense was the first blood moon.

Who would have thought that encountering such an unprepared situation again would be caused by the upgrade of the Doomsday Fortress.

Gu Zhuo held his breath. Even though he was wearing a war machine, he could feel cold sweat pouring out of his palms.


Here they come!

The dense forest in front of Gu Zhuo was like a strange space that was suddenly torn apart, and a group of black monsters with ugly faces rushed out of it!

There are so many of them, they are like waves rolling up on the sea, hitting them one after another, one after another.

Strange like a tide!

"Fuck, what the hell did it come out of nowhere? There are so many!?"

Gu Zhuo was stunned for a moment. This observation tower was originally so safe and hidden. Because no one lived here at all, the number of monsters was basically zero.

But they are so numerous and dense at the moment, they have almost caught up with the number of screamers in Akashi Survivor Base.

Someone must be causing trouble!

But Gu Zhuo had no time to think about anything else, because the group of monsters had already rushed over!

Now that we have been forced to a dead end, we can only bite the bullet and fight!

The mini-machine guns on their shoulders began to fire at the monsters. Fortunately, these idiots still had no habit of protecting their weak points. Bullets penetrated their open bloody mouths and exploded in their hearts.

But there are too many monsters, and the mini machine gun can't take care of them all. Several of them had already approached Gu Zhuo. Seeing this, Gu Zhuo swung the knives on his arm armor and stabbed them into their mouths.

He raised and lowered the knife like a killing machine, killing wantonly among the monsters. He was the center of the storm, and with his two swords, he pierced the hearts of countless monsters.

Sam was also dealing with those monsters at the moment. It was so strong and flexible that the monsters couldn't get close to it. Sam jumped on the monster closest to it, opened his mouth and bit it. Then, like a jackal, it clawed its way into the monster's throat, scratching the monster's heart to pieces!

One person and one dog cooperated tacitly. Gu Zhuo was responsible for killing most of the monsters in the front, and Sam was responsible for the ones left behind.

Gu Zhuo only felt the pain from waving his hands. He looked at the blade of the knife in his hand and saw that the edge of the knife was curled up and covered with black, sticky blood.


Gu Zhuo quickly took off one of the already curled hand knives, used it as a dart, and threw it into the mouth of a monster that was approaching him. He threw it quickly, accurately and hard, and the monster fell to the ground.

Throwing away the already curled knife, Gu Zhuo stretched out a new bayonet from his arm armor. The moment the bayonet was stretched out, two monsters came forward screaming. Gu Zhuo slashed at it and pierced its throat from top to bottom. It was like a sharp blade of divine punishment. The bayonet brought up A dark black blood.

He ran rampant against the group of monsters. The group of monsters was the tide, and he was a lone boat in the tide.

A boat that will never sink!

This is pure, one-sided killing. At this moment, Gu Zhuo is wearing a war machine. He is an invincible God of War who crushes all enemies with his strength.

Just when Gu Zhuo was already furious and there were many clear claw marks of monsters left on the war machine, he heard gunfire from behind.

One, two, three... countless times.

He turned his head and looked back, and saw that the group of monsters were not just coming from one direction, but breaking through from all directions. At this moment, a small group of monsters had gathered in front of the truck, and a large group was blocking it behind the barbed wire fence.

But it seems that the barbed wire fence won't be able to stop them for long.

Those gunshots were fired at Chao Ying and Jia Sheng.

However, the group of monsters bumped into the car crazily. The front of the truck was so high that they couldn't jump on it, so they piled on top of each other and tried to squeeze up. Gu Zhuo saw that a monster had already squeezed in front of Chaoying's window.

With trembling hands, Chaoying shot it into its throat, and the monster fell down tremblingly. But there are more monsters climbing up behind. They were able to quickly break through the weak defense on the front of the truck, smash the windows, and drag Jia Sheng and Chao Ying out of the truck.

Seeing this, Gu Zhuo was furious.

He used his bayonet to lift a monster that was about to bite him into the sky, and nailed it to the ground when it landed.

Then, he turned around and ran towards the truck.

Sam didn't want to fight either and followed behind him.

Gu Zhuo ran to the truck. He grabbed the two monsters in front of the truck, pulled them apart, and threw them to the ground. The machine gun fired wildly into their mouths. The two monsters didn't even have time to struggle.

After killing all the monsters blocking Chaoying's car window, Gu Zhuo opened the car door, stretched out his hand, and said to her:

"Get out of the car and I'll take you away."

Chaoying did not hesitate and took Gu Zhuo's hand. Gu Zhuo held her in his arms and then said to Jia Sheng, who was still fighting hard in the car:

"Jia Sheng, follow me here!"

Just as Jia Sheng had fired the last bullet in his gun, he slammed the gun out of the window, hitting the monster outside on the head. He picked up the gun bag and got out of the car towards Chaoying.

Gu Zhuo ran with Chao Ying in his arms and ran to the helicopter in the parking lot. Jia Sheng and Sam followed them.

After running in front of the helicopter, Gu Zhuo opened the door of the helicopter and carried Chao Ying in:

"Go in, everyone go in, quickly! There are too many monsters here!"

After saying that, he asked Jason and Sam to jump into the helicopter.

But before he could sit in, a monster rushed over and threw him to the ground!

"Gu Zhuo!"

Seeing this, he shouted to Chao Ying and was about to rush off the helicopter. Gu Zhuo turned over and kicked the monster on top of him hard, kicking it away.

"Don't come down!"

Gu Zhuo shouted to Chaoying.

At this moment, there was only a "clang" sound, and the barbed wire fence was broken by the monsters! They all rushed towards Gu Zhuo and the helicopter behind him!


Gu Zhuo had no time to get into the helicopter.

He gritted his teeth, slammed the helicopter's door shut, and then stood in front of the helicopter.

The bayonet on his arm armor was obviously a new one. At this moment, the zigzag cracks were all over the blade, and if it was cut again, it would break completely.

Once more he pulled out the bayonet and threw it to the ground.

There is also a scimitar in his arm armor, which is the last scimitar and the strongest scimitar.

The group of monsters were already shouting and rushing towards him. Gu Zhuo smiled bitterly and ordered the mechanic in his heart to let the helicopter fly.

Chaoying only felt the helicopter trembling slightly, as if it was about to fly.

She wanted to open the hatch, but found that it couldn't be opened.

It's Gu Zhuo.

Gu Zhuo handed over the control of the helicopter to the mechanic. Now except him and the mechanic, no one can control the helicopter.

He gave the mechanic only one task:

Protect everyone above and fly them to a place far away from the battlefield.

The helicopter slowly prepared to take off, but Chaoying felt only despair. Because Gu Zhuo hasn't sat down yet.

"Gu Zhuo! Let me out quickly! Gu Zhuo!"

Chaoying kept shouting his name.

She felt a despair worse than death.

Gu Zhuo didn't answer her, but just left her with a dark figure.

The moon at night shone on him. He was hunched over, holding sharp scimitars on the arm armor of his hands. He is like a tiger and an unyielding emperor.

The moonlight shines down, and those monsters rush over. They are Shura who are inexhaustible and endless!

Gu Zhuo rushed forward and fought with them.

Behind him, the helicopter was about to take off.

He thought of his conversation with Jia Sheng a few days ago. He said how dare he express his feelings to Chaoying, and that he couldn't even protect her.

At this moment, he stood here upright. Just to protect the people behind you.

Although there are thousands of people, I will go.

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