My Destiny Illustrated Book of Shape Moon

Chapter 358 Is it wrong to trust your intuition in Werewolf?

Is there something wrong with the 35th letter?

[Please choose the order of speaking]

[Player No. 14 please speak]

As always, Draco was the first to speak, but this time, all eyes were on her.

During the discussion on the first day, Draco's behavior was the most suspicious. It was only the dog brother's self-destruction that diverted the fire, allowing her to escape.

But this time, Ritsuka's death once again pushed Draco to the forefront, and even Sakuyue's theory of 'werewolves killing themselves' was in jeopardy.

After a day of training, the players quickly matured and subconsciously began to think about possibilities.

How can only one person die in one night?

One: the werewolf killed one, the dream catcher guarded the wrong one, and the witch did nothing.

Second: The werewolf didn't kill anyone, the witch used the poison.

Third: The dream catcher photographed the same person twice in succession, and the werewolf did nothing or the person he killed was saved by the witch.

Three possibilities, which one is it?

In terms of possibilities, the first is the most likely.

Werewolves will not give up on their killing spree unless necessary, which is a pointless and wasteful act.

As for the possibility of the dream catcher killing someone, the possibility is even lower. The contestants chosen by the Dream Catcher on the first night were completely random, not to mention that no one except Cu Chulainn had made fatal mistakes. Why was the Dream Catcher so confident that the person he killed must be a werewolf?

Of course, everyone didn't know that Shuo Yue was a veteran. They had determined that Li Xiang was a werewolf as early as the first day. After thinking logically, they would naturally choose the first possibility, and then continue to deduce and come to the conclusion——

Ritsuka cannot be a werewolf.

Which werewolf would obsess over killing himself twice and never be able to save him?

That being the case, what about Draco, who plays opposite Ritsuka?

Isn't she a werewolf?

Under the scrutinizing gaze, Draco's expression remained unchanged and his words were as concise as ever.

"Last night, contestant No. 12, Miyu, werewolf."

After talking about the information she saw last night, she took her seat. Xiao Honglong had no intention of defending herself, and her words naturally made waves.

"How could it be Miyu! Miss Draco must be lying!"

There is no doubt that the only one who stood up with such indignation and unconditionally protected Miyu was Illya. She had always been in OB when she felt that she was mentally weak, but now she stood up and spoke out for her best friend.

"Miyu will never betray me!"

What a pure friendship this is.

Sakuyue watched the show silently and wiped away tears of emotion. While concluding that Illya was a commoner, he also noticed Miyu's earlobes suddenly burning red, and her eyes filled with guilt and struggle...

Even if her calm expression could deceive others, could she still deceive Shuo Yue?

What's more, Shuo Yue believed that Draco was a prophet from the beginning.

Cu Chulainn, Fujimaru Ritsuka, including Miyu who is now exposed, there are three people in total. So, where are the remaining two wolves hiding?

[Warn Contestant No. 11 once, he will be disqualified and punished next time]

"Ah..." Illya finally reacted, bowed hastily to everyone, and sat down embarrassedly.

As soon as her butt touched the chair, Miyu pushed a plate of fruit over to her.

"Come on, Illya, eat some fruit."

"Huh? Oh, thank you, Miyu."

Illya was stunned for a moment, thinking it was Miyu who thanked her for her righteous words. She picked up the fruit plate, and before she could start eating, she saw Miyu pulling down another box of snacks from the table.

"Illya, snack."

"...Ah, okay."

Immediately afterwards, Miyu looked around, and despite the warning, she jumped out of the chair, ran to Shuo Yue, and stretched out her hand. The young man seemed to understand her silent urging, smiled, touched Miyu's head, and gave her a big bag. snack.

Illya just watched in bewilderment as Miyu came back and stuffed the snacks she had 'robbed' into her arms.

"Ilia, these delicious foods..."

That's enough!

The corners of Illya's mouth twitched, and she helplessly grabbed her attentive good friend: "Miyu, don't be like this, no, even if you put on a confused expression..."

That's enough.

Xiao Hei, who was watching, silently withdrew his gaze, never admitting that he was a little envious at a certain moment...

Moreover, even if Illya can't see your guilt, the eyes of the crowd are sharp, Miyou!

"Ahem." There was no other way. Xiao Hei could only cough on purpose, forcing some people's attention back, "It's my turn, then, my point of view is as follows..."

As Shuo Yue expected, after a round of baptism, everyone has matured a lot, and Xiao Hei is as cunning as ever. He did not discuss the issue of Miyou, but brought up old things again, and brought up Draco's The move puts it back in the spotlight and raises questions.

"What's more, if Sister Draco is a prophet, then how did Sister Ritsuka die?" She paused and said the words that the werewolf camp had discussed long ago.

"I feel like it's time for the witch to come forward, right? You've definitely used potions in the past two days, be it poison or antidote. Should you give us a hint so that we can see the situation more clearly?"

Is it to make you, a group of werewolves, see the target more clearly?

Shuo Yue leaned on the chair with an unknown smile on her lips.

Now, the fourth werewolf has also been found. Over there is Xiao Hei... I didn't expect that there was a werewolf next to Illya.

There was a big omission in Xiao Hei's speech. Although others might not see it, Shuo Yue certainly wouldn't miss it.

That is, why does she say that witches have used medicine?

Only werewolves know that they take action every night, and the people they kill every night are saved!

Only the werewolf knew that Ritsuka was killed by a witch or a dream catcher, but the person he wanted to kill was rescued or protected!

"The difference between the Werewolf Card and the Good Man Card is that the Werewolf Card always accidentally reveals what he has done."

Draco's whisper came from the side, and she was obviously aware of Xiao Hei's problem. Shuo Yue and her looked at each other, saying nothing.

To be honest, with Shuo Yue's existence, Draco's identity as a prophet has been infinitely weakened - of course, for the good guys camp, this is a good thing, a huge good thing.

Of course, the most dangerous person now is not Xiao Hei, but Draco.

"I agree with the previous ones." Even Tamamo Mae, who had always remained neutral, couldn't help but say at this moment, "In my opinion, the possibility of Draco being a werewolf is very high."

"In order to win, he killed the prophet, but the Dream Catcher made a mistake in judging the fight between the two prophets on the first day and protected the wrong person, which led to the death of our master. As for Draco's behavior of killing Miyu, It can also be understood that in order to confirm Draco's identity, the werewolf sacrificed the werewolf to build a high platform."

In order to ensure the authenticity of the prophet, the werewolf team will indeed do such a thing. After all, compared to the entire camp being punished, the sacrifice of one person is much better.

Miyu's performance was enough to arouse suspicion, but Tamamo Mae's words made people pay attention to Draco's problem again. If there were no accidents, the person who was cast today would be born between the two of them.

Now, it's the turn of No. 7, Artoria, to speak.

"First of all, I apologize for my recklessness yesterday." Artoria's green eyes were full of seriousness. "Although Sir Mordred targeted me, the rejection of my identity also affected me."

Regardless of the risk of being suspected of being a werewolf, Daimao admitted the special nature of his identity so frankly: "In addition, I choose to believe the evidence given by Draco. Of course, this is not because of her relationship with Shuo Yueqing. shallow."

"As for the reason——"

I saw the King of Knights standing upright, sitting upright on a chair, as if presiding over a round table decision, and said in a loud voice:

"There is only one thing, and that is I choose to trust my intuition!"

Dai Mao's appearance was so serious that her words only started to feel ridiculous after they went through people's minds twice.

intuition? What intuition, the legendary seventh sense?

Of course, some people quickly realized what Artoria meant.

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