My Empire

Chapter 581: Ten hours

Chris listened to Luo Kai's report, and suddenly realized that his army had become so powerful unknowingly. Just an air force has given him the power to destroy a country, even several countries!

"For the Army, after the passage of the Air Force’s aircraft, 150 armed helicopters will fly over Ailan Hill Avenue, 50 of which are the latest model of ah-64 armed helicopters. This is the first time this aircraft appeared in a military parade. ." Luo Kai did not see Chris' astonishment, he was still eloquently introducing the basic situation of the troops participating in this parade.

"Following is the uh-60 general-purpose helicopter phalanx. 100 Black Hawk helicopters carrying various equipment will fly at low altitude, followed by 50 ch-47 transport helicopters, and 50 other types of helicopters." Luo Kai introduced to Chris all kinds of new weapons in the past six months.

In fact, Chris was very aware of these weapons, and even most of them were made with his support.

Now, these advanced weapons and equipment have made the Ailan Hill Empire invincible. They appeared in the military parade in the capital. It is also Chris showing his already extremely strong muscles to the world.

After the Air Force debuted, it was naturally the Army’s turn to show its strength. Ever since, all kinds of helicopters will begin to sweep over the rostrum after the air force passes through the square.

If the rostrum is an attack target, after facing so many air strikes, it is estimated that it has long since become a huge crater baptized by countless missiles and rockets.

"The first to pass through the square is the flag guard phalanx. The 17 army groups under the jurisdiction of the six fronts of our army, and all the battle flags of the meritorious troops will pass through the inspection square in this phalanx." Luo Kai mentioned this, his face With pride and pride on it.

To achieve such a huge victory, more or less some of the credit of the general staff of his empire. As the chief of the empire's general staff, he is naturally to be proud of.

What's more, the battle flags of the 17 army groups and hundreds of division-level troops will all appear at the military parade. How many people will be excited to see the battle flags of the troops they have served before?

"Next is the most traditional grenadier phalanx of Ailan Hill. These troops will pass through in the latest camouflage uniforms. Behind them is the puppet magician troop. This is the first time our puppet troop. Appeared in the National Day military parade."

"Including your puppet clones, there will be 300 super **** puppets passing through the rostrum and accepting your review." When talking about this, Luo Kai proudly emphasized: "Each of these super **** puppets will Has a powerful force comparable to the Great Magister!"

"Behind is the newly formed power exoskeleton unit. This unit is also the first time that this unit has appeared in front of the public. These individual mecha units will be fully loaded through the square, demonstrating their powerful load-bearing capacity and weapon carrying capacity! Behind, will be our own army of magicians."

When mentioning the new exoskeleton mecha unit, Luo Kai also kept secret. He knew that this unit was still in secret, and the function of this unit had not been fully developed.

If necessary, this force will replace many arms in the future and become the core force of the Allan Hill force.

However, as the chief of the general staff of the empire, Luo Kai can't say many things. He can only wait silently, waiting for the day when the armed forces of the Ailan Hill Empire will become more powerful.

"The Magic Legion is still the same, equipped with the latest ultra-thin armored dragon knight troops, traditional magician troops... These are all the previous military parades, but some improvements have been made in some details." Luo Kai didn't seem so nervous when he was an old magic unit.

"We will show the world the most advanced Type 99 main battle tank. This brand new main battle tank has a performance that surpasses the t-72 tank and is the new king of land warfare in our army in the future."

"This new type of main battle tank has more advanced performance, powerful hunting and annihilation functions, outstanding night combat capabilities, and powerful firepower."

"At that time, 40 of this latest tank will enter the square first on the ground, and behind these tanks will be a huge array of 200 T-72 tanks."

"All tanks use rubber tracks to protect the road and reduce noise. When these tanks pass through the square, new infantry fighting vehicles follow in."

"After 300 new and old infantry fighting vehicles, there will be a phalanx of self-propelled artillery...The advanced m-109 self-propelled howitzer will pass through the square with the updated m-109a7, followed by a phalanx of wheeled armored vehicles and trucks... …"

"Next are all kinds of radar and logistics support vehicles, the phalanx of anti-aircraft missiles, the phalanx of anti-aircraft guns, and then..." Luo Kai gushed and introduced the military parade that is comparable to the entire military power of a world power. Chris has been silent.

