My Italy

Chapter 182 The Death of the Kaiser

The government's rectification of the banking and financial industries is in full swing. While bank employees were in dire straits, a new bank quietly opened its doors in a high-rise building on Polka Street.

The name of this bank seems to have a lot of background. The National Bank of Italy, who dares to name it like this, you can tell at a glance that the background is not small.

Isn't this obvious? We