My Apocalypse Fortress Vehicle

184.Corpse transformation

After staying at the service station for one night, when they woke up the next day, a few people rushed to Qidong City without stopping.

Ever since Gu Zhuo cleaned up this place last time and took away the black market, this place has become much depressed.

Coupled with the typhoon, this place has now become a complete ghost town.

The typhoon was indeed very powerful. Gu Zhuo didn't know if there was a giant octopus hidden in every typhoon, stirring up the dust, or if there was a giant octopus hidden in just that one typhoon.

In short, there is no accurate answer to this question for the time being.

The typhoon destroyed all the nearby high-rise buildings in Qidong City. Countless bricks fell to the ground, and large holes were broken out of thin air on many buildings. From a distance, they were pitch black, like the open mouths of monsters. Everything looked like it had been abandoned for a long time. No one cleaned up, no one restored, and over time, this place eventually turned into a real ruins and was forever forgotten.

Driving through the city in the Fortress of Doom, Gu Zhuo followed the route in his memory and returned to the original location of the black market.

Fortunately, the remains of the 99A tank are still on the ground, and it is a miracle that the typhoon did not sweep it away.

After asking everyone in the car to wait for him, Gu Zhuo got out of the car and prepared to dismantle the remains of the 99A tank.

Xia Ran already knew that Gu Zhuo and Chao Ying were supernatural beings. After all, they lived together day and night, so it was impossible to hide them forever. The little girl was very smart and her brain moved very quickly. Gu Zhuo didn't want to hide it, so he told her and Chao Ying's true identities.

Xia Ran didn't react much, and was calmer than Jia Sheng at that time.

Walking to the abandoned 99A tank, several corpses had already rotted after so many days, lying in front of the tank. They looked terrible, and one of them even looked like a giant. Gu Zhuo tried not to look at them and locked his eyes on the tank.

"Mechanic, start disassembling the tank."

Gu Zhuo ordered the mechanic in his mind.

After receiving Gu Zhuo's order, the mechanic responded and then began to disassemble the 99A tank. Decomposition time takes about an hour.

The tank was being dismantled here, and Gu Zhuo walked into the gymnasium. If he remembered correctly, there were still a few cars left in the stadium that had not been driven away, and they could be dismantled together.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he walked into the gymnasium, before he had time to observe the surrounding environment, something black rushed towards his face!

Gu Zhuo reacted quickly and turned sideways to avoid the attack of the thing. Then he quickly pressed his watch and let the war machine cover him.

The war machine had just finished dressing up when the black thing attacked again. This time it aimed at Gu Zhuo's back, a sneak attack.

However, its sneak attack was completely ineffective. There was only a "clang" sound as it hit the hard back armor hard.


Things happened suddenly. Gu Zhuo didn't see clearly what was attacking him. At this moment, he felt that it was lying on his back. Gu Zhuo stretched out his hand and grabbed it on the back.

He found himself touching something soft and slimy. That thing gave him a very bad feeling, and he felt disgusted from the bottom of his heart.

A picture flashed through his mind. Gu Zhuo resisted his nausea and grabbed the thing in front of him.

Sure enough, it was a black, curling and twisting octopus head!

It was the first time I saw the octopus head so close. I saw that its entire body was covered with bumps and bumps, and there was yellow pus on the outside.

It resembles a swollen piece of flesh that is constantly breathing, and like a twisted mass of black flesh worms. In short, it seems like all the dirty things in the world have been gathered together.

The tentacles on its body were still twisting and looking extremely ferocious.


Gu Zhuo was so disgusted that he threw the octopus head in his hand violently. The octopus' head was hit hard to the ground, and a pool of yellow pus burst out.

These guys are too disgusting, even with Gu Zhuo's psychological quality, they cannot accept them. He uttered some fragrant words, then thought that there might be more octopus heads like this inside, and immediately became alert.

He glanced around and noticed that on the ground, the corpses of the soldiers he had killed a long time ago and those who had been killed by Jia Sheng had octopus heads clinging to their heads.

The octopus head kept stretching its tentacles into their heads, as if it was vigorously stirring cement. If you listen carefully, you can hear a faint "swishing" sound.

