My Entire Family’s Gone Haywire!

Chapter 2486 Something is wrong with him

Gu Xin asked, "Brother, this Shi Mu seems to be looking at Xue'er, has he been looking at her?"

Gu Yingxue was sitting next to the Queen at the moment, helping the Emperor and the Queen to translate the words of the princes and princesses in the field. With her was Gu Si, who was sitting next to the Emperor.

So, Shi Mu's eyes were easy to spot, he was looking at Gu Yingxue.

Cheng Huaijin: "Well, more than once."

Lu Zheng looked over, his brows slightly frowned, there was no such person as Shi Mu in his previous life, and the intuition that this Shi Mu gave him was also very dangerous.

In addition, Bai Yi discovered that this Shi Mu would appear in the streets and alleys of the capital at night wearing a nightgown, but he didn't do anything, just like strolling around, and Bai Yi and the others didn't catch him, what if he had a hobby of wearing nightgown? And it felt a bit like alarming to catch him immediately, so they followed him all the time, just to see what he wanted to do, but he didn't do anything.

Gu Xin was a little surprised: "More than once? He couldn't possibly know Xue'er? Could it be that he had come to Da Zhou before and knew Xue'er before she followed Uncle Qingyuan and the others? But Xue'er didn't mention it!"

Cheng Huaijin shook his head: "I don't know. I noticed it at the first palace banquet. He was a little surprised when he saw Xue'er, but then he put away his expression. After that, I observed him intentionally and found that he often stared at Xue'er."

Lu Zheng said: "Could it be that he went out at night to find someone?"

Gu Xin and Cheng Huaijin looked at Lu Zheng at the same time: "Looking for someone?"

Lu Zheng nodded and told them about Bai Yi's recent discovery.

This Shi Mu is very alert. If someone else watches him when he goes out, he might be discovered. Bai Yi is the most useful one. He has a good ability to hide. Anyway, Shi Mu didn't find him.

So, during the day, Bai Yi served as the head of the guards to maintain order in the palace. At night, he would go to the embassy to keep an eye on him. In the end, Gu Shouxin and the emperor assigned him a task to keep an eye on Shi Mu.

Gu Xin looked at Shi Mu again, but this time Shi Mu's eyes were no longer on Gu Yingxue, he was about to go on stage.

The three of them didn't talk, they all looked at the competition stage.

If you stare at Shi Mu at this time, he won't think you are observing him, he just thinks you are watching the game.

Shi Mu defeated a prince from the West, and won very easily.

The three found that after Shi Mu won, he glanced at Gu Yingxue, and Gu Yingxue was still clapping, and then Shi Mu was disappointed, just a moment of disappointment, and then relieved.

Gu Xin and the other two didn't understand what this meant. Could it be that he really knew Xue'er?

Or did he know someone who looked like Xue'er?

The people from Jia Cang's side did look similar to the people from Da Zhou.

Next, Cheng Huaijin went on stage, and the three of them didn't have time to study this issue.

Cheng Huaijin's first opponent was a prince from the West.

Cheng Huaijin carried his sword and slowly walked onto the competition stage.

"Prince Ah Hai, please teach me." The prince used a knife, and he made his moves after he said that.

"Okay!" Cheng Huaijin gave his opponent enough respect and made his moves seriously.

The two of them had known each other for a long time, and they had fought like this in the Royal Academy. The opponent knew that he could not beat Cheng Huaijin, but he did not give up.

The two of them were very serious in the competition.

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