My Apocalypse Fortress Vehicle

372.Man-made disaster

Aisha took Gu Zhuo to V's office. Along the way, the two of them were silent without any conversation. Aisha still maintained her fighting form, her expression was very serious, and the air pressure between the two was very low.

After arriving at the door of V's office, Aisha knocked on the door and shouted from inside. Her tone sounded a little urgent:

"Master, I'm here with K."

"Come in."

V's voice came out.

Aisha opened the door and quickly walked into the office with Gu Zhuo. After Gu Zhuo walked in, she closed the door.

V's expression was a little solemn at this time. There was a transparent blue screen in front of him, and he was staring at this transparent blue screen.

Aisha walked up to him and was about to talk to him. V glanced sideways at her and saw the long and narrow sword that her two hands turned into. She also smelled a fishy smell coming from the sword, so she said:

"Elsa, switch back to combat mode first."

Hearing this, Aisha was stunned for a moment and switched to combat mode.

After switching forms, she continued:

"Master, those experimental subjects have turned into monsters, and their desire to attack is very high."

"I know, I've seen it all."

V nodded, his tone sounding a little anxious.

He raised his head, glanced at Gu Zhuo, and called him to his side:

"Gu Zhuo, come here."

He had nothing to hide in front of Aisha, so he called Gu Zhuo's name directly.

Gu Zhuo came over and stood next to V. Only then did he see the blue transparent screen in front of V. What was playing on it was exactly what was happening in the laboratory at the moment.

Presumably V clearly saw everything that happened in the laboratory just now.

At this time, inside the laboratory, the group of monsters were constantly pulling at the laboratory door. But the laboratory doors are so heavy that they can't be opened at all. No matter how they attacked, there were only some shallow marks left on the door.

Seeing that they could not break through the door, they changed their strategies.

They scattered from the door, looking for other ways out.

But the inside of the laboratory is closed. When V designed the laboratory at that time, there was no other exit.

Seeing that they couldn't find any other way out and that the door couldn't be attacked, the group of monsters quickly gave up.

They began moving around the lab, destroying cooling petri dishes. Overturning them to the ground, the pipes mixed with the black water flowing out and flowed to the ground. Mixed with the blood of the monsters killed by Gu Zhuo Aisha together, it quickly covered the entire ground.

Gu Zhuo quickly recognized the monster he had transformed into.

For some reason, he always felt that that monster was stronger than the other monsters.

"That was transformed from your experimental subject."

V pointed at the monster and said to Gu Zhuo.

"I know."

Gu Zhuo answered him.

"It looks like the leader, call it number one."

V was right. Gu Zhuo, who was a child, became number one, and it seems that he has indeed taken on the position of leader.

It wandered in front of a bunch of monsters gathered together. All the monsters lowered their heads and seemed to respect No. 1.

Number 1 walked around for a while and then stopped. After it stopped, it pointed in a direction with its head, as if it was guiding something.

Seeing this, the group of monsters followed No. 1's movements and ran in that direction.

It was the body of a monster killed by Gu Zhuo.

They dragged the monster's body and brought it to No. 1.

No. 1 looked at them condescendingly, then lowered his head and started chewing on the corpse.

When it was biting, other monsters did not dare to come close and just watched its movements from a distance.

This scene was so disgusting that Gu Zhuo felt sick to his stomach after just one glance. It seemed that the air in the helmet immediately became stuffy, and seemed to be mixed with a foul and sour smell.

It took off its helmet, exposed its face, and gasped for air.

He really couldn't accept that even if he was in another time and space, even if he had become a monster, he would do such a thing.

This had a huge physical and mental impact on him.

V looked at this scene, and although he frowned slightly, what he cast was more of a research look.

Gu Zhuo really didn't want to take another look at the scene in the laboratory, so he turned his head away, preparing to escape.

But V saw something else at this moment and asked Gu Zhuo:

"Gu Zhuo, is this the kind of monster you told me about, raging in your world?"


Gu Zhuo nodded and answered him.

After receiving a positive answer, V continued to ask:

"Are the monsters in your world line so organized and disciplined, like a group with low intelligence?"


Gu Zhuo shook his head this time:

"At least all the monsters I've seen are scattered and there won't be any spontaneous group activities. They will just keep hunting and preying on humans. They are crazy and plentiful, as long as you see them outside One, there must be many clusters following them.

"Also, they reproduce very quickly, very quickly. Their offspring grow very quickly.

"As far as I know, their life is to eat, hunt, and constantly mate and reproduce, just like real beasts."

After hearing what Gu Zhuo said, V pondered for a moment and asked:

"What are their disadvantages?"

