My Entire Family’s Gone Haywire!

Chapter 2384 Case closed

The case was concluded in this way. This was the easiest case for Gu Xin, but it was also the one that made her the most distressed.

She was in a bad mood and went back to her room to rest after the interrogation.

Lu Zheng helped her arrange the follow-up.

Zheng Qiu over there has also completely sewn up Hu Qiangzi's body. Although it can still be seen on the surface that it has been disconnected, it is not so obvious when he wears clothes.

Du Sanniang sent people to the coffin shop overnight to buy a good coffin for Hu Qiangzi, and asked the owner of the coffin shop to calculate the time to see when the coffin would be best.

Du Sanniang was still thinking about asking someone to show Hu Qiangzi the cemetery, but Lu Zheng stopped her.

"Find a place to park it first. Mr. Qian has already sent people to find the biological father of the deceased. If the biological father does not accept it, then look for a cemetery here in Qi'an Town! There should be news tomorrow afternoon." Lu Zheng said. Du Sanniang explained.

The people of the Zhou Dynasty believed in recognizing their ancestors and returning them to their ancestors, and they also believed in peace in their graves.

The best thing is that Hu Qiangzi's biological father can accept him. After all, Hu Qiangzi is their bloodline.

Fortunately, the village over there is not far from Qi'an Town, and Mrs. Zhong explained it very clearly, and you can find out just by asking.

After Hu Qiangzi's biological father married his stepmother, he moved away from the village, but Hu Qiangzi's grandparents, uncles and uncles were still there.

The next morning, people from Qi'an Town came to watch the fun. It was a pity that they didn't hear the trial. There was no government office in their town. It was rare that there was a case to be tried. As a result, they couldn't see the process. .

Butcher Liu and Mrs. Zhong were tied up and kneeling at the door of Qi'an Inn. They were from the same town and knew each other.

There were many who threw rotten eggs and rotten vegetable leaves at them and spit on them.

Mrs. Zhong was okay, but she was immersed in regret, but Butcher Liu felt uncomfortable.

However, no one cares about their feelings.

In the afternoon, there was news from Master Qian that Hu Qiangzi's biological grandfather had made the decision and asked his uncle and uncle to come and pick him up.

The people of Qi'an Town deeply felt that this was a loving and righteous family, and they were very polite to them.

In fact, what they didn't know was that the people sent by Mr. Qian showed kindness and power and gave a large sum of money before letting their family members come to pick it up.

Hu Qiangzi was able to enter their family's ancestral tomb, and even adopted his third uncle's newborn grandson to him, so that he could pass on the incense.

Hu Qiangzi's biological third uncle is dead. His third uncle's family has four sons, and they gave birth to eight more sons. One of them got sick and died earlier this year. His wife also ran away, leaving a baby with no father. Without a mother, she was taken care of by Hu Qiangzi’s grandparents. It just so happened that both of them were poor people. Master Qian gave the old man such a large sum of money, which was enough to raise a child.

Gu Xin heard about the secrets here, but didn't say anything.

The Sun family showed up at night and asked Gu Xin, Lu Zheng and Master Qian to testify. In addition, the parents of the two families had reconciled and divorced from Butcher Liu. Their children were also excommunicated by the Liu family and officially entered the Sun family's genealogy. , from now on, my surname will be Sun.

That's why Butcher Liu agreed. They didn't want their grandson to have another man's surname, but it was still acceptable for them to have Sun as their biological mother.

Capt. Gao and the others are also back. They went to Qian's house to build two prison vans and planned to leave Qi'an Town early tomorrow morning and return to Beijing.

This night, there were no guests at Qi'an Inn, only Gu Xin and the others.

Du Sanniang closed the door early and took out the fine wine she had collected.

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