That's the sound of stirring the brain!

"Are these things eating corpses!?"

This was Gu Zhuo's first reaction. He quickly raised his gun and hit the octopus heads closest to him, blowing them all open.

However, before he could finish the next batch, he heard a "plop" and several sounds coming from the small platform on the second floor.

Gu Zhuo quickly looked towards the second floor platform and saw several figures suddenly standing up there. Judging from their swaying appearance, they looked like babies who had just learned to waddle.

The moment he saw those figures clearly, Gu Zhuo was shocked:

Those were corpses that had been dead for a long time, and they were all giant-looking, which made people feel chilling.

The so-called giant view means that the corpse may have dilated pupils, swollen body, wounds on the body that have eroded all over the body, and even the basic face cannot be recognized.

One giant corpse can cause a great mental impact on people, not to mention how disgusting it will be for Gu Zhuo if so many giant corpses stand up at the same time.

What's even more disgusting is not only the bloated bodies behind their giants, but also the black octopus heads clinging to their faces.

Those octopus heads held the corpse's head tightly with their tentacles. Just like the octopus heads that Gu Zhuo had just seen, the tentacles reached into the corpse's brain and stirred it like cement.

At this moment, the corpses staggered towards Gu Zhuo.

They walk crookedly, like zombies in movies.

When he saw them for the first time, Gu Zhuo knew that these corpses were probably controlled by those octopus heads, otherwise it would be impossible for them all to come alive suddenly.

Gu Zhuo swallowed. He was not afraid of these corpses, he just felt disgusted.

These corpses are even more impactful than the monsters in zombie movies.

What's more, as they stood up, waves of stench also attacked at the same time, directly causing double pollution to Gu Zhuo's sense of sight and smell.

Gu Zhuotie's face was livid, and he suppressed his nausea and turbulence in his stomach. The Gatling weapons on his shoulders aimed at the octopus heads on the corpses' heads and shot at them.

Gatlin's bullets exploded on the staggering corpses, and soon, those corpses fell to the ground. After they fell to the ground, they made a muffled sound, then twitched, and then stopped making any movement.

Their faces were covered with yellow pus, flowing freely on their pale faces like streams.

Hearing the gunfire, Chao Ying's concerned question came from Gu Zhuo's walkie-talkie:

"Gu Zhuo, what's going on? Why are there gunshots!?"

"The corpse has changed. I'll tell you later."

Gu Zhuo said.

Then, he glanced around and saw that there were indeed several cars around. The other corpses were completely dead and lacked any squirming little octopus heads.

The safety here was ensured, but there was still a rotten smell here, which made Gu Zhuo completely lose his desire to decompose materials here. When he thought of the scene just now and the fishy smell lingering on both sides of his nose, he wanted to escape from here quickly.

He quickly walked outside and saw that the 99A tank was still being disassembled. Ignoring anything else, he walked to the Fortress of Doom.

Seeing him coming back, Chaoying hurriedly walked up to him and asked him in detail what had just happened.

Gu Zhuo then told the story of the few small octopus heads he saw, their movements of clinging to the corpse's head, and how the corpse staggered around.

After hearing Gu Zhuo's narration, Chao Ying pondered thoughtfully for a moment before saying:

"It turns out that we didn't know before that these octopus heads can actually be attached to the corpse and make the corpse come alive. Gee, there are so many things we don't know."

Gu Zhuo stopped talking. He asked a few people to continue waiting in the car. Don't get off easily. He didn't know if there were any other dangers in this ghost town. He was going to check out the neighborhood.

After finishing speaking, Jia Sheng sent a message on the walkie-talkie, saying that he wanted to be with him. Gu Zhuo thought about it and agreed to let Jia Sheng follow him, and the two of them went to the nearby area to explore the situation.

Jia Sheng pressed the button of the Thunder S-1, and the Thunder S-1 covered him. He jumped directly from the armed helicopter and jumped to the ground. The nano armor cushioned him from the impact after jumping from a high place, and he stood firmly on the ground.

"Let's go."

Gu Zhuo also got out of the car, and together with Jia Sheng, they went to investigate the situation nearby.

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