My Italian

Chapter 73: bet everything

"I'm sorry, I didn't understand something?"

Carlo suddenly interjected and asked.

In the face of the young king's question, the well-prepared His Excellency the Home Secretary was clearly prepared, and he smiled and said to Carlo. "Since Your Majesty doesn't understand, then I'll say it again."

Facing Sabot's foolish words, Carlo became angry, and now there is nothing he can do. None of these people belong to him, so he can only go into battle shirtless. "Your Excellency the Minister of the Interior, maybe you didn't understand what I meant. What I said was the reason for strengthening the supervision of parades. I feel a to say it, I don't understand it. These people are basically people with strong patriotic enthusiasm. , if its parade is restricted, it will make people think that the kingdom is swallowing up France, which is not conducive to unity."

"But Your Majesty, there are some saboteurs in these parades, and they are disrupting the stable lives of the people."

"The police can be in charge of supervision, and as long as someone commits a sabotage, they will be arrested immediately."

"Your Majesty, this will occupy the police force, reduce the police's energy and time to deal with other affairs, and will also have the effect of reducing public security."

"Then can't we recruit more police?"

"Your Majesty. It takes time and money, and a qualified police officer needs months of training."

"If that's the case, then Admiral Saragate, maybe you can send the military police to help the Home Secretary for a while, and then return after the new batch of police has been trained."

Facing Carlo's sudden pulling of the army into it, Sabot, the interior minister, was a little caught off guard, and was stunned on the spot. However, the Home Secretary was caught in the circle, which did not mean that Carlo’s idea could come true, but Prime Minister Depretis stood up.

"Your Majesty, about the parade, we can deal with it, don't bother the army to go out."

It is a taboo to let the army intervene in local affairs. No government official would like to see such a scene appear, so other ministers made suggestions as if they had just woken up from a dream. "Your Majesty, our Ministry of Finance can allocate sufficient funds for police training."

"Our Ministry of Education can also contribute."

"The same goes for the Ministry of Health."

In the face of the ministers who were babbling on their advice, Carlo watched everything that happened in front of him happily. He had long expected this scene when he talked about military help.

After seeing that Carlo was no longer speaking, the suggestion gradually subsided. However, the atmosphere at the scene became more and more weird. Many people kept looking at Sabot and Carlo with their eyes. Obviously, in the performance just now, the Minister of the Interior was completely defeated, and the rhythm was completely controlled by the young monarch.

Since his confidant has been defeated, only the Prime Minister will fight in person. I saw that he waited until everyone was quiet, and immediately stepped forward and said.

"Your Majesty, the parade is caused by the dispute between our country and France. If it continues, it will bring huge losses to our two countries. Not to mention that the total value of goods exported to France will reach 912 million liras. These are basically agricultural products such as alcoholic livestock and livestock, which involve millions of families, and we need to carefully consider our relationship with France.”

Obviously, the Prime Minister no longer uses the parade as an excuse, and directly speaks about his core interests, and he is talking about Italy's most deadly economy.

And the Prime Minister's words made many people at the scene ponder. After all, it has so much to do with France. If France is angered, it will not be a good thing for Italy.

In the face of the Prime Minister's use of economic interests as a weapon, Carlo was obviously prepared, and I saw him speak. "Prime Minister, the economy is indeed a very important issue for the Kingdom."

When Carlo said this, he immediately changed the conversation. "But this is not the reason why we can submit to France. You must know France's attitude towards our country. Tunisia directly occupied without discussing it with our country. If we tacitly acquiesce to France's behavior for this and that, etc., So what to do with Italian national self-confidence.

You must know that before Germany won the Franco-Prussian War, it was completely divided. If they had to consider this and that, how could they fight against France? Therefore, in my opinion, Italy can use its strength to submit to France, and then it can also use this reason to submit to other countries. At that time, we Italians will still have a place in Europe. "

In the view of Carlo, whose soul came from the later Eastern powers, Italy can die standing up, but it must not yield to the pressure of other countries. The gentleman's self-improvement is what Italy urgently needs. As for the economy, it can be solved after Italy has established its national self-confidence. Just like the old people of later generations said, we can recreate the broken bottles and jars at home. If we succumb to the pressure of other countries, how can we talk about the rise of the nation.

Carlo's speech surprised many people at the scene. I didn't expect this monarch to have such a **** side, but considering his age, it makes sense. On the contrary, the two military generals were very interested in Carlo's speech. Of course, now is not a good time to interrupt.

Carlo's speech made the Prime Minister annoyed, only to see him speak. "I can understand your Majesty's mood, but I must take into account the strength that Italy has. There is a slang in my hometown, how much appetite, how much bread to eat."

Obviously, the Prime Minister was saying that Carlo was too loud and did not consider the actual situation in Italy at all.

Facing the Prime Minister's ridicule, Carlo was not to be outdone. "Coincidentally, in my hometown there is also a slang saying that things are done by people, and people will conquer the sky."

Although no one has heard of the slang words in Carlo's mouth, everyone understands the meaning of his words, and many people's expressions become amused at this time.

As for the old and the young in front of them, they all stared at each other, looking at each other like a cockfight. The atmosphere has gradually become a little subtle, and it seems that a showdown is about to form, and one urgently needs to stand up and mediate the atmosphere.

The only qualified people at the scene were only three people, two from the military, and Speaker Leslie. And at this time, I saw the speaker, who usually does not show the mountains and dew, walked in front of the two and said with a smile. "Your Majesty, Prime Minister, I think both of them are right. Both are for Italy, but in different directions."

Following Leslie's words, the attitudes of the two of them eased, and the others immediately echoed the speaker's speech. " The Speaker is right, it's just a different direction."

"That's right."

Although the two are separated, they can feel each other's attitude and will never change. I saw Carlo said at this time, "Although our country is too deeply involved with the French economy, they still can't ignore Italy's attitude."

Obviously, Carlo is declaring that he will not be shaken.

Carlo's words obviously angered the Prime Minister, and Depretis pushed the people around him away, walked quickly to Carlo, and looked at the monarch in front of him. "Are you sure?"

"I'm sure, and I won't waver."

The scene in front of them made many officials hold their breath, fearing that the two of them would fight, and the two military bosses hurried forward to see the situation so that they could be separated.

But the Prime Minister did not do what they thought, but said with a smile. "Then, I hope Your Majesty can get his wish."

After walking, he left without looking back.

Soon, the news about the dispute between the king and the prime minister spread all over Rome. Some people said that it was His Majesty who neglected the Prime Minister, which made him angry, and some people said that it was His Majesty who angered the Prime Minister, so the two quarreled. But no matter where the news comes, the huge rift between the prime minister and the king is certain.

Carlo, who is the party involved, is very clear about the meaning of the last sentence the Prime Minister said. If he fails, the consequences must be borne by himself, which has nothing to do with the Prime Minister.

If he is not familiar with history, of course Carlo would not dare to gamble, because if he fails, his reputation will suffer a huge blow. A reputation for mischief cannot escape, of course, if it succeeds, then the reputation of wise and visionary will also accompany him.

Then what are you waiting for, Carlo bet everything.


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