My Attic Connects To Other Worlds

Chapter 131 130: Wang Huan and the President of the United States! Is it a historic moment?

Chapter 131: 130 Wang Huan and the President of the United States! Is it a historic moment?

The energy of the general public is limited, and they are destined not to devote too much time and attention to one thing.

All things pass, this has long been proven.

No matter how appalling things have happened, as long as a symbolic explanation is given, the waiting time will fade away.

This of course also includes Wang Huan being framed.

Wang Huan was assassinated.

Zhang Enci was murdered.

The moment Frank was handcuffed, countless people felt that they had won.

Deep down, I almost let this thing go.

Therefore, the people are impatient, no matter which world the people are in.

A case in the United States is often tried for a long time, ranging from several months to several years.

So the case of Frank framing Wang Huan, and the case of Frank murdering Zhang Enci.

Just entered this lengthy rhythm.

When the previous court sessions were held, there were still many people paying attention, and many people applied to go to the scene.

And the jury was outraged.

In the court, the lawyers of both sides are also verbal, and you come and go, which is extremely fierce.

It seems that there is no favoritism at all,

This is a fair court.


The result is insufficient evidence.

There was insufficient evidence in either case to convict Frank.

So the prosecution has to start looking for a new round of evidence.


And within this time, Wang Huan was able to get up from the hospital bed in the consulate.

He recovered much faster than normal.

From start to finish, his body was a miracle.

If it were someone else, he would already be too dead.

But he didn't die, instead he was recovering rapidly.

Today, he is already undergoing recovery training.

He is also on TV every day and pays attention to Frank's case on the Internet.

The first time he went to court, he was acquitted because of insufficient evidence.

It aroused great anger among the people, and many protests and demonstrations seemed to be making a comeback again.

But it hadn't waited for the fire to ignite.

Frank was arrested a second time.

Because of a bribery case and a case of intentional injury.

The public felt that the New York prosecutors seemed to really want to do everything possible to arrest Frank and bring him to justice.

Next, both the police, the prosecution, and even the Federal Bureau of Investigation sent a lot of manpower and material resources.

For some areas, it is almost a blanket operation.

Look for witnesses, look for evidence.

Countless passers-by were asked for help by the prosecution and the police.

Ask if you saw the scene of Zhang Enci being kidnapped at such and such a time and at such and such a place.

Etc., etc.

In short, everyone feels that the New York police and prosecutors seem to be desperately trying to send Frank to prison, and their will is stronger than that of ordinary people.

They also looked for lots and lots of evidence.

There are also many people who have submitted relevant evidence, but unfortunately it is either wrong or has no effect.

Second court session.

The whole process lasted for a long time, and the entire court seemed to be fighting with their lives to bring the devil, Frank, to justice.


In the end, there was still not enough evidence to convict Frank.

But this time, the number of people paying attention has been much, much smaller.

And during this period of time, many new things have happened, attracting the attention of countless people.


"There is no result!" Consul Lin next to him said: "These cases will drag on for a long time, making everyone almost forget about this matter, and making countless people's expectations continue to decrease. Finally, a breakthrough point is found somewhere, and then Convict Frank, put him on probation, he doesn't really need to go to jail."

Wang Huan nodded, he also thought of this result.

What is even more ironic is that after Zhang Enci's father came to the United States to collect her ashes, he left very low-key.

He didn't have any idea or statement to pursue it to the end.

In fact, among the cases Frank was carrying at this time, the crime of framing Wang Huan was very low, and the most serious case was the murder of Zhang Enci.

As long as there is no conviction in this case, it will be difficult to cause substantial harm to Frank.

But even Zhang Enci's father is unwilling to pursue the matter to the end. Does it depend on the New York prosecutors?

It is the same in every place in the world. It is not enough to rely on the law to bring down a person from the top of the pyramid.

What is needed is a power struggle and a game of interests.

Then, the two fell silent.

"President of the United States, want to meet you, do you want to go?"

Wang Huan thought for a while, nodded and said, "Go."