"The heart is connected to the throat, and there is light, sunlight."

"Sunlight? Can ordinary light kill them?"


Gu Zhuo replied.

But V has always been a person with enough curiosity for knowledge, so he still tried it on his own.

He turned on all the laboratory lights.

The bright and even blazing lights obviously frightened the monsters the moment they were turned on. Number 1 also gave up the food in his mouth, jumped a big step back, and huddled behind a collapsed cooling petri dish.

Other monsters imitated its actions and shrank.

But they soon discovered that although the bright light came suddenly, it didn't seem to hurt them.

Number 1 carefully reached out a hand from behind the cooling petri dish. Under the light, that hand looked even more ferocious and disgusting. It looked like an arm that had been corroded by sulfuric acid, with pieces of flesh turning upwards. Dark oil was poured on the wounds, making them tangled together like wrinkled book pages.

After the hand came out, the light did not hurt it.

Seeing this, No. 1 gradually moved his body completely out from behind the cooling petri dish.

Seeing that No. 1 was not harmed, the other monsters followed.

No. 1 returned to the corpse that had not yet been finished, and continued to feast on the wounds that had just been bitten. However, it seems to be moving much faster, and it seems that it is worried that another accident will happen.

It does seem smarter than the monsters in Gu Zhuo's original world.

"You're right, ordinary light can't hurt them."

After V finished the experiment, he told Gu Zhuo.

Gu Zhuo never looked at the scene in the video again.

"Why did these experimental subjects suddenly become like this? What happened when I was not in the laboratory? Everything was normal before I left."

he asked about V.

V shook his head, also looking very confused:

"I don't know. If you don't believe me, I can bring up the surveillance video and show it to you. Since you entered the laboratory, I have never let other researchers in, and indeed no one else has entered. .

"Then I have been sitting in the office, thinking about our countermeasures. I even wrote a bunch of plans, trying to make them as perfect as possible."

V said, picking up the plan from the table and handing it to Gu Zhuo, as if to confirm what he said.

Gu Zhuo took the plan and glanced at it hastily, but he couldn't understand a word about "future", and he had no intention of reading the content.

V continued to explain:

"Then you came back, and Aisha took you to the laboratory. After you went to the laboratory, I heard Aisha report to me that there were strange sounds in the laboratory, so I looked at the monitor and saw you there. The scene of killing monsters.

"Gu Zhuo, I don't even know as much as you do, and I don't know why these monsters that should exist in your world suddenly appear in my world.

"Moreover, they turned out to be transformed from my experimental subjects..."

"Have your experimental subjects never had any abnormalities before?"

Gu Zhuo asked.

"At least such a disgusting mutation has never happened. At most, they are out of control and uncontrollable, but they will never turn into monsters, let alone be stabbed by Elsa and resurrect with flesh and blood."

V said it very seriously.

The three of them soon fell silent.

After a while, V spoke first:

"But from what I see, these monsters don't have particularly strong attack power. I guess they can't even kill humans with slightly stronger prosthetic modifications, let alone regular armies. And since their weaknesses are so obvious, they probably won't cause much damage. scourge.

"The only thing that can make people worry is whether they can cause infectious diseases and become a source of infection. They can spread this mutation to others."

Hearing V's concern, Gu Zhuo shook his head and said with certainty:

"As far as I know, unless you are bitten by them, causing infection and becoming a weird infected person. Otherwise, there will be no other infections. I remember that at that time, so many monsters seemed to be caused by the original one. A batch that reproduced itself.”

"Infected person?"

V seemed particularly interested in this word.

Gu Zhuo saw what he was thinking and said to him righteously:

"V, I have seen infected humans with my own eyes. Their fate is very miserable. You'd better not pay any attention to this matter. This is completely the product of the devil. Believe me, wait until you see it with your own eyes. The way infected humans look, you won’t have any interest in them.”

After hearing Gu Zhuo's resolute admonishment, V smiled bitterly and changed the subject:

"If, as you say, the appearance of these monsters is a precursor to the end of the world, then this is a man-made disaster. But will the natural disasters you mentioned follow one after another?"

Hearing this, Gu Zhuo was stunned.

He shook his head:

"I have no idea."

Although he didn't know whether natural and man-made disasters would sweep across the country together, he at least understood one thing.

That is, the tower climbing plan must be implemented quickly, otherwise when the doomsday crisis really comes to the future world, what accident will happen to V? Who else can use the huge energy on the Arasaka Tower to send himself back to the time rift?

Then wouldn't he be trapped in this time and space forever and never be able to go back?

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