My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 761: Ancient battlefield, the fastest update of the latest chapter of my best beauty wife!

As soon as Tianzun said this, Chen Yang and others' ecstasy hearts were cast over again.

Lin Haoxuan looked excited, he sat up, and said, "Unexpectedly, today, I can see a legendary figure like you, King Phoenix. But you are pedantic, you should know that in this dojo of fire demon, no one can defeat fire. Magic. You shouldn't have come."

At this time, Lan Ziyi frowned her beautiful eyebrows. She accepted the golden phoenix, and then said impatiently: "You are all talking about something messy."

Lin Haoxuan couldn't help but stay.

Tianzun continued to sneer and said: "The deity said that you are seeking your own death today. Do you think you can defeat the fire demon? You can't help yourself!"

The blue-purple-clothed eyebrows were raised, and a cold color flashed in her beautiful eyes, and said, "You little demon, with some magical powers, you dare to show off in front of me. Get out!" After she finished speaking, she suddenly grabbed one hand from the volley.

Seeing the airflow rolling in the air, a void handprint suddenly caught a mass of airflow.

After that, the airflow became Tianzun's appearance.

"How is it possible?" Tianzun suddenly turned pale, and he was extremely frightened.

Lan Ziyi said: "You have only practiced for a few years. How many years have I practiced before you dare to speak up in front of me?"

"Fire Demon, kill her, kill her!" Tianzun shouted angrily.

The fire demon said: "Yes, master!" Then, he roared and attacked the blue and purple clothes.

In an instant, Huo Sha tumbling.

"Get out!" With a wave of the blue and purple shirt's big sleeves, with a bang, all the evil spirits dispersed.

Afterwards, Lan Ziyi stretched out another hand, and Void grabbed the fire demon in his hand. Fire Demon struggled desperately, but couldn't get away.

"How is it possible, how is it possible?" Tianzun was in horror.

The fire demon also roared in anger, but the roar was of no avail.

At this moment, not only Tianzun felt incredible.

Even Lin Haoxuan, Chen Yang and others felt that they were really dying!

I rely on, we are two guys who are desperate to deal with. Sister, you are here, do you want to be so relaxed? The more relaxed you are, the more useless we are!

Lan Ziyi sneered at this time and said: "My sister said you are just a little demon who knows nothing. Don't be convinced. If you open your mouth and shut up, it doesn't matter if the **** emperor comes. Do you know the **** emperor? You know me. Is Ziyi capable? You only saw that the little fire demon here is an absolute dojo, with infinite fire evil, and others do not have enough mana to resist. But you think this little fire demon is fire The master of the evil spirit? Is the master at the bottom of this volcano? The current aura here has been reversed by me, and the dojo here is for my use. Therefore, the fire demon little demon can no longer move these evil spirits. It is now a waste One."

After Lan Ziyi said, he threw the Fire Demon and Tianzun out.

Fire Demon and Tianzun fell to the ground, and the faces of these two guys were terrified.

Lin Haoxuan and Chen Yang finally understood what was going on in their hearts at this moment.

In terms of the original truth, Fire Demon is the absolute home court here, who is invincible in the world, this truth is said.

However, in the final analysis, Huo Sha does not mean Huo Demon. The Fire Demon was only familiar with this place, so he controlled Huo Sha. However, the arrival of the blue and purple clothes is tantamount to directly grabbing the fire demon's military power.

Therefore, in an instant, the extremely tall and powerful fire demon became waste.

The principle of Lan Ziyi defeating Fire Demon is so simple and straightforward.

Therefore, Tianzun and Lin Haoxuan have always believed that the fire demon is invincible here, and the recognition that the **** emperor can't beat them is absurd. They look at billionaires from the perspective of a commoner.

The level is too far apart.

"Daxian is forgiving, the little demon knows it's wrong." Tianzun knelt and begged.

"Since you know it is wrong, then you should go to die." Lan Ziyi pointed at Tianzun, and that day the Lord screamed and disappeared. "Wait..." Chen Yang couldn't say anything before he finished.

Because Tianzun is dead.

"He can predict the future, and I also expect him to tell me how can I save Ling'er?" Chen Yang said to Lan Ziyi.

"Knowing the secrets of the heavens is forbidden!" Lan Ziyi said: "You know all about the future? Do you want to die?"

Chen Yang was in a daze.

Lan Ziyi continued: "No one can change the destined things in the future. Just like this little demon wants to change your destiny and want to seize your body, but in the end, he still cannot escape the destiny of extinction. Can you save it? Situ Ling'er, I don’t know. But I know one thing. If you are destined to not be saved, no matter how hard you work, it will be in vain."

Chen Yang went silent.

Lan Ziyi then said to the fire demon: "You are at the bottom of this volcano and restrain the eruption of the volcano. This is the destiny. Your vain attempt to leave the volcano is the greatest delusion. I will disperse your spiritual consciousness, and you will repair a few For a hundred years, see if you can understand today's fault." After she finished speaking, a golden light struck her with a wave of her sleeves.

The fire demon immediately dispersed and fell into the magma.

