My Extraordinary Achievement

Chapter 242: Guest speaker


It is losing.

You know nothing about my strength.

Meng Fan, who hasn't updated the gallery for a long time, won't take long to lose. The fight figure actually beats Wu Tong, which makes Meng Fan seem to have discovered a beautiful new world. It feels wonderful and wonderful.

"Sleep, see you tomorrow morning."

"good night."

After chatting with Wu Tong, Meng Fan continued to draw comics.

The underground comics have been updated 57 times so far, and the sleepy man was forced by Meng Fan to hand over some text scripts. Supporting 70 words is no problem.

Campus love refers to the third volume of men has also been published, the first two volumes have also been printed, I thought that this comic can not contribute much sales experience, did not think, this has contributed 20,000 copies of sales. According to statistics, the girls who buy this comic are more than boys, not because of anything else, just because the picture looks good.

In addition, the first volume of the underground spirit has been published and the second volume has been published. The professional cartoonist's 100,000 sales requirements have been completed without knowing it, and another five copies of the book have been published.

The underground spirit is updated to 57 words, and according to the contents of the 8 words, you can publish 7 volumes.

However, even if the sleepy lord is willing to go out more than once, even if the publisher and the dealer are convinced by him, the draft review can still be practiced. At present, only the fourth volume is reviewed. The third volume has already been Into the factory printed.

To be honest, this progress is already fast enough.

At present, professional cartoonists need 10 copies of the single-line request. Five copies have been printed. The sixth and seventh books can be brushed out immediately. If there are three, then according to the current progress, one week should be a problem.

hold on!

Meng Fan is a little anxious, anxious to open his own original, but still value his first original comics, which has been screaming for the reward of professional cartoonists.

"Alright! Give yourself more time to improve the story and settings!"

Meng Fan drew two words and went underground to brainstorm his own original comics. At present, there are no more than one hundred drafts of man-made and scenes about original comics, and the story has written more than 30,000. word.



Meng Fan suddenly woke up, his eyes staring at the front, breathing heavily, his hands licking his stomach.


Meng Fan looked down at the stomach. Although the abdominal muscles have not yet come out, the fat is basically gone, and it feels flat. It can also feel the hardness of the muscles inside.

Since reborn, Meng Fan has had a nightmare, and has never done a nightmare related to rebirth. I don’t know if I entered December and realized that it’s not far from the day, or even if I figured it out, I must go. Lion City, but still have a related nightmare.

At first touch, the head is cold sweat.

When I saw the time, it was only four o'clock. Meng Fan also didn't sleep. I took a live aid to check a lot of information and read a lot of videos. This nightmare was done and I always felt that I should learn something.

With his current physique and ability, plus these black technology and hats, it is indeed a lot more than before the rebirth, and Meng Fan feels that going to Lion City is not necessarily the same as the robbers. The alarm even found the evidence in advance and then confirmed the alarm.

Just, this heart is still a bit imaginary.

I feel that I still have to learn another skill. Even if I can't use it, my heart will be more bottomless. If I say it, I don't want to press it.

What to learn?

Meng Fan has no clue and can only go online.

Martial arts?

Even if Meng Fan believes in Chinese Kung Fu, teachers who have real skills are not easy to find. It is impossible to find information on the Internet. At least 100% is not useful for practical combat.

As for taekwondo and karate, it is simple to find a place to learn, but the actual combat is a bit huh, and it is also good.

Sanda, boxing, judo, wrestling?

Free fight, mixed fighting?

Meng Fan, who had a black eye, didn’t know what to learn. Instead, he searched and found a martial art museum in Hangzhou that specializes in learning his own fights. It’s near Huanglong Stadium. Since you don’t know what to learn, it’s better. Go there and take a look at it and decide what to learn. Pick the one that is best for you. You can even try hard to try what tasks you can trigger.

At a time, it was almost six o'clock. Meng Fan also ran out in sportswear. At six o'clock, he just went to the school playground, and soon saw Wu Tong in a sportswear.

"Don't sleep well?"

After running, Wu Tong looked at Meng Fan's absence.

Meng Fan smiled and said: "Sleep late."

"Let's go to bed early. Although you are exercising every day, you always have to sleep when you go to sleep. Go back and make up."

"it is good."

After Meng Fan went back to the shower, he really took two hours to go out and went to the martial arts hall to see the situation.

When the elevator was opened, I had to walk to the inside to see the people walking outside the elevator. Meng Fan stunned: "White sister, how are you here?"

The person who came out of the elevator was white, with a box in his hand. He smiled and said to Meng Fan: "I came to Hangzhou to attend an event yesterday and took a look at you. Oh, watching your live broadcast is often at home. Guess that you have lived here recently and come directly."

Said head to the direction of the house door, pressed the voice and said: "This gold house will not be hidden?"

The house here, Meng Caiwei sometimes comes to Hangzhou if there is an overnight stay, basically come to live here, Bailu also lived here twice.

Meng Fan shook his head: "Which is there."

Bai Hao put a handful of boxes to Meng Fan’s hand and said: “I thought I was hiding, or I wouldn’t let me go in.”

Meng Fan quickly opened the door, as long as it is a woman should not make sense.

"You want to go out? Is there something?"

I changed my slippers into the white room and sat down in the living room. I asked, "Is it urgent? If I am in a hurry, I will leave."

This position seems to be going away.

Meng Fan said: "It is not an urgent matter..."

"Isn't there anything urgent?" Bai Yu confirmed it again. This was a pitiful look. He said, "The sister is in a hurry to find help."

"What is it? Concert sand painting performance?" Meng Fan said, "When, you can call and you will run."

"Of course, the most important thing is to meet you." Bai Yan blinked and teased Meng Fan. "It is a performance, but it is not a concert, nor a sand painting performance."

"What is that?" Meng Fan smiled. "Let me perform a shot?"

Bai Yu said: "It is a dubbing. I have participated in a variety show of Mango tv before. In the second season of the sound, I won the annual big show, which is similar to the final. The program asked for a guest, I found I can't find anyone in a circle, either it's not suitable or it's not available. I don't want the program group to arrange for me personally, now you can help me."

Really can't find someone?


However, Bai Hao really feels that no one is more suitable than Meng Fan.


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