There are dozens of missile launch vehicles in the troops that will walk through the square this time. They carry tactical ballistic missiles and can accurately strike targets hundreds of kilometers away.

There are also some Tomahawk missile launch vehicles that can launch Tomahawk cruise missiles to accurately attack low-value fixed targets.

There are even nuclear bomb launch vehicles, carrying large strategic nuclear weapons that can attack targets thousands of kilometers away, demonstrating Alan Hill’s ability to destroy the world. This is no joke, some places thousands of kilometers west of Grecken , So far nuclear radiation is still seriously exceeding the standard!

Lying between the ruins of the demon floating city, there are the demon corpses buried in the crashed floating castle and the soil of the floating city, as well as the demon Prince Saruhis whose bones are not cold, still sending an accurate message to the world : Ailan Hill, is capable of turning the whole world into a dead zone!

It is not easy for an army of 100,000 people to pass through a fixed point. What's more, these troops have to change their paces and shout their own slogans when they pass the rostrum.

What's interesting is that in order to reduce the time for these reference troops to pass the rostrum, every tank of the mechanized unit is full!

In the troop carrier is a normal infantry unit, and the rear compartment of the truck is full of soldiers with rifles and their jaws high.

At the same time, the paratrooper transport planes are also full of paratroopers. Although this is indeed a bit dumbfounding, it is also a choice to ensure that a military parade can be completed in one day.

"On the same day, the battleship Sky One, where Marshal Wagron is seated, will be in combat readiness. If an enemy invasion occurs, Sky One will be able to immediately launch a counterattack."

"In addition, on the outskirts of Serris, all four missile launch positions will be on duty. If enemy air forces approach, we will launch a defensive attack 600 kilometers away."

"Thank you." Chris affirmed Luo Kai's contribution, and asked: "Sky battleships and airships are the most eye-catching equipment, their appearance... is it arranged?"

"Your Majesty, it's all ready! Marshal Wagron's Sky 1 battleship will be arranged in the middle of the fleet, when 10 sky battleships will take off at the same time, lined up, passing over your rostrum!" Luo Kai replied Tao.

"This will be the first time that the Sky Fleet appears in front of the people of Ailanhill in a complete posture! At that time, I believe no one will question the strength of Ailanhill again!" He held his chin up and assured Chris. : "We have the ability to destroy any target!"

Luo Kai is not bragging, but Ailan Hill's sky fleet really has a powerful force to destroy the world.

These 10 sky battleships can easily destroy the target and the enemy it wants to destroy no matter where they fly to.

If, together with these 10 powerful warships, 10 giant floating transport ships that perform tasks together, as well as the personnel and equipment carried on these transport ships, this fleet is simply a country flying in the sky!

Calculating from combat power alone, this fleet is even stronger than the empire, and the number of people living on this fleet is really comparable to the population of many regions back then.

"Very good! Very good." Listening to Luo Kai's report, Chris nodded and applauded: "You did a very good job, really very good!"

Even if the entire military parade is compressed to less than 10 hours, it is still not an easy task to stand on the rostrum and read every troop that passes in front of you.

Many people worry about whether the emperor’s body can last so long. Many emperors’ bodies are weak, but Chris is not among them.

This emperor who once went on horse and participated in various battles in person, and who still maintains the daily exercise habit, is actually very strong.

What's more, no one knows that he is already a magician, a very powerful magician, of course, it is impossible to stand for a few hours.

If he wants, he can stand for a few days, even without eating or drinking. The physique of a magician is indeed stronger than that of ordinary people. This can be clearly seen from the lifespan of the magician.

"This is what I should do! Your Majesty!" Luo Kai replied solemnly: "To share your worries is the most proud thing in your life!"

"Then... the military parade will be left to you and Archduke Kastner." Chris took a rare break and confessed the important work.

Luo Kai saluted: "Yes! Your Majesty!"

Almost at the same time he stood up and saluted, in the distant endless sea, a figure as huge as a mountain swept across the sea, as if it were a cloud of dark clouds. A dragon with scales larger than a shield flapped its wings, and the dragon's whole body was enveloped in the enchantment formed by magic, which made people look indistinct--

Start to make up tomorrow

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