My Entire Family’s Gone Haywire!

Chapter 2550 You wronged me

Lu Ni was so angry that her face turned red.

Damn it, Gu San was actually laughing at her identity. It was too much, it was simply too much.

If her grandfather and aunt were still here, it wouldn't be Gu San's turn to laugh at her.

She wanted to cry, missing her grandfather and aunt.

However, sometimes the reality is like this, the more you want something, the less you can get it.

Lu Ni and Lin's mother and son have completely lost their support and are worried that Lu Zheng will deal with them. In the past year, they have only dared to do things in secret, and they have not dared to do what they did before.

Seeing her like this, Gu Xin felt a little bored. She didn't want to read any more and asked, "What medicinal materials did you send? Did Princess Longzhuer eat it on the spot? Or did she keep it away?"

Lu Ni bit her lip and said nothing.

Gu Xin frowned: "If this princess asks you, just answer. If you don't cooperate, I have many ways to make you cooperate."

Lu Ni was still a little afraid of Gu Xin in her heart. She saw Gu Xin's ability with her own eyes during the last case in the teahouse, not to mention what she had heard about Gu Xin repeatedly solving major cases in recent months.

She knew best whether she had harmed Princess Long Zhuer. The villain in her heart was fighting.

In the end, the villain who made her temporarily put aside her dissatisfaction won.

She spoke reluctantly: "The medicines I sent were all from home, and there are records in my warehouse at home. They are all good trauma medicines, and they were given by the emperor. There must be no problem. And I The ones my mother keeps in her private treasury, which my grandfather gave to my mother, are the roots from the Xingnan Kingdom, which have miraculous effects."

At this time, Zheng Qiu walked up and asked, "Is this it?"

Lu Ni glanced at Zheng Qiu with disgust. She didn't want to talk to a young man.

Gu Xin said: "I want to ask you something."

Lu Ni said angrily: "How do I know? Aren't the powders all the same? The tree roots were indeed ground into powder, but I don't understand. Who knows if it was something that this gangster took out casually."

Gu Xin turned to look at Zheng Qiu.

Zheng Qiu explained: "Third Miss, my subordinates found this medicine bag in Princess Nanlin's dresser drawer. They have already checked it and found that the medicine bag was poisonous. The cause of Princess Nanlin's death was related to the poison. "

Prince Tiantian stood up in surprise: "What?"

He looked at Lu Ni in disbelief.

Lu Ni was also shocked: "Impossible, how could there be poison in it? This is something that people from the Xingnan Kingdom used to honor my grandfather, and my grandfather gave it to my mother. It is for life-saving purposes. If it is poisonous, how could my grandfather give it to me? Mom, you little fool, don’t talk nonsense!”

Gu Xin turned to look at Lu Ni and Prince Tian Tian: "In other words, this thing was indeed brought by Lu Ni?"

Prince Tiantian: "Yes!"

Lu Ni waved her hand: "No, it's not. This is definitely not poisonous, it can't be poisonous. My mother also ate it, how could it be poisonous. I had someone grind it overnight last night, and it's the same as what my mother ate before. It's impossible. Yes, impossible."

"Oh, I know. It's you, Gu Xin, is it you, is it you who hurt me on purpose? And you, Lu Zheng, you two bitches can't stand me, but you can't do anything to me, so Want to harm me in this way?"

"I want to find my father. I want to find my father. This is not poisonous, you are wronging me!"

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