My Empire

Chapter 560: Give or not

At the same time, at the firing position of the magic guided cannon, above the concrete-cast dam that is tens of meters thick, the operators of the magic conductive magnetic cannon, or the artillery of the electromagnetic cannon, are busy nervously.

These complex and high-precision magic guns are the pinnacle of human technology at present. They are also very delicate and ultra-high-tech weapons while they are amazingly powerful and destroy the world.

Such weapons generally have to be served by a large number of personnel, and even the operators are more like technical engineers than soldiers.

Sitting in front of a machine, the officer in a white coat wears a pair of glasses and looks like a professor at the Military Medical University. He looked through the technical index comparison table and said loudly, "The charging of the magic cannon begins! Reloading begins!"

"The firing calibration calculation begins..." An officer sitting in front of the computer used the keyboard to enter a series of commands, and the crackling keyboard sound followed.

Several officers sitting next to him were typing on the keyboard together, inputting various calculation commands to the computer in front of him, and then recording the feedback data in the corresponding data calculation model.

"The data is all normal! The model calculations are within the corresponding range!" Finally, the officer who summarized the results of many calculations came to the conclusion that they can continue to fire.

After his conclusions were calculated, the surroundings became even busier.

A voice shouted loudly and reported his responsibility to the launch coordination commander: "Adjust the firing barrel to correct the deformation of the shot just now!"

"The new electromagnetic rail is being replaced! Everything is normal!" On the other side, the officer in charge of replacing the electromagnetic gun track followed a loud report.

In the process of reporting, the hoisting system over there was working orderly. The sturdy mechanical arm dismantled the huge rails one by one, leaving the steaming rails to be thrown in clankingly. To the side.

At the same time, the high-precision mechanical arm is hoisting a brand new guide rail and installing it to the designated position. Although this process takes several minutes or even ten minutes, it can be compared to the huge power of the magic conductive magnetic gun. Such a wait is worth it.

"The temperature can be controlled!" An officer stared at the reading on the screen, followed by a loud report: "The surface temperature of the gun body is 41:2 degrees! After the next gun fires, the expected temperature may reach 55 degrees!"

His job is to keep an eye on the surface temperature of the weapon so that these expensive giant artillery will not be damaged due to overheating.

"The data is in the normal range! There is no problem!" After checking the form in his hand, the officer in charge said with his usual expression.

Ailan Hill's precision machining has reached the point of extraordinary, with the help of the eighth-level technicians of the dwarves, and the assistance of high-precision robots, the failure rate of the magic conductive magnet is actually very low.

It is precisely because of this that this weapon has become Ailan Hill's new generation of artillery weapons, and the countless "God of War" equipped by Ailan Hill reveals even more fierce fangs.

Standing at his command position, the officer in charge issued a loud command to continue firing: "The second round of salvo is ready to begin!"

"The projectile loading begins!" Hearing his command, the controlling officer here pressed the Enter key on the keyboard.

The next second he pressed the Enter key, the motor on the heavy mechanical arm began to rotate. Subsequently, the hydraulic rod also began to expand and contract, and this huge automatic loader began to work, pushing the projectile, which was one circle larger than the table, into the middle of the electromagnetic track.

"The battery starts to charge!" With the utterance of the command, these powerful magic conductive magnetic cannons are gradually getting ready to fire again.

On the other side, in the headquarters, several staff officers moved some small spots representing the demon floating castle to the wall of the floating city Makar Xiluo.

Then, the head of a combat staff officer walked up to General Durando, stood up and saluted, and reported: "Overlooking the news from AW 21, the devil's floating castle is blocking the target, and they blocked it. Our shooting angle."

"Aren't you stupid... knowing to use shields..." General Durando didn't know whether he was taunting his opponents to use human shields, or he was really praising the demon commander's decisive decision.

"You say that using a demon floating city to cover another demon floating city, it may be successful." The technical consultant of the science department sneered, threw the second apple core into the trash can, and said: "But now They want to use floating castles as shields...not enough!"

"Have you heard? Since the technical adviser said so, when you're ready, immediately make a second round of volleys!" General Durando heard his confidence in the opponent's words and ordered.

After a pause, he seemed to think of something again, and added: "Also, don't let them approach our line of defense...I suspect that they will use the crash method to die with our troops!"

