My Apocalypse Fortress Vehicle

416. Meteor’s first conversation

Along with the noisy sounds outside, it seemed that the military people had almost arrived. Outside Arasaka Tower, various forces seemed to have emerged, all waiting to see the results of the suppression within Arasaka Tower.

After all, such a large-scale uprising has not happened for a long time.

Wave after wave of military personnel poured into the interior of Arasaka Tower, bound to capture the remnants inside.

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Gu Zhuo ignored them and walked resolutely to the sixteenth floor.

No one told him what the sixteenth floor would be. It might be all kinds of dangerous institutions, it might be where the meteorites live, or it might be nothing at all.

Only if he goes up and sees with his own eyes can he know.

He came to the stairs leading to the sixteenth floor. There was an elevator inside Arasaka Tower, but the elevator was only on the first seven floors, and there were all stairs behind it.

Although it is so advanced and almost represents the most high-tech place in the world, it still adopts such a primitive way of going upstairs. Maybe the founder has his own special idea.

Gu Zhuo walked up the stairs to the sixteenth floor.

He knew that even Jesse and the others did not have the authority to go further upstairs.

He didn't know what the lack of authority meant, whether there was something blocking them on the sixteenth floor, or whether there were simply regulations not allowing them to go up.

Gu Zhuo was walking on the stairs. This staircase was no different from the ones on the previous floors. It looked very simple, and there were no traps waiting for him.

Follow the stairs to the sixteenth floor.

I saw a large blue barrier outside the sixteenth floor. On the blue barrier, there were many strange and dense patterns carved on it. The shapes of these patterns are like various mathematical symbols, and Gu Zhuo can't understand any of them.

He touched the blue barrier and found that it was very smooth and soft, not as hard as he imagined. However, it very cleverly isolated the contact between Gu Zhuo and the sixteenth floor, making it impossible for Gu Zhuo to pass.

Perhaps it was this physical barrier that hindered Jesse and the others from entering the sixteenth floor.

But unlike Jesse and others, Gu Zhuo has a mechanic.

He put his hand on the barrier and controlled the mechanic to crack the barrier.

The mechanic accepted Gu Zhuo's instructions and quickly began to crack the barrier.

Its cracking speed was very fast, and it broke the barrier almost a few seconds after Gu Zhuogang gave it the command.

The blue barrier was instantly shattered like a broken window and scattered all over the floor. Then it fell to the ground, evaporated like water, and disappeared.

Gu Zhuo tried to walk into the sixteenth floor.

As soon as he walked in, he sighed that the space here was very large, and the ceiling on the sixteenth floor could not be seen at all. It's like an endless sky, stretching out without end.

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"Why is it so high here?"

Gu Zhuo did not expect that the height of the sixteenth floor would reach this level. While he was puzzled, he was also wondering whether the upper floors would be the same height.

If this is the case, it can also explain why Arasaka Tower has become the tallest building in the world.

Apart from being so high that you can't even see the top when you look up, the decoration in the rest of the place is very ordinary.

It's like a large bedroom, living room, office, laboratory, etc. space gathered together.

Not a single person could be seen inside, and at first glance there was no passage leading to the upper floor. It feels like entering a separate space.

However, Gu Zhuo would not stop here. He tried to find a hidden upward path.

While Gu Zhuo was still looking for the upward passage, a voice suddenly sounded in the room, loud and ethereal, as if someone was shouting to Gu Zhuo from the void:

"Are you the guy who defeated the No. 12 I created in one fell swoop?"

Hearing this strange man's voice, Gu Zhuo immediately raised his vigilance and looked around, trying to find out where the voice came from.

"I won't hurt you just yet, I'm just curious about you."

The voice continued.

"Who are you?"

Gu Zhuo asked him.

"You must have heard my name many times, it should be very familiar. No one will appear here except me."

Hearing this, Gu Zhuo probably guessed his identity and asked:

"Are you the meteor?"

"it's me."

After hearing that the other party confessed his identity, Gu Zhuo immediately became vigilant, worried about any movement around him, for fear that he would be secretly attacked without knowing it.

"Don't be so nervous. I said I won't do anything to you now. I like you a little more than those people outside."

Yuexing said as several images flashed in front of Gu Zhuo.

These images are some scenes from the bottom floor of Arasaka Tower.

Gu Zhuo saw that after the heavily armed military personnel entered the Arasaka Tower, they originally wanted to continue to the upper floors of the Arasaka Tower to look for Gu Zhuo. But soon, they were eliminated by various unexpected defense devices.

Those defensive devices are unexpected and impossible to prevent. There are laser rays hidden under the walls, self-destructing nano-invasion robots, and everything is available.

These military personnel lost a number of troops for no reason and did not dare to rush into the interior of Arasaka Tower. They could only stand by and surround Arasaka Tower layer by layer to prevent outsiders from approaching.

They concluded that the security system from Paradise Island had just taken over Arasaka Tower's internal system, so they launched an indiscriminate attack on everyone who entered the company.

Including the military.

They couldn't even imagine that the one who attacked them was the meteor himself.

The voice of the meteor sounded again:

"These idiots, they are so pitiful. It would be easier for me to kill them than to pick off a leaf. Little guy, if I really wanted to plot against you, I would not let you stand in front of me safe and sound until now. ."

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Looking at the scene in the picture, Gu Zhuo asked about the meteor:

"Show me these, what do you mean? You can't tell me that you and I are on the same side."

Meteor's frank answer:

"I said, I like you a little more than those people outside. Those guys are a bunch of parasites and vampires, why should I like them? And when they come in, they can only mind their own business. I don't like talking about important things. When I was eating, there were little flies flying around to bother me.”

"Why are you pretending? You have become the lackey of the biggest vampire. What qualifications do you have to say that you hate them?"

Gu Zhuo's words were actually very conflicting and offensive, but Yuexing didn't look angry at all.

His tone did not change at all:

"I know you have killed so many of your companions, so you must hate me very much and think I am the culprit. But those were all things done by No. 12. That guy, like my child, wanted my approval crazily. That’s why he was so cruel. Look, didn’t he get punished in the end?”


Gu Zhuo was silent for a moment. The current scene was completely different from the meeting he had imagined with the meteor.

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He thought they would start working together as soon as they met, just like on the 12th.

"What do you want to do, what do you want from me, what do you know?"

"I don't want to do anything, I'm just very interested in you as a person, and I feel the need to tell you something so that you won't be kept in the dark forever."

"whats the matter?"

"About your friend lying outside, the man named V. You will definitely want to know about him."

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