In the United States, being interviewed by the president is rare, but not uncommon.

Many people have had it, not to mention others, but Cheng Li, a basketball superstar who plays the main force in the NBA, has been to the White House and was received by the president.

Not to mention any honor.

But Wang Huan is still different.

Because he once challenged the President of the United States, forced the President of the United States to apologize to him, and asked him to change his remarks and withdraw his previous remarks that slandered the Beijing Olympics.

Consul Lin said, "Then we will officially reply."


The news media got excited again.

The President of the United States received Wang Huan at the White House.

This is no ordinary interview!

Countless people all over the world are paying attention.

Because Wang Huan said before that the main purpose of his challenge to the United States was to make the President of the United States apologize, and to withdraw his previous remarks that slandered Wang Huan himself and the Beijing Olympics.

The previous presidents of the United States have never responded positively.

Just said one thing, wait until you win.

Wang Huan won three games.

He said there will be four fights in total.

It is said that there is one last challenge left.

He conquered America, he challenged America, and there was one last battle left.


Now that the situation has developed to this point, is there still this last battle?

China has made up its mind that as long as Wang Huan recovers from his injuries, he will be brought back to China immediately, and he will absolutely not be allowed to stay in the United States.

But Wang Huan was framed and assassinated again.

Even the US Federal Bureau of Investigation was involved in this scandal.

So will the president apologize to Wang Huan?

This is the biggest suspense!

It is also the answer that countless people all over the world care about.

July 18.

The President of the United States will formally receive Wang Huan at the White House.

Moreover, some media will be invited to shoot, a total of five media.

For a while, the stock prices of these five media companies rose a lot.

It's really funny, it's just a live broadcast of an interview, and it actually affects the stock price?

The capital world is like this, any news can be a reason to raise prices. Our country is even worse than this.


July 18 has arrived.

Countless people witnessed this interview through television.

Will the president ever apologize?

This is simply a big suspense, isn't it?

Will the President of the United States apologize to a Chinese citizen?

If I apologize, it should be unprecedented.

Of course, the president of the United States is not the emperor, and the emperor can think of his own crimes, and apologies are not uncommon.

But the point is to apologize to a foreign citizen?

To some extent, this should be very demeaning.

Chased by many cameras and reporters, a Mercedes-Benz in which Wang Huan was riding arrived.

After the surrounding security personnel confirmed that it was safe, Wang Huan got out of the car.

Many reporters wanted to catch up and interview Wang Huan.

But it was immediately rejected by many security personnel.

In the shortest time, Wang Huan entered the White House.

"Please wait a moment, Mr. President is having an important meeting, what do you need? Tea or coffee?" The reception officials were polite.


Soon, a cup of good black tea was served.

More than half an hour later, the president still hadn't come.

The reception official said: "I'm very sorry, Mr. Wang Huan. Mr. President has a very important official business at the moment. If you don't mind, I would like to invite you to visit the White House. Do I have the honor to be your tour guide?"

Wang Huan said: "No need, I can just wait here."

The reception officer didn't feel embarrassed either, and smiled and said, "Of course."

Next, he brought black tea and exquisite snacks, and said, "I hope these things can bring you a good mood."

Another full hour and a half passed.

Wang Huan just waited here quietly.

Finally, the door opened.

But it wasn't the president of the United States who was closest, but a young man.

"Mr. Wang Huan, let me introduce myself. I'm George." The young man said, "I admire you very much. I know that Mr. President is going to meet you, so I came here from Texas. I'm very excited to meet you."

Wang Huan glanced at the young man. George's background is not simple.

His grandfather is the president, his uncle is the current president, and he is the third generation of the family.

He is also very likely to become the president of the United States in the future, becoming the third president in the family.

"Lan, can I be alone with Mr. Wang Huan for a while?" George smiled.

"Of course." The reception officer backed out.

George still smiled and said, "Mr. Wang Huan, what do you want for this interview?"

Wang Huan said: "Of course it is Mr. President who apologized to me, and retracted the wrong remarks that slandered the Beijing Olympic Games, and apologized for the framing and unfair treatment I received in the United States."

