My Destiny Illustrated Book of Shape Moon

Chapter 373 The companionship Draco wants

Chapter 374 The companionship Draco wants

Shuo Yue didn't mean to joke. As soon as he returned to the room, he ignored a certain dragon's pretending to be dead, forcefully took Draco from the shadow of the imaginary number, and pressed him hard on the bed.

This was the first time he had treated Draco like this.

"Say, you did it, right?" Shuo Yue resumed her youthful posture, and her sneering face came closer, "First you transferred the punishment to me, and then secretly added the punishment back. Do you know that this time? With luck, if Mordred and Artoria get this punishment, the island will sink?!"

There is no joke. The reason why Shuo Yue deleted this punishment is that it is too dangerous, and if it is not handled well, it will affect the relationship between the servants and even cause turmoil.

Draco definitely understood this, but she still added this punishment... the problem here was too serious to be joked about.

This determines how Shuo Yue should treat Draco!

"It doesn't matter if it was Yu who did it, um... let go of Yu!" Draco struggled, but Shuo Yue's strength surpassed hers, and he couldn't move for a while, "Yu is such a person, you have been with Yu for so long , Haven’t you seen Yu’s true nature yet?”

If he couldn't break free, he simply gave up. Draco's hands were pressed on the bed, and his chest heaved slightly, but his eyes as mellow as wine still stared at the person in front of him stubbornly, with an uncertain light hidden deep in his eyes:

"Or are you tired of it now?"

As soon as these words came out, Draco clearly noticed that Shuo Yue was shaken and glanced at her in disbelief.

So, was it revealed?

The light in the depths of his eyes went out, Draco pursed his lips and turned his head away from looking at him.

"Really, I know... I will return to the sea of ​​imaginary numbers and fall asleep before you die."

"What nonsense are you talking about? Draco!" Cold words rang out. Draco felt his body light up and he was thrown into the middle of the bed. The man took off his shoes and pressed up with an unprecedented aggressive attitude, forcing her to Make eye contact with yourself.

"I didn't understand what you were talking about all the time. In that case, let me ask you, Draco." The young man suppressed anger in his eyes and tried to calm down his tone, "You do these things , is it an act of revenge after thinking, or is it just uncontrollable?"

"I don't know what revenge is! Yu is Draco and the beast of Sodom. Do you need a reason to do these things? Ha, do you think of Yu too well?!"

The blond girl couldn't struggle, so she turned around and bit Shuo Yue's arm with such force that blood even seeped out between her teeth.

"Be gentle, it hurts me."

Hearing this, Draco subconsciously let go, but quickly reacted and bit him viciously again, with a fierce and cute expression, but also a trace of unnoticeable loneliness.

What was she thinking when doing these things?

She was willing to admit defeat. This was something she decided from the beginning. But when she was about to accept the punishment, she saw Sakuzuki hugging the fallen Artoria and gently comforting Fujimaru Ritsuka.

This punishment was a bit excessive and should not be added. This was something she also understood. However, when the blond knight king leaned on Shuo Yue's shoulder, she still did it by accident.

How much revenge is there, and how much is it difficult to control yourself?

Draco didn't know, but all she knew was one thing -

"I just want you to accompany me!"

Draco yelled this sentence as if he was giving up on himself, and Draco's eyes widened in shock. However, before she could think about it, Shuo Yue opened his arms and hugged her in his arms.

The young man's embrace was so strong, but his movements were so gentle, that Draco's thoughts froze. Amid the slowly rising body temperature, she heard Shuo Yue whisper in relief:

"Really? That's good. If that's the case, there won't be any problem."

"Uh-huh." Draco struggled dissatisfiedly after hearing this, but perhaps she felt a long-lost sense of security from this embrace. Greedy for this warmth, she slowly calmed down and listened to the young man's story.

"Do you know what I'm worried about, Your Majesty? I'm afraid that my third method is not complete and cannot completely cleanse the pollution of 'human evil', so even if it is not out of your heart, you will do something dangerous like this matter."

"And if the worst happens, no matter what happens, I must take you to a deserted place and take good care of you until I help you completely get rid of the curse of the beast."

This is the truth, this is something Shuo Yue had thought about on the way back to her room.

How could Endsworth's world be as important as Draco's? Shuo Yue, who was said to not love the country but loves beauty, also admitted it.

The point is...

"Don't be afraid, Your Majesty." Leaning on the back of the bed, Shuo Yue's golden eyes were full of smiles, looking at Draco with rosy cheeks, "You are my imaginary shadow, the person closest to me. , how could I leave you alone?"

There was only one reason why Little Red Dragon did these things, and that was the lack of sense of security. Shuo Yue's intimate behavior with other people further fueled this fear.

In this case, Shuo Yue frankly expressed his trust to her.

"The rest of our lives is still very long, we can take our time."

Seeing Draco's expression change from lost to relaxed, and then from relaxed to shy, Shuo Yue snickered inwardly and added in a rather wicked tone.

"If possible, can you come with me? Sister Draco~~"

The moment he called out his sister, Sakutsu transformed into Shota's appearance again, and looked at Draco, who was even one step taller than him. He looked so cute (bad) and cute (bad).

Sister...sister...? !

It seems that no one can resist Shota Banshuoyue's "coquettishness". Arturia was like this at the beginning, and so was Ilia. Now, a certain little red dragon has also followed in their footsteps, and was attracted by this special sound. The call of meaning took away the mind.

Draco fell silent.

There was smoke coming from Draco's head.

Draco shuddered and fell.

"Hey, don't faint." Shuo Yue turned back to her youthful appearance. With a pull of her arms, she easily held Draco in her arms and walked outside with her in her arms.

"Let's go out together. If we don't make dinner, my hungry king will be very scary."

Silently concealing the fact that he had used the Holy Grail system, Shuo Yue hugged Draco and appeared openly in front of everyone.

"Hey, what's going on?" Ilia ran to Shuo Yue and curiously looked at Draco who buried his head in Shuo Yue's arms and refused to get up. "This is Sister Draco's first time." Let’s run out in front of so many people at once.”

In the past, she would appear next to Shuo Yue without saying a word after the food was served.

"It's the last day, it's time to work with me, right? To be honest, Draco's cooking skills are also very good."

Shuoyue and Artoria exchanged glances. After saying the last words, the King of Knights finally snorted and nodded reluctantly.

If that's the case, I'll just accept this dangerous guy.

"Hey, speaking of which, I was curious from the beginning. Who is Mr. Sakuzuki, Miss Draco?" Ritsuka just didn't feel comfortable doing anything. Sakusuki immediately felt the girl in his arms tremble slightly. .

Draco really magnified part of Nero's character... He sighed inwardly, but Shuo Yue had no intention of hiding it.

"She is the person I am sworn to protect."

He had personally rescued Draco, so he was naturally responsible for her.

After announcing their relationship so openly, Shuo Yue smiled, accepted everyone's booing calmly, and then announced loudly:

"Okay, let's start making dinner. There will be an extra meal today!"


The jeers were quickly drowned out by the cheers, mixed in with the excited crowd. Draco secretly turned around and raised his little face, looked around, and then looked at the young man holding her as if he was attracted.

His eyes sparkled like stars.

I don’t know if anyone has figured it out. The reason why Draco told the truth is because Shuo Yue used the Holy Grail system to add a "must tell the truth" buff to Draco...

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