My Healing Game

Chapter 981: pay homage

Chapter 982

The night in Tomb Village is very noisy, but it is eerily quiet near the village head's house.

"You must not let the ghosts in the grave know the truth. You must attack me when I am about to weaken, and use a sneak attack to inflict fatal wounds on me. Only in this way can you gain the trust of the ghosts in the grave, and you can live to serve the next generation. Prepare for the coming of time.”

When the old village head said these words, he kept looking at the carpenter. He hoped that the person who killed him was the second son: "The boss values ​​love and righteousness, and has a close relationship with the living people on the ground. He is also the third brother of yours. The most powerful among them, he is difficult to be accepted by the ghosts in the grave; the third child is young and energetic, with a lively personality, and it is easy to show flaws when he strikes; so the best candidate is you."

After a long silence, the carpenter nodded slightly: "I will fulfill your request."

"Second?! Do you know what you're talking about?" The middle-aged man raised his hand, he really wanted to slap his younger brother, but he held back: "There should be other ways, we can think about it again! "

"I know you may not be able to accept it, but this is the only way to save ordinary people, weaken the big tomb, and at the same time keep the three of you alive." The old village head handed over the black package hidden under the bed to Three children: "When the grave is opened at midnight, you go down with me. The third child, you walk at the end. After I am killed by the second child, you run out with my suicide note. Remember, Be sure to send the suicide note I gave you out of the graveyard!"

The fingers of the young man in a suit trembled slightly: "I don't want to escape, let me be with you."

"You have to leave, otherwise we will all die in vain." The old village head patted the young man on the shoulder: "After you climb out of the deep pit, open the suicide note I left you."

"Dad, have you thought it through? If we leave, what will happen to the villagers in the grave village? Some of them have been seriously deformed, and even if they leave the deep pit, they will not be able to be human anymore." The middle-aged man did not support the old village. long plan.

"I have discussed with the people in the Joint Crisis Response Center. Before destroying the grave village, they will pick up all the villagers in advance and take good care of them. This is one of the prerequisites for my deal with them." The old village head looked The package in the hands of the three children: "Don't forget, my younger brother is still in the crisis management center, where the elites of all cities gather. They will definitely keep the promise they made to me."

"Even if they don't follow through, you should continue with your plan." The middle-aged man looked disappointed. He didn't think his father did anything wrong, but he felt very uncomfortable.

"Let's all go back to our respective rooms. Come with me to open the grave at eleven o'clock." The old village head did not deny it. He waited for the three children to leave before sitting weakly on the chair.

As the night darkened, the sound of music sounded in the grave village, and the sacrificial ceremony was about to begin.

White lanterns are hung on the door, and every family has an altar table outside the door, displaying various sacrifices, including rice, soup, vegetables, and wine. There are candles on the table and incense, and paper money is placed under the table.

The lonely ghosts passing by will not stop after eating and drinking. The villagers hope that they can go on the road with peace of mind.

"It's time."

The door of the old village head's house was pushed open, and the gray-haired village head and his three children came out of the house pushing a cart of paper goods. The passing villagers all bowed their heads to avoid seeing the four of them walking together.

The four of them came all the way to the village ancestral hall, where the oldest elders in the village burned incense and prayed. After the prayers were recited, the ceremony of opening the grave and offering sacrifices officially began.

The old village chief and his three children took off their own clothes and changed into offering clothes from the village ancestral hall, with mantras smeared on their faces. After they were dressed, they lay flat on the improvised "water bed" made up of benches and wooden boards. From this moment on, they could not get off the ground.

The mirrors in the house are all covered, and the objects placed around are all in singular numbers, which means that they will go on the road alone and will not take other people in the village away.

After the old village chief and his three children closed their eyes, the deformed villagers hurried into the house. They removed the ancestral niches that held ancestral tablets and the shrines with built-in **** images, cleaned up the traces of living people, and lit the white wax and thread. fragrant.

Finally, the villagers put white quilts sewn with red silk on the four of them, replaced the pillows under their heads with stones, lit oil lamps on the left foot to illuminate the way to the underworld for the four, and offered offerings to the four on the right foot. Serve a bowl of plain rice with chopsticks inserted into the rice, which is called foot tail rice.

At midnight, when the time came, the four sedan chairs stopped outside the ancestral hall.

With a green background and a red top, they look a bit creepy. All the bearers are severely alienated, strong but deformed, half like a human and half like a beast.

Covered by a white cloth, the bearer moved the four of them onto the sedan chair, followed by various white goods and tributes.

Everything was safe, the courtyard door was opened, and three small male villagers rushed ahead, spreading the news of the death throughout the graveyard.

After the person who reported the death left, the cries sounded, and the five female villagers who covered their faces were sobbing sadly, crying as they walked.

Behind the crying passers-by is the bearer of the sedan chair, and the four-top mountain sedan chair slowly moves from the ancestral hall of the grave village to the outside of the village.

Along the way, paper money was flying, the altars at the door of every house were shaking slightly, and the candles were flickering, like ghosts walking at night.

Across the "Forget River" surrounding the village, and over the "Yin Mountain" made of countless garbage piles, the bearers carried the mountain sedan chair to the innermost part of the deep pit.

Yin Qi swept across, and an unnamed shrine was built between the grave village and the deep pit. The bearers walked past the shrine after praying three times.

The women who cried on the road stayed here and placed tributes, while the bearers with severe physical deformities carried the mountain sedan chair into the pit.

The surrounding gradually became quiet, and the opening of the grave to pay homage has reached the final step.

After being sent into the deep pit for 100 meters, the temperature dropped suddenly, and this place seemed to have left the world.

When he saw the second unnamed shrine, the bearer put down the sedan chair, bowed respectfully to the old village chief and the others, and then left in a hurry.

