Jack is not a fool, he will believe whatever Nusi says.

Before confirming his cooperation with Nusi, he also found several people to investigate Nusi's background and explore the authenticity of his words.

After investigation, Jack learned that there was indeed such a thing and that such a person existed, so he felt relieved and continued to discuss cooperation with Nuss.

As a cyber detective, Nus's best thing is to use technical means to hack into other people's identity chips and then steal other people's memories to obtain important information.

However, most cyber detectives can only steal the surface layer of memory, and cannot enter the deeper layers of consciousness to obtain more critical information. Moreover, the other party must be in a deep sleep or relaxed state in order to hack into his identity chip.

Noose asked Jack how much sleep Chelsea usually gets, or if there are any leisure activities that she is particularly passionate about. But after thinking about it for a long time, Jack realized that Chelsea had no extra hobbies at all.

His father, like himself, likes to stay alone in the workshop, studying weapon drawings and how to better create a mechanical part. If we can successfully make one part fit better than before, it will be a significant and worthy of celebration for Chelsea.

Apart from that, he doesn't like to do anything else.

The father and son have one thing in common, that is, they hate fantasy.

That kind of hypocritical sex doll dressed up to please men is disgusting.

Chelsea's sleep should also be relatively light. Every time Jack came out of his workshop, even if he tried to be as gentle as possible, he could easily wake up Chelsea.

After thinking about it, Jack realized that his father was like a piece of hammered iron, with no chance for Nusi to hack in.

Until he saw the calendar, March 9th.

In two days, it was his mother's memorial day and his birthday.

When that day comes, Chelsea will lock herself in the workshop alone and drink until she dies of drunkenness, only to wake up late the next day.

That is one of the few opportunities that only comes once a year.

Jack still chose to tell Nuss about it. After hearing this, Nuss, like him, believed that this was a rare opportunity that must be firmly grasped.

They made a plan behind Chelsea's back. On March 11th, Chelsea would not be allowed to enter the workshop alone. Jack accompanied him in the workshop. After Jack goes in, he uses medicine to knock Chelsea out, and then puts Nouse in. Then he will steal Chelsea's consciousness.

The plan was made quickly, but Jack still regarded Chelsea as his father from the bottom of his heart. He just wanted to know what Chelsea was hiding from him, but he didn't want to hurt him.

When Nuss handed the blue pill to Jack, Jack repeatedly questioned him:

"Aside from making people faint, does this medicine have any other side effects?"

Nuss told him to relax:

"There's nothing wrong with this drug. It's just the simplest drug. Just use a larger dose to make sure it can stun Chelsea long enough so that I can get more information. If you're not at ease, you can ask someone to test this drug." The ingredients of the medicine verify the authenticity of my words.”

Noose's words made Jack take note. He accepted the blue pill, and then went to a pharmacist he knew to test the ingredients in the medicine.

The test results came out quickly. This pill is the most common hypnotic drug on the market, but the dose is larger. The pharmacist speculated that the dose of this pill was enough to stun an adult man for a whole day.

Jack felt relieved after repeatedly confirming with the pharmacist that the medicine would not cause any harm to Chelsea's body.

Although he didn't know why Nusi used such a large dose of medicine, he just made sure it wouldn't hurt his father.

The plan will continue to be implemented as before.

Two days passed quickly.

On March 11th, Chelsea got up early that morning. As in previous years, he carried two large boxes of specially made beer, preparing to enter his workshop, lock himself in, and drink all day long.

But what surprised him was that Jack actually woke up earlier than him and looked like he hadn't slept all night. He was waiting for Chelsea at the entrance of the workshop. At the same time, he also held the same large box of special beer as Chelsea in his hand.

"Jack, what's wrong with you?"

Chelsea asked him, his graying beard trembling.

"Old man, after so many years, I have never commemorated my mother. Every time you just lock yourself up and drink alcohol, as if this matter, this day, has nothing to do with me."

Chelsea was silent for a while after hearing Jack's words.

"Let me follow you in today. After all, I am also my mother's son. You can't deprive me of my right to commemorate her."

Seeing that Chelsea didn't speak, Jack continued to speak.

Finally, Chelsea shrugged, walked past Jack, opened the workshop door, and said:

"Okay, kid, come in with me."

Seeing that his father was willing to let him enter the workshop, Jack knew that his plan was half successful. He couldn't suppress the excitement in his heart and followed Chelsea in.

After entering the workshop, Jack closed the door and Chelsea had already sat down.

He put two large boxes of beer at his feet, then carefully took out a photo from the bag and placed it on the stand in front of him to lean against.

Jack knew that picture was, in a sense, a picture of the three of them together.

Looking at the photo, Chelsea took out a bottle of beer from the box next to her and opened it with her bare hands. No matter what Jack did, he took a big sip into his mouth first.

