My Apocalypse Fortress Vehicle

302.Looking for water

Chen Haidao parked the prison in front of Gu Zhuo and others, but he did not make any move for a long time. He just parked the prison there, motionless, and no one even came out to negotiate with them.

Gu Zhuo didn't move. He was waiting for Wan Sui to see what happened.

Wansui didn't know what kind of medicine was sold in Chen Haidao's gourd, but he stopped here without attacking or retreating.

"Leader, are you going to continue to be in a stalemate like this?"

Zuo Qing next to him was a little anxious. He seemed to be sure that the guy in the big prison in front of him would not be his opponent.

He could feel that the large group of corpses he summoned were coming here. It would be better if they had a little more time.

"Don't act rashly, wait for him and see what he wants to do."

There was a slight hint of blame in Wan Sui's tone.

Zuo Qing heard it sensitively. He stopped talking and wilted.

The sun's fierce sunlight shone down, and finally, it was the people on Chen Haidao's side who couldn't hold on.

A man with a shaved round head and a white face that looked like he was covered in powder stood up and stood on the wall of the prison, enduring the sun's rays, and said to the people below:

"Everyone, don't rush into action yet. Our boss has something to talk to you about."

That person with the shaved round head, no matter who he is, is definitely not Chen Haidao.

Wansui still didn't speak, and Gu Zhuo could tell that this little girl wanted to make herself the first one.

There is no other way, but you have to reply and find out what the other party wants.

Gu Zhuo answered the guy first:

"Go ahead, I'm Gu Zhuo. Your boss must know me. We're here to listen."

In order to drag Wan Sui into the water, he added another sentence:

"The leader of the Prophetic Cult is also with me. If you have anything to do, talk directly and don't be secretive!"

When the man heard this, Gu Zhuo saw that he looked down a lot, probably looking at his and Wansui's car.


The man said such a brief sentence, and then he climbed down from the city wall and disappeared again.

After a while, just when Gu Zhuo thought that Chen Haidao and the others were going to discuss it for a while, he heard a heavy creaking sound from the door of the Salt Lake Prison.

Then, the prison door slowly opened.

The vast open space inside was revealed, it was empty and no one could be seen.

"Come in, come in and talk. Only when you come in do I feel safe."

The prison loudspeaker sounded, and Chen Haidao's voice came from the loudspeaker.

The way he spoke made his voice echo throughout the prison, echoing one after another.

Gu Zhuo knew that Wan Sui would definitely be afraid of a trap and would not go in first, waiting for him to explore the way.

So he simply stepped on the accelerator and drove into the prison.

Last time, Chen Haidao asked him to get out of the car before letting him in. He decisively chose to leave.

But this time, Chen Haidao also relaxed, thinking of the information about him that Wan Sui had shown him. He was such a suspicious person, and he could let him drive in, so he must have something important to talk about.

After entering, Wan Sui drove her car and followed him.

The inside of the Salt Lake Prison looks just like its appearance, cold, harsh, and gloomy.

The buildings inside the prison are all painted with white paint, which makes people feel very serious and gives off an aura of despair. There was also a place where executions were carried out, and only a corner of it was exposed, but Gu Zhuo had an intuition that not only the death row inmates were dying there.

After he came in, Wan Sui, who was following him, also drove the car in slowly.

Before the corpses controlled by Zuo Qing could come in, they heard a "click" and the prison door was closed.

Before Zuo Qing had time to feel upset, he heard the sound of the trumpet ringing again in the prison, echoing everywhere:

"Hello, it's a pity that I met you in such an environment."

It's Chen Haidao's voice!

Gu Zhuo frowned as he listened to his voice ringing through the speaker, feeling that the atmosphere here was not quite right.

He is always ready to fight back.

"Chen Haidao, stop pretending. Didn't you say you have something to talk about? Come on, what exactly do you want to talk about?"

Gu Zhuo answered him.

"Is it Gu Zhuo who is speaking?"

"it's me."

Gu Zhuo was not ambiguous either.

"I know you. To be honest, I'm still a little wary of you. I think you're very powerful."


Gu Zhuo didn't answer, and he didn't know what to answer.

At this time, the hall door of the prison in front of him, which had been locked, was now opened, and many armed people came out of it. The person behind them was protected by layers of protection. Gu Zhuo recognized that it was Chen Haidao. .

It had only been two days since we last met, but Chen Haidao was much more vicissitudes of life than the last time we saw him, and he didn't know what he had gone through.

"Chen Haidao, if you are so afraid of us, you don't have to let us in. You can talk to us inside."

"Haha, you don't have to worry about me. I invited you in to express my sincerity. And if you do this, I have to say that you are all in my territory, where I can see and control place, I will feel much safer.”

As he spoke, he was already standing outside surrounded by a group of people.

"Do you want to know how I knew you were here and rushed here?"

He asked as if he was being mysterious.

"Come on, do you think you still have time to play word games with us at this juncture? If you want to play, you can play casually with your subordinates instead of wasting our time here."

This sentence was said by Chaoying. She felt that Chen Haidao's nonsense was too much. If everyone became the Riddler like him, there would be no discussion about cooperation.

Being choked back by Chaoying, Chen Haidao coughed awkwardly.

He really wanted to show off at first, but now, he can only say briefly and concisely:

"It was Feng Hongxi who contacted me and reported your location to me. I didn't expect that as my enemy, he would actually want to ask me for help. The situation is indeed big enough."

"Then what?"

Gu Zhuo continued to ask him.

"I actually don't care whether I can help him or not. If I want to do something, I just want to see if it is beneficial to me.

"I think it would be more beneficial to cooperate with you than to be hostile to you."

"What cooperation?"

"Cooperate to find water. Find the spring hidden deep in the desert that has not dried up. The water resources I have stored are no longer enough. If you want to survive, you must find that spring.

"You don't have to hide anything from me. Feng Hongxi also told me about the existence of the spring water."

After hearing Chen Haidao's words, Gu Zhuo knew that this guy mistook the space crack for a spring.

You can't blame him. If Wan Sui didn't tell him about the space crack, he would definitely think it was a source of water. At most, he would be suspicious of the source of the lake, but he would certainly not think of it going in such an outrageous direction.

Gu Zhuo didn't speak. He wanted to hear what Wan Sui had to say.

After all, they all knew that what Chen Haidao was looking for was completely different from what he thought.

This time it was Wansui who spoke first. Obviously, she chose to conceal the fact of the space rift:

"So you also want to find the spring water."

"Yes, if the sun shines like this for these two rounds, water has already become a problem! If we don't find that water source quickly and store some, what will happen if even the last water source dries up!"

Wan Sui smiled secretly.

"Yes, I can agree to look for water with you. Anyway, with our combined abilities, we will definitely be able to find water faster than we can now."

After she finished speaking, she asked Gu Zhuo the question again.

"Gu Zhuo, what about you, are you willing to cooperate with Chen Haidao? Let's look for water together."

She specifically emphasized the word "looking for water".

Gu Zhuo understood Wan Sui's meaning clearly.

She wanted to take advantage of this enemy and make him think that he was looking for water, but actually he was helping them find space cracks!

Space cracks are completely useless to him.

Gu Zhuo had no sympathy for Chen Haidao. If he could help him find the place quickly, he wouldn't mind using him with Wan Sui.

He thought for a while and prepared to give his answer.

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