After that, the blue and purple clothes did not stay much, she summoned the golden phoenix, and everyone took the golden phoenix and flew towards the top of the crater.

A crisis of extinction was so simple that it was resolved invisible by the blue and purple clothes.

As the sun sets, Shen Mo Nong and his party are waiting, finally waiting for Chen Yang and the others.

Everyone met with infinite emotion. Xuanyuan Yadan threw directly into Qin Lin's arms, and Qin Lin hugged Xuanyuan Yadan tightly.

This is the meeting of lovers!

Luo Feng's gaze met with that of King Da Miao and his group. King Da Miao sighed and said, "King Gu, you are fine."

Luo Feng nodded lightly. He has always been a person with restrained emotions.

And Dorrance stepped forward and hammered Chen Yang's shoulder and said, "This time you scared us all."

Chen Yang smiled slightly, and then he looked at Shen Mo Nong.

Shen Mo Nong smiled knowingly. Chen Yang's mouth moved, and he did not say two words. But Shen Mo Nong knew that Chen Yang was saying thank you.

Baixue and Wall Rhein also stepped forward and said, "My ministers have seen your majesty!"

Chen Yang smiled with emotion.

After doing all this, Chen Yang looked at the blue and purple clothes in the distance.

On this mountain, everything is lonely.

Lan Ziyi is even more arrogant and arrogant. She doesn't like to communicate and contact with others. Although, Lin Haoxuan is still her super fan.

Chen Yang walked slowly behind Lan Ziyi. "Thank you for coming to save me from a long distance. I think if it weren't for you this time, I'm afraid I would be dead." Chen Yang said.

At this time, Chen Yang stood side by side with Lan Ziyi again. Chen Yang saw the beautiful mountains and forests ahead, it was so beautiful and brilliant.

Lan Ziyi said lightly: "This is the last time I will save you."

Chen Yang stayed for a while, he said, "Okay, I see."

At this moment, Chen Yang's heart became sensitive.

Lan Ziyi said, "Do you think I'm not quite friends."

Chen Yang said, "No, as a friend, you have done your best."

Lan Ziyi said: "You have a long way to go, but if you have a crisis, I will come forward. It will limit your growth. I hope you can think carefully when you do things in the future and don't always think about yourself. In an irreversible situation." She paused and said, "In my opinion, where you are, Emperor Song, and this crisis, you can all be avoided."

Chen Yang said: "In the Song Emperor's time, it was indeed avoidable. This time, Tianzun came prepared."

Lan Ziyi said: "Don't call him Heavenly Lord, he is not worthy. He can lie to you, but it is because you still have flaws and loopholes in your heart."

Chen Yang couldn't deny this, he said: "Yes."

Lan Ziyi said: "You have always been aware of your flaws and loopholes. If you are fooled next time, no one can save you."

Chen Yang said, "I understand."

Lan Ziyi said: "After that, I will leave the undead for a while. No one can find me in the world. I can tell you frankly that I am actually hiding from you. Because you are really in trouble next time, if you find me , I still can't help you."

Chen Yang had fully understood Lan Ziyi's thoughts, so the grudge in his heart was gone. He said, "Okay."

Lan Ziyi said: "Chen Yang, you really have to put a little pressure on yourself. Save Ling'er, fight Chen Tianya and father and son, nothing is easy. Moreover, I have been involved. I will encounter a disaster in the future. I also hope to get your help. With your current cultivation base, it is really difficult to help."

Chen Yang couldn't help but wonder, and said: "How can I help you? Your enemy will be..."

Lan Ziyi said, "God Emperor, Devil Emperor, Chinese Emperor, and Yun Leier are all wandering in the void. Do you know why they want to travel in the void?"

Chen Yang said, "Isn't it to pursue a stronger cultivation base?"

Lan Ziyi said: "Yes, not all right!"

Chen Yang said: "How to say?"

Lan Ziyi said: "I feel the way of heaven in my cultivation, and feel the power from the void in the dark."

"Power from the void?" Chen Yang was extremely curious.

Lan Ziyi said: "In ancient times, gods and demons co-existed. The period of the Three Emperors and Five Emperors was the strongest time between Gods and Demons. After that, it is said that there was a battle between Gods and Demons. Now many magic weapons are passed down from the ancient battlefields. After the battle between the gods and demons, many gods and demons have fallen. In the Xia, Shang and Zhou Dynasties, during the Spring and Autumn Period, the gods and demons gradually disappeared. Even if there were, they only dared to hide in the mountains and forests. Later Qin Shihuang ruled the world, and the ghosts and gods did not dare to approach. "

"Are you talking about wild history, or is it true?" Chen Yang asked.

Lan Ziyi said, "Of course it is true."

"Then how did you know?" Chen Yang asked.

Lan Ziyi said: "I have sensed it from many ancient artifacts, and there are also a few words in ancient records."

Chen Yang said, "Didn't Qin Shihuang want to live forever? He should welcome ghosts and gods?"

Lan Ziyi said: "You are wrong. In Qin Shihuang's period, when Qin Shihuang was in his prime, he was very taboo against those with great supernatural powers. Because they would be unconstrained. But later, he was obsessed with power and missed power. To live forever..."

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