Gu Xin and Zheng Qiu hurried over.

"Princess, this is Qi Yulang, the son of the Qi family!" Chen Pengyuan raised his head in disbelief and said to Gu Xin.

"Are you sure?" Gu Xin looked at the unrecognizable male corpse and confirmed.

She didn't know Qi Yulang, nor had she seen him before, but the face of the male corpse on the ground had been cut with many cuts by a knife, and it was already bloody and bloody.

Therefore, she wanted to confirm with Chen Pengyuan that it was very possible to admit the wrong person like this.

"Beizhi confirmed." Chen Pengyuan turned the man's body over, exposed the back of his neck, pointed to a scar on his neck and said, "This scar was caused by Beizhi's mistake, so Beizhi is very sure that this is Mr. Qi Yulang. At the beginning, Beizhi chased When he was a thief, he accidentally injured Mr. Qi. Not only did Mr. Qi not blame him, he also helped to go to the Yamen as a witness. He spent money to buy the blood stain ointment from the palace and gave it to Mr. Qi. Mr. Qi knew it. Bei Zhi’s family is not rich, so he accepted Bei Zhi’s bloodstain ointment and also helped Bei Zhi in other ways.”

"Xiao Qiu, do you think we should do the autopsy here or send the body back to the temple?" Gu Xin nodded, then turned to ask Zheng Qiu.

"Carry him back to the temple! My subordinates and others will go back to the temple first, and the princess will look for other evidence here, okay?" Zheng Qiu thought about it and made a decision.

"Okay." Gu Xin nodded and said to Chen Pengyuan, "Captain Chen, arrange for someone to send the body back and stay with me to inspect the scene!"

Chen Pengyuan called someone, made a simple shelf, and carried the man's body. Zheng Qiu followed them and left together.

Gu Xin looked around the cave. The cave was not big. There were animals and signs of human activities inside.

She found several large circles of hemp rope, and inside the hemp rope was something extremely thin and strong. Needless to say, this must be a tool used to tie the body to the tree and transport the body down the mountain.

"Captain Chen, come and see, is this human blood or animal blood?" Gu Xin found some straw stained with blood in the straw pile in the corner, and immediately called Chen Pengyuan over.

Gu Xin felt that this head catcher had good abilities and had rich experience in handling cases. He should know how to distinguish animal blood stains from human blood stains.

Chen Pengyuan walked over and after careful identification, he found that it was likely to be human blood.

Suddenly, under the firelight, something in the straw reflected the light, and for a moment, Gu Xin captured it.

Gu Xin squatted down, pulled away the straw, and picked up the reflective object. At first glance, it was a jade bead.

Of course it was not a jade bead that could be pressed out in her hand, but it was really a bead made of polished jade.

Crystal clear and reflective under bright light.

The beads were stained with a little blood.

Gu Xin showed it to Chen Pengyuan and said, "Have someone search everywhere to see if they can find beads like this."

"Princess, catch the head, there is one here." As soon as Gu Xin finished speaking, a sharp-eyed government official found one in the pile of rocks nearby.

"Pick it up!" Gu Xin said.

The yamen servant picked up the beads and came over.

Gu Xin took the two beads and compared them, confirming that they fell from the same piece of jewelry.

"Look again and see if you can still find it." Gu Xin ordered.

So, the officials in the cave began to look for beads.

Gu Xin sorted out the case in her mind and looked at the place where Qi Yulang's body lay just now. Three men and women who had entanglements died at the same time. Was this a planned love killing or something else?

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