My Cell Game

Chapter 493 Don't send anyone

Hospital base.

Inside Jiang Zuo's room.

As soon as An Quantao finished talking with the royal family, he hurried to Jiang Zuo's room and reported the situation to Jiang Zuo.

At this moment, An Quantao was sitting opposite Jiang Zuo, and told Jiang Zuo the content of the call with Du Yuan from front to back, while Jiang Zuo listened to what An Quantao said, while bowing his head in thought.

After listening to An Quantao's explanation, Jiang Zuo nodded and raised his head slowly. At this moment, he frowned, as if he was thinking about something.

After a while, Jiang Zuo asked An Quantao: "What do you think the royal family is saying? What is their purpose?"

An Quantao didn't answer right away, he couldn't figure out this kind of question for a while.

After An Quantao thought for a while, he said:

"I don't have any definite evidence for the purpose of the royal family, and it's hard to guess, because there are too many possibilities, and if I really want to list it, I may not be able to write it down on a single page.

However, although I can't guess what the royal family wants to do, I think it is almost certain that the royal family will not be so kind and want to give us a big killer like 'corroding water' for no reason. "

Jiang Zuo nodded in agreement, and said, "That's right, no matter what the royal family wanted to do when they transported the 'corroded water' to Nanyang City, they would definitely not give it to us so easily, there is no doubt about it."

The reason why Jiang Zuo was so sure was because Jiang Zuo knew about the Ominous Crystal, but An Quantao didn't seem to know yet.

After the blood tide is over, the Ominous Crystal will appear. Jiang Zuo feels that the royal family can't imagine that Jiang Zuo's judge organization will also be a big threat when they compete for the Ominous Crystal.

Logically speaking, the weaker Jiang Zuo's judge organization is, the better it is for the royal family, which is equivalent to virtually reducing a competitor for the royal family.

Logically speaking, it is impossible for the royal family to increase the strength of Jiang Zuo's organization to increase competitors for themselves.

According to Du Yuan, if it is the reward for guarding the hospital base, then the alloy warehouse is completely enough, and there is even a little more, there is absolutely no need to give "corrosion water".

Du Yuan said that firstly, he wanted to give rewards, and secondly, he wanted to strengthen An Quantao's strength. These two points are obviously untenable, and at most they are just a plausible excuse on the surface.

Beneath this superficial excuse, what does the royal family really want?

Jiang Zuo was puzzled. At this moment, An Quantao's eyes suddenly lit up, as if he had figured out the situation:

"Boss, I remembered, you see if the situation is like this——

The royal family wants to transport the 'Corrosion Flowing Water' to Nanyang City, but it is not clear why, in short, it wants to transport this weapon first and make arrangements in advance.

In Nanyang City, the place that best meets this requirement is the base of our hospital.

The royal family said it was given to us, but in fact it was put in our place for storage.

Even if the 'corrosion running water' is sent to the hospital base, if the royal family disagrees, it would be too cost-effective to forcibly rob dozens of boxes of weapons. Getting the weapons does not mean that you can get the technology, and you still can't make them if you use them up.

At that time, not only will we not be able to get it, but we will have to send people to take care of it.

I also remembered that Du Yuan said, let us send escorts, and Du Yuan also chose to transport from the ground. I guess this is to let us send people again, and wants to take this opportunity to weaken our strength, let us in Suffered losses during the escort? "

Like Du Yuan in the past, An Quantao used the wrong and ridiculously fast process this time to deduce a result close to the correct answer.

If two people are asked to do the questions, they are probably blind masters. It doesn't matter if the process is right or not, as long as the result is right, it's over.

After Jiang Zuo listened, he nodded in agreement and said:

"It makes sense, but having said that, there is a certain risk in ground escorting.

It feels a bit unreasonable to let 'corrosion water' take more risks and take the opportunity to weaken our strength.

But who knows what the royal family thinks, maybe which string is wrong, and what kind of coquettish decision they made, maybe in their opinion, the risk of taking too much is very small, compared to the losses caused to us, This risk is acceptable.

By the way, how many judges did Du Yuan ask us to send to escort? "

An Quantao recalled it for a while, and said, "I remember fifty. Du Yuan said that we should send fifty judges to escort, and it would be best to have a hundred."


Or preferably a hundred?

Jiang Zuo was almost annoyed, he really thought his judges were not precious! How dare the lion open its mouth!

"Not one will be sent!" Jiang Zuo said bluntly:

"Anyway, 'Corrosive Flowing Water' is not for us, so let them toss it out on their own, we don't need anyone or help! At most, we can arrange a place for them in the hospital stronghold."

During the discussion between Jiang Zuo and An Quantao, Du Yuan's side had already started to act quickly.

A few boxes of real "corrosion running water" were removed from the imperial arsenal, while the remaining dozens of boxes of fake ones were manufactured nearby Nanyang City.

At this moment, more than twenty boxes of "corrosion flowing water" have been stored in the royal arsenal.

It is the newly trained army of the royal family who are responsible for guarding these "corroding waters", which are specially used to deal with the army of Deadpool.

With the appearance of this army, the status of the judge was shaken for the first time.

When this army equipped with "Corrosive Flowing Water" first appeared in the sky over Nanyang City, the entire empire gained another powerful force against Deadpool.

At the airport in Tungu Western Capital, a plane loaded with "corroding flowing water" slowly took off, and Du Yuan was also on the plane.

Although a judge at the level of Du Yuan can use the energy of Da Richuan, and the speed to and from Nanyang City will be faster than the plane, but Du Yuan still chooses to take the plane because he wants to protect these boxes of "corrosion flowing water" along the way. .

As the plane flew higher and higher, Du Yuan sighed slightly as he watched the Da Richuan below gradually change from a rushing wide river to a thin line running through the ancient western capital.

"Corrosion Flowing Water" is indeed very powerful, but Du Yuan knows very well that the weaponized "Corrosion Flowing Water" can only be very powerful against low-level Deadpool.

For Deadpool above level 20, "Corrosive Water" has almost no effect.

Moreover, the real strength of the judges is not as simple as that of the low-level judges. In the eyes of some high-level judges, the low-level judges are just soldiers who can beat Deadpool, and they are no different from other royal troops.

The true strength of the judge lies in the Great Richuan.

Da Richuan is the source of power for judges. Only when judges reach a sufficient level can they mobilize the power of Da Richuan. strong strength.

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