George smiled, but it was a deliberately awkward smile.

"Mr. Wang Huan, what is this?" George took out a mobile phone.

"Mobile phone, a Motorola phone."

George said: "Yes, Motorola's mobile phone, American."

Then, he pointed to the computer and said, "What is this?"


"Yes, computers." George said: "Of course you also produce computers in China, but you also know what kind of work it is. The chips inside are American, the operating system is also American, and everything is American."

"Mr. Wang Huan, if you are sailing alone on the sea, or adventuring in the desert, what is the safest little thing for you?" George asked.

Wang Huan said: "GPS chip."

"Yes." George said: "The GPS chip is also from the United States."

"By the way, Mr. Wang Huan, do you often fly in China?" George asked.

Wang Huan said: "Sit often."

George said: "There is a high probability that you will take a Boeing plane, which is also from the United States. About a few years ago, you would exchange 100 million shirts for a Boeing plane. So the United States is still very grateful to you, If it weren't for you, we probably wouldn't be able to buy so many cheap things, even though the quality isn't as good."

George continued: "As a mature person, you shouldn't show off, but I'm still young, I'm only 29 years old this year, so you have to forgive me, sometimes I may be too frivolous."

George turned on the TV.

This picture is the picture of the F22 fighter jet taking off.

Then there is the picture of the aircraft carrier battle group.

Then there is the report on the battlefield in Iraq.

These two battles were completely one-sided results.

Facing the hundreds of thousands of troops in Iraq, the U.S. military actually suffered negligible or even negligible casualties on the battlefield.

Easily defeated the so-called extremely powerful Iraqi hundreds of thousands of troops.

Saddam himself was captured.

"Mr. Wang Huan, I admire your personal achievements very much." George, the president's nephew, said, "But don't you think the logic in this is a bit... absurd?"

"I have also read your Chinese history. I want to ask, the Jurchens defeated the Song Dynasty, destroyed the capital of the Song Dynasty, captured the emperor of the Song Dynasty, and abused the queen of the Song Dynasty. Are they sorry?" George said.

Wang Huan said with a smile: "Do you think the United States is a barbaric Jurchen?"

"Of course not, how can I be so ignorant." George smiled: "How can the so-called Jurchen be compared with the great America. The Jurchen has a strong force, and the Song Dynasty has a strong economy and culture. But the United States has everything, whether it is A strong force, or a strong economy, or a strong culture."

Then George picked up the remote and switched to a TV station.

The above is talking about clothing.

On the screen, ancient Chinese Hanfu is appearing.

"It's incredible harmony. Your old Chinese are wearing Hanfu, with wispy beards, and men with long hair in a bun. They look not only handsome, but also full of mysterious charm." George He smiled and said, "But why don't you wear this kind of clothes now? Don't you comb your hair like this?"

"Mr. Wang Huan, the clothes you are wearing today should be Chinese tunic suits." George said, "Then may I ask, is he Chinese-style clothes?"


The tunic suit is designed on the basis of European and American service, combined with Japanese student clothing and a little Chinese element.

George said: "I have been to China, and your people wear jackets, suits, and even Chinese tunic suits are rare. And your women, the clothes are not bad, and they look good, even though they are several seasons behind. But... nothing Except, all of them are Western-style clothes, right?"

"Why?" George said: "You know the answer in your heart. Why did you cut off your long hair and put on suits? You know it very well in your heart."

"Mr. Wang Huan, you keep saying that you want to conquer us. It's opera, literature, and boxing. As I said, this is very, very remarkable, and I admire it very much. But for the entire civilization, who is the conqueror? who?" George smiled and said, "And now you want to represent yourself and your country and demand an apology from us, do you think it is in line with the logic of this world?"

George's words were not particularly explicit.

But the meaning is already very clear.

The weak, want an apology from the strong?

How ridiculous?

No matter how strong and excellent you are personally, what is the use?