The old village chief and his three children were sent to the big grave as the dead. Only the dead can enter the grave and open the grave to pay homage. The last step is to see the real face of the ghost, so the living need to avoid it.

When the footsteps of the bearers disappeared, the guide lights in the sedan chairs that passed the mountain suddenly flickered a few times.

The sedan chair curtain was lifted, and the gray-haired old village head was the first to get off the sedan chair.

"let's start."

The three children of the village chief walked out of the mountain sedan chair holding the guide lights, and they came to the carts of sacrifices and white goods. These are the offerings prepared by the grave village for the big ghost in the grave.

However, unlike previous years, some other things were mixed into the offerings.

Unpacking the paper-bound house, the old village head took out four black parcels from it: "Only by destroying the exit of the big tomb can the villagers' diseases be cured."

The youngest third child still couldn't fully agree with his father's approach. He reluctantly opened the package in front of him, and there was a baby about one and a half years old lying on each detonator.

"My God! Why is this little guy here?" The third child trembled in fright, and unconsciously raised his voice.

The old village chief, the middle-aged man and the carpenter also gathered around, and they all looked at the baby in the black package.

"Who hid this package?"

"Did he crawl in by himself?"

"I just fed him some goat milk and put him to sleep, I don't know anything else."

The baby looked at the four adults innocently. He seemed to be very curious about everything in this world. Where death, distortion and despair entwine, babies bring life.

"It's too late to send him out now." The wrinkles on the old village chief's face were crowded together, and the opening of the grave has strict requirements on time: "Third son, you carry the child on your back, no matter what the result is, you must escape." go out!"

"Okay..." The youngest third child was afraid of scaring the child to cry, so he tried his best to control his mood, and put the baby in another package as gently as possible, and carried it on his back: "I will take you away, don't cry, don't make trouble .”

A half-year-old baby must not understand anything. The child just feels very happy, and there is no fear or dread on his face.

"It's great to be a child." The third child secretly glanced at his father and two brothers, and he recalled the good memories of the past.

Sighing softly, the third child patted himself with his hands, then calmed down and made a face at the little baby.

"Prepare to open the grave."

The old village head had a serious face. He and his children carried the black package on their backs and placed all the other tributes near the nameless shrine.

The closed door of God opened slowly, and along with the door of God opened, there was also a passage in the deep pit.

There were too many negative emotions deposited here, and the moment the passage opened, a breath that made the soul tremble swept over everyone.

The normal steps of offering sacrifices are to open the grave, then recite prayers, then send the sacrifices into the grave, and finally communicate with ghosts and gods to obtain their blessings.

But this time, after the old village chief waited for the passage to appear, he directly reached into the unnamed shrine, took away the unnamed **** statue from it, and put his own **** statue prepared in his arms into the shrine.

After the statue was replaced, black and red blood spots appeared on the arm of the old village chief. He was the most normal person in the village, and his body was not alienated in any way.

Pushing the cart full of tributes, the old village chief and his three children entered the passage.

This pothole is bottomless, giving people a very scary feeling everywhere.

Yin Qi blew, something was shaking in the darkness, and the sound of chewing came from far to near, and soon several people saw a monster with a severely deformed body.

That monster should have been a human being at one time. Its face was somewhat similar to that of a human being, but its body could no longer see anything related to human beings.

The blood was clotted on the skin, and black hair kept gushing out from the festering wound. He was surrounded by lingering hatred, and he was still wearing half a villager's coat.

Sprinkling a handful of paper money, the old village head put down a sacrifice. Although the ghost was ugly and terrifying, after seeing the sacrifice, he did not chase after it, and the hatred in his heart gradually subsided.

"Do you want to do it?"

"No, regret, regret, resentment, hatred, these four types of ghosts are not our goals."

The old village chief and his three children bowed their heads forward and saw all kinds of ghosts along the way. Regret is just a moving shadow, not only will not hurt people, but also help others; Regret cannot condense the body, and likes to merge with the passage ; Resentment will take the initiative to attack, but they are not the village head's opponent; only when encountering hatred, the village head will take out sacrifices.

The boundless darkness seemed to have no end. When the tribute on the cart was less than half delivered, the old village head saw a woman.

The woman made clothes out of memory, and her body was separated. She had the same blood as the old village chief, and her life seemed to be frozen in childhood forever.

"Sister..." The old village head was about to say something to the woman, but the woman turned around and left.

The old village head wanted to let the other party stay, but he couldn't call out the woman's name. Because the woman's name sounds the same as his biological father's name, but the characters are different.

"Sorry, I didn't protect you well, and I used you."

The words of apology were not heard by the other party after all, and the old village chief did not stay any longer, and continued to move towards deeper darkness.

Gradually there were fewer ghosts around, and the death and malice became stronger. The old village head saw several abandoned shrines.

The drooping head slowly lifted up. When the old village chief looked at the shrine, blood oozed from the top of the shrine. Pieces of flesh and blood were pieced together and turned into a constantly changing mass of flesh.

The dream dust scattered, and a pair of gorgeous butterfly wings landed on another shrine.

The ground began to shake, and a hand condensed by despair stretched out from under the tombstone. Arms poured out one after another, and finally turned into a black **** statue with a thousand hands.

The roar of the beast sounded, cruelty, greed, lust, and all negative emotions turned into an ugly beast.

"One, three, seven, nine..."

Horrible auras were floating around, and there were changes around every shrine. These ghosts with shrines were far more powerful than hatred.

The third son, the youngest, trembled slightly. He was so frightened by the ghost in front of him that he couldn't straighten up. This time the grave opening ceremony was completely different from previous years. The big ghost in the grave appeared at the same time as if it had been agreed!

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