My Extraordinary Achievement

Chapter 259: Finish recording


"This paragraph is really strong!"

"I don't know English very well. Can you hear that his pronunciation is not standard?"

"Standard, English pronunciation, or London cavity."

"This is really cool!"

"The basics of the lines are really strong!"

"This time, Bai Hao really found the treasure. The guest who was looking for it is really comparing everyone!"

Although it is really bad to destroy yourself, but there is still a voice to say this sentence, you have to say that the level is almost the same, then of course, who is not convinced, even if you are polite, you can not say so decisive.

Meng Fan is really strong, and all aspects are strong. Even if every one of them is a good acting actor, I have to admit that it can even be said to be convincing. Rao is that Meng Fan looks too young.

What makes them most unreasonable is that this is not the person who plays the art circle. In response to that sentence, the master is in the folk!

At this moment, Meng Fan, the folk master, has already entered the main stage. He almost did not go in the wrong direction. He was led by the staff and stepped down to the row where the other guest speakers in the audience sat.

The special director of the annual show also sat in this row, very kindly waving to Meng Fan, patted the position on his side, Meng Fan, who was already preparing to sit next to the big pig's hooves. I continued to go inside and sat down on the edge of the National Division.

This has caused many people to show their envious eyes.

Guo Shi smiled and asked Meng Fan: "I heard that you are not a person in the entertainment industry? Have you ever learned to perform?"

Seeing that Meng Fan shook his head, the national teacher smiled even more brilliantly. In addition to the superb actors, the national teacher's favorite is the white-type actor. There is no best trace of performance.

It doesn't matter if there is no performance foundation, as long as the conditions are good, and some are opportunities to adjust.

And Meng Fan, in the eyes of the national teacher is undoubtedly very good conditions.

The line of words is so strong, the shape is also eye-catching, and the body exudes a unique charm!

As for the size, even the performance can be adjusted, let alone the body shape, and can be trained casually.

The voice of the national teacher is more cordial, and it is really like it. It directly throws the olive branch: "Is it interested to film with me?"

Meng Fan stunned, but did not expect the National Teachers Association to invite himself to make a movie, said with a smile: "Thank you Zhang guide! Just, maybe Zhang does not know, I am learning to draw, the future career planning is definitely with painting Painting is relevant, and I paint very well. If Zhang has a need for posters, etc., you can come to me. My hand-painted posters are definitely the best in the industry."

Meng Fan said that he was very confident. He did not pretend at all, and there was no trace of his refusal to refuse the National Teacher.

And also made an advertisement for myself.

Also said: "The voice is my dream and hobby, but also related to comic games. As for acting, this really did not think about it."

The national teacher heard the words, it may be because of Meng Fan’s attitude and tone. I really don’t think it’s strange to be rejected. It’s just a little regrettable. Of course, it is impossible to say that there is no emotional intelligence in the condition of painting such as Meng Fan. Painting is no worse than film.

However, the national teacher is also true love, said: "Changes are always more than plans, but don't say things too early, maybe, performances are included in your life plan."

Meng Fan nodded and smiled.

The conversation between the two was not very loud, but the several guest speakers on the side heard it. After listening to the envy and envy, it is really wanting to beat people!

Of course, I just think about it. After all, even if I really want to fight, I can’t beat it. I can’t beat it together.

At this time, the host Kai Shu has invited the third group of two PK voices to take the stage to test the director, Bai Yu and Bai Yueguang, the form of PK is given by the special director Guo Shi, giving a simple The title, let the two voices and big coffee free to play the opponent's play, the level of excitement is still very high.

The director’s exam ended, and the two voices returned to the field, and the fourth group came on.

For Meng Fan, the trip to "The Big Voice of the Voice" is over. If it is not because he is asked to sit here and watch it, he really wants to leave and find a place to have a good meal. It has been recorded for more than six hours now, and the meal has passed!


The stomach is really not up to expectations, just thinking about being hungry, and immediately called.

The national teacher sitting on the side smiled and looked at Meng Fan and asked, "Hungry?"

"That's not! It's been more than six hours?" Meng Fan nodded calmly and asked him again, "Zhang Dao, are you not hungry?"

The national teacher smiled and gently nodded.

Meng Fan turned around and said, "Now it is estimated that we will not shoot them. I will go out and get something to eat."

The national teacher is still relatively reserved, shakes and smiles: "I will not use it, you can eat it yourself."

Meng Fan looked at other people. Others are shaking their heads. Although the next shot will not be given to them, but after all, there are so many audiences here, not very good.

"That, I went by myself."

When Meng Fan saw this, he slipped out.

There is a restaurant in the center of Mango. At this time, it is also a meal. Meng Fan did not go outside. He asked someone to ask for the way. When he strolled, he went to the restaurant.

The restaurant on the mango side is still very big. No matter what the food is, it will not be bad. Meng Fan went to the window and asked for the work permit. You can get the standard meal. I want to charge the card again. The work permit was not brought over, and naturally it was charged.

"Meng Fan?"

I was preparing to charge the card. I personally called him. I turned around and looked at it. It was a teacher who had a relationship at the double eleventh party.

"How are you here?"

After asking about it, Teacher He couldn’t help but laugh: "You can do it, you can slip it out. You don't have to charge any more. Let's eat together."

"Too much sorry."

Meng Fan was a polite one, but he was not really polite. He took a lot of food in one breath, at least the sum of Mr. He and the people who were eating with him.

An operation was fierce like a tiger. Meng Fan quickly solved it. He took a drink from Teacher He and smiled and said, "Thank you, Teacher He, if you come to Hangzhou next time, if you have time, I will ask you. eat."

Teacher He said with a smile: "Well, then I will go to Hangzhou next time to find you. Hurry and go."

Meng Fan strolled back to the recording scene of "Sound Big Coffee". The cat returned to the seat and the national teacher saw Meng Fan feel two cakes and smiled to himself. It was really speechless, which also remembered me. em! I waved my hand and motioned for me.

Meng Fan looked at other people and saw no, then there was no one to see a bite to eat These ones were already very hungry, but they could bear it, but Meng Anything about this operation can be true...

To be honest, this is in their view, but it is more blame than Meng Fan’s rejection of such a good opportunity given by the National Teacher.

How can this person hate it so much!

The fourth group from the classic voice to the cooperation show to the PK all recorded, the rest is the audience voted to select the annual champion.

The final champion, of course, is not a day.

This is not the blackout of the program group. It is indeed the eight big voices that have entered the annual big show this time. They are very powerful. On the performance and the lines of the lines and the dubbing, there are definitely more wonderful than the white ones, and at least there are three. It’s a matter of course that Bai Hao didn’t take the annual championship.

As for Meng Fan, everyone recognizes his strength, but after all, he only plays the guest. Because Meng Fan has voted for the white, there are certainly not many.

After the recording, it did not end, and the interviews need to be supplemented separately. These clips will be inserted during the filming process.

For example, if a certain person plays well, he will interview him how to do it, for example, how long it has been difficult to practice.

For example, whoever has a difficult time to play is very stressful, and for example, who wins the title of what is the mood of other people, and who is playing well, how other people think, business blowing is also necessary.

Meng Fan as a guest speaker did not need to be re-recorded. Some of the interviews were interviewed before the film was filmed, but it may be the reason why this time it was so good, so I was pulled and interviewed for another round. .

All done, this can be more than ten in the evening.

The day has been re-recorded. When Meng Fan is recorded, he will pull Meng Fan: "Take me to the snack street!"


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