Jack walked over, put the box of beer he had brought on the ground, and sat next to Chelsea. He glanced at the group photo, silently opened the box, took out the beer, followed Chelsea's example, opened the bottle with his bare hands, and took a big sip.

The taste of this special beer is very spicy and bitter, with a feeling of raw chewed wheat, dry and spicy. After taking one sip, Jack felt that his throat was on fire and smoking, as if a handful of gravel had been scratched through his throat.

He rarely drank this special beer because it had a lot of staying power and, more importantly, it didn't taste good.

But Chelsea is keen on this rough specialty beer.

"Boy, if you can't drink, don't force yourself."

Chelsea saw Jack's frown and spoke to him aloud.

"Don't look down on people. I'm not a child. I can't even drink. What do I look like?"

Jack choked Chelsea, then raised his head and drank the entire bottle of beer in one go.

Before he could swallow the last sip, the wine came back up in his throat because the wine was too spicy, causing Jack to choke on a big sip. Although he held it back and didn't spit it out, the wine flowed from the corner of his mouth and got all over his clothes. All.


Jack wiped his mouth and cursed.

Seeing him like this, Chelsea couldn't help but smile. His somewhat cloudy green eyes looked at Jack at this moment:

"Boy, I told you not to drink anymore. Why are you forcing yourself?"

"Old man, please leave me alone."

Jack finished the sentence while coughing.

Chelsea smiled and shook her head, sipping the bottle of beer in her hand. Then, a new bottle was opened.

The father and son just drank with each other, not talking, and seemed to have nothing to say.

Jack had been trying to find the right time to put the pill into Chelsea's wine, but there was no chance. But judging by the speed and frequency with which Chelsea was drinking, it seemed that the pill was no longer needed.

"Jack, you know what?"

Chelsea was already a little drunk at this time, her nose and cheeks were red, and she was the first to talk to Jack.

"what do you know?"

Jack asked him.

He deliberately didn't drink much. He only drank the first bottle in one sip, and he kept drinking slowly from then on. In addition, his drinking capacity is much better than Chelsea's, so he is still at least 70% sober.

"Your mother, what kind of person she is."

"I have no idea."

Jack shook his head. He really didn't know anything about his mother, he had only seen her appearance in photos.

"She's beautiful, she's young, she's a good person and she loves children."

Chelsea said, then paused and stopped talking.

"Old man?"

Jack asked him, wanting him to continue.

But Chelsea kept drinking, and kept drinking.

This time even his eyes were red from drinking.

Chelsea burped, as if she had drunk too much, and then continued what she just said:

"If it weren't for your mother, Ye Tila, I wouldn't have chosen to give birth to you. She likes you, she likes you very much, because I love her, and you are her son, the son of me and her, so I also Love you.

"Jack, the Jc family is not important to me at all. The only important thing is Ye Tila. I will protect whatever Ye Tila feels needs to be protected."

When Jack listened to Chelsea's words, he didn't expect that Chelsea loved his mother so much.

In today's era, this kind of love is as unbelievable and distant as a myth.

"Damn, it's so disgusting to talk about love so casually. When did I become such a disgusting person?"

After Chelsea finished speaking, she laughed at herself in a low voice.

"Old man, why did you not want me to become a craftsman in the first place?"

Jack asked him.

Hearing this question, Chelsea was stunned for a moment. He shook his head and said to Jack in a very soothing tone - far less tough than before:

"Jack. You don't need to ask this question. We only need to see the result. The result is that you have become a craftsman now, and you are safe at the moment. This is what I want to see, and nothing else matters."

Jack was confused by his answer, but he understood that Chelsea still wouldn't say anything to him, even if he was very drunk. Unfortunately, I can only continue to rely on Nuss for answers.

At this time, Chelsea had just finished drinking a box of beer and was about to open another box. Jack saw the right moment and threw the pill into a newly opened bottle of beer in his hand, and then handed it to Chelsea calmly:

"Old man, drink this bottle from me."

Chelsea glanced at him and then at the bottle of beer in his hand.

Jack was actually very panicked. He was afraid that Chelsea would see something. He doesn't know how to deceive or lie. All his psychological activities are displayed nakedly on his face, making it almost impossible to deceive anyone.

He looked away guiltily.

Maybe Chelsea drank too much, or maybe it was for other reasons, but he took the bottle handed over by Jack without hesitation.

"You are my son, Yetila's son, and I believe in you."

Chelsea took Jack's beer and opened it, drinking as she went to open another case.

By the time he opened another case of beer, he was almost done with the bottle Jack gave him.

Jack watched his every move, silently waiting for the drug to take effect.

But after Chelsea drank all the bottle of wine, the effects of the medicine still didn't show up. Not only that, he even got several new bottles of beer and started drinking.