George said: "I respect you, really! Because we have fought before, you are equal, and you have won our respect. But... The times seem to have changed again, and many things are different. Fortunately, , We are at the forefront again. The battlefield in Iraq fully proved this point, and many things you are proud of may be outdated.”

"So, isn't it absurd that you should now ask my uncle to apologize to you?"

Wang Huan should have said at this time.

Shouldn't the world be divided into right and wrong?

Shouldn't you apologize for doing something wrong?

You framed me, slandered me, and slandered us, shouldn't you apologize?

However, what the other party said directly made these so-called right and wrong truths have no place to stay.

Truth is always within the range of the cannon.

Children are the ones who tell right from wrong.

Now that we are all adults, you still have to say right or wrong?

Do you think this is play house in kindergarten?

At this time, there was a knock on the door outside.

George smiled and said: "I'm very sorry, Mr. Wang Huan. What I said today may hurt your self-esteem, and even your pride as an Olympic champion and a literary star. Please forgive me, I am too young Yes, sometimes my grandfather would scold me for being too frivolous."

Then, he said towards the outside: "You can come in, the conversation between me and Wang Huan is over, very very happy."

The door opened.

The reception official said: "Mr. Wang Huan, Mr. President invites you to come over."

Next, the reception official took Wang Huan to a place.

A place that Wang Huan could not imagine.

A very gorgeous cinema.

Are you going to watch a movie here?

The president of the United States was in the movie theater. When he saw Wang Huan coming in, he stood up with a smile, stretched out his hand to Wang Huan and said, "Mr. Is it better?"

Wang Hua said: "It's getting better, thank you very much."

Wang Huan discovered that there were other people in the theater at this time.

Natalie, the famous little diva in Hollywood, a highly educated, high IQ, high-powered movie star who graduated from Harvard University.

And there's someone totally unexpected.


Not long ago, he was arrested for the second time, and when he went to court, there was insufficient evidence and he was released for the second time.

He framed Wang Huan.

He murdered Zhang Enci.

But they can sit here with dignity, because the next movie to be shown is "Star Wars Episode 3", and Frank's media group is also one of the investors of this movie.

"Hi, long time no see." Frank stepped forward and embraced Wang Huan cordially.

Next, several people watched the movie quietly.

The movie is very, very good.

It has not been released yet, and it will take some time.

Purely from a movie point of view, Wang Huan likes it very much.

Because he has no feelings, he likes the prequel trilogy of Star Wars even more than the main story.

In terms of industrial technology, this film is absolutely top-notch at this time in 2005. How many years have you crushed the Chinese film industry?

Suddenly, George next to him said, "Mr. Wang Huan, which one of your Chinese movies has the highest box office worldwide?"

Wang Huan knew that he was a hero.

"I remember, it's a hero." George said: "However, this movie seems to be our promotion in the United States, so it has earned more than 100 million US dollars in box office worldwide, and it has been squeezed in the warehouse for a long time."

American films, on the other hand, dominate the entire world, with the highest global box office of 1.8 billion US dollars. This is cultural conquest.

More than two hours later!

The movie is over.

This so-called presidential appointment has also come to an end.

Next, it is time to meet the media.

This is the real formulaic content.


The president's five media outlets appeared in a special office.

The camera was aimed at Wang Huan and the president.

This is the interview that will be shown to the world.

"Crack, click..."

The strobe keeps on flashing.

The president showed a cordial smile and shook hands with Wang Huan.

Then, a reporter stepped forward and asked, "Mr. Wang Huan, what are your plans for the future? Are you satisfied with this meeting? Is there anything else you want to say to Mr. President?"

Then, another reporter asked: "Mr. Wang Huan, you have encountered a shooting accident. May I ask if your plan to challenge the United States will continue? If I remember correctly, you have a final battle to challenge the United States. Are you going to give up now?" gone?"

"Mr. President, how do you feel about Mr. Wang Huan? Do you have any last words to say to Mr. Wang Huan?"


Note: The second update is here, please support, please ask for monthly tickets, cakes and thank you!

I hope that our country will climb to the real pinnacle of the world one day, and share our encouragement with you.

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