This is not the first time that the devil has done this. The demon forces in the south often engage in such shameless suicide attacks. Under normal circumstances, the devil’s floating castle is found about 100 kilometers in front of the Ailan Hill position. Send fighter jets to shoot down immediately to prevent the opponent from burning.

Even so, on the southern front line, humans regained most of the lost ground of the southern kingdom in one go, compressing the demon forces into a very small area.

Prince Salux is now at the end of the road. Although he is still stubbornly resisting, in fact, as early as a few months ago, he could only be regarded as lingering and waiting for rescue.

"The shell is loaded! It can be launched at any time!" Seeing that the status of all the magic guns on the computer screen turned green, an officer opened a report.

"The navy will conduct the first round of salvos in one minute, and we will conduct a new round of salvos at the same time!" The chief officer in charge commanded loudly.

The main guns on all the battleships of the Ailan Hill North Sea Fleet on the south side of the Demon Fleet have been aimed at the Demon Naval Fleet. Bakaroff ignored the targets that were flying in the sky. He gave his fleet the priority to deal with those warships full of demon soldiers.

"Boom!" With the swaying blow of the ground, countless artillery suddenly opened fire, which really called a landslide. These shells began to span a long distance, and then began to dive along a parabola at an extremely high place, crashing into the demon warship in the distance.

Almost in the same second, on the embankment position of Ailan Hill, twenty magical conductive magnetic cannons also spewed dazzling light, firing out a new row of shells.

The shells of the magic road electromagnetic cannon came first and directly penetrated the demon floating castle in front of the demon floating city of Makar Xiluo.

These unlucky floating castles survived the attacks of electromagnetic shells that were hard to see with the naked eye, but with this powerful round of attacks, these demon floating castles fell apart and shattered in the sky.

Only for a moment, these demon floating castles, which were originally heavy defenses and could be attacked by magicians for days without being damaged, shattered into pieces in the collapse.

Their power cores were easily penetrated. Although these power cores had been arranged in the safest position in the entire castle, they still seemed to be naked and easily hit.

The shells of the magic road electromagnetic cannon easily penetrated these floating fortresses, and then hit the walls of the floating city of Makar Xiluo. After collapsing the walls and destroying many buildings behind, they barely stopped.

On the electromagnetic cannon shells that were stopped, the traces of the magical defense barrier that had been vaporized were still disappearing little by little, and the projectiles that had been deformed due to the temperature were slowly cooling down in the ruins.

The projectiles at this time had already vaporized to the size of a 500 mm caliber projectile because of the high temperature.

It was stuck on a pile of cracked walls, surrounded by terrible traces of burning. After finally getting quiet, the surrounding area was full of demon soldiers crowded to watch the excitement.

The same thing happened everywhere in Makasilo, and those demon floating fortresses that blocked Makasiro's front have now fallen into the sea and disappeared without a trace.

Of the 20 magical conductive magnetic cannon shells, some of the two shells hit a floating castle, and some directly crossed the floating castle and hit the floating city behind the castle. In short, more than a dozen demon floating castles fell in an instant , Makasilo was hit several times, and the explosion began to spread throughout the city.

Seeing with his own eyes that his huge air fleet had lost most of it in this way, the demon commander's face immediately turned into a pig liver color.

He looked at the floating castle directly in front of ten, and his naval fleet had just suffered annihilation. The volley of the Allan Hill Navy just now sank a dozen of his fleet, which was also the loss of tens of thousands of landing troops...

It's not just because the demon floating castle crashed and hit many demon warships. It was also because the Demon Fleet was bombarded by the Ailan Hill North Sea Fleet, and the flanks suffered serious damage.

Under this kind of flanking situation, the demon commander realized that he didn't even want to win the battle, even if he wanted to go to the beach controlled by humans, it was very difficult.

The demon general who was aware of this finally let go of the burden of winning, reflecting the ferocity of a demon commander.

He squeezed his fist and told the black shadow next to him: "Let Makasilo enter the sky above the opponent's position as soon as possible!"

Hearing his order, no one knows what he wants to do. As for whether he can succeed, it depends on Ailan Hill, whether he will float him and the huge demon under his feet. This is the opportunity for Kongcheng Macassilo-

There are two more to be served tomorrow morning

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