"Why doesn't it happen? Nusi said the medicine works quickly..."

Jack was confused, and of course he didn't dare to ask Chelsea if she felt anything strange now. He just kept observing him. Even he himself didn't realize this observation, it was a bit too obvious.

"Boy, let me tell you, why are your eyes so strange..."

Chelsea suddenly narrowed her eyes and pointed at him.

"Ah, no, old man, don't talk nonsense."

Jack hurriedly denied it.

But Chelsea just kept staring at him, her eyes narrowed to a thin line, and she couldn't even see any green pupils.

"Damn it, I feel a little sleepy!"

Chelsea suddenly opened her eyes, her eyes blurred. Then, he put his hands on the table and started shaking his head, as if trying to force himself to wake up.

"Damn, damn, damn, why did I get sleepy so early this year..."

Chelsea muttered to herself and kept cursing.

Jack looked at him and was about to ask him how he felt now. Unexpectedly, there was a "pop" and old Jack fell down from the chair and fell heavily to the ground.

"Old man!"

When Jack saw this, he quickly put down the bottle of wine in his hand and came to Chelsea's side.

Fortunately, nothing happened to Chelsea. Just like Nuss said, after taking the pill, he fell to the ground and snored, seemingly sleeping soundly.

"Old man, old man..."

Jack tried to shake Chelsea's body, calling him while shaking.

There was no movement from Chelsea.

"Chelsea, Chelsea! Chelsea Case Jc!"

Jack changed several names to call him, but without exception, Chelsea fell to the ground, sleeping deeply, and the calls became louder and louder.

Seeing this, Jack breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that his and Nuss' plan had been successful. What we have to do now is to call Nusi over, hack into Chelsea's identity chip, get some information, and figure out what he is hiding from Jack.

He touched the side of his ear and activated the call chip, and an excited and familiar voice came from inside:

"Jack, how's it going?"

"The plan worked. Come in."

Jack sighed and Tongnus said.

"Okay, I'll come over now, open the door for me!"


Jack kept in touch with Nuss until the doorbell rang outside. He knew that it was Nuss who must have rushed over.

He lifted Chelsea up from the ground, let her lie down on the table to sleep, and then put the family photo into Chelsea's pocket:

"Old man, don't blame me, it's just that you have hidden too many things from me, and I really want to know the truth. When you wake up tomorrow, you can scold me and blame me again, if you doubt me by then. "

After doing all this, Jack walked over and opened the door for Nuss.

When he opened the door, he expected to see Noose.

But what he didn't expect was that when the door opened, besides Nusi, there were a bunch of people standing behind him.

Some of them were wearing the latest nano-armors, and a few standing beside them had special black armors, and you could tell they were from the military.

As soon as Jack opened the door, the military man raised his ionization gun and aimed it at him.

"do not move!"

a man shouted.

Jack was stunned for a moment, not daring to act rashly. He knows how terrifyingly powerful the ionization gun is. As long as he is hit by the rays it emits without taking any protective measures, he will receive extremely severe radiation. The areas on his body where he was hit will burn and even cause death. It burns a big hole in the human body and kills the person.

Seeing this, Jack looked at Nus, the leader in front of him, and asked with anger and confusion:

"Nus, what are you doing!?"

"I'm sorry, old Jack, but I'm no Nuss at all."

"Nus" had a fake smile on his face, completely different from the Nus that Jack had seen a few days ago.

"Nus" reached out and pulled off the mask on his face. Soon, his mixed-race face was gently pulled off like a piece of pig skin.

Behind that face was a thin, middle-aged man who looked very different from Nuss, with gray hair.

He is different from normal people. He has four pairs of red eyes, which look like prosthetic eyes. Each eye is emitting red light, and it seems that it hides deep dangers and secrets.

"Compared to machine masks, it is true that only this kind of specially made material, which is similar to human skin, can deceive our master craftsmen."

As he spoke, he waved his hand and asked several soldiers to come forward and hold Jack up so that he would not move around.

"Nus" looked at Jack being held up, smiled, and continued:

"Nus is indeed a person. I didn't make this up out of thin air. But for our plan, he had already sacrificed his life before he met you. Let me introduce you again. What is in front of you is the entire person responsible for this operation. Man, Colonel James. You can also just call me Denevr.

"After all, thanks to you, this plan can proceed so smoothly."

Hearing this, Jack stared at him and asked word by word:

"James? Action? What exactly do you mean?"

Colonel James smiled. The four prosthetic eyes looked very strange:

"I'm sorry, Jack, I made a game, but don't worry, the target of this game is not you, but your father, Chelsea Case Jc.

"His full name is Chelsea Keys Night Owl Jc, one of the important members of the Paradise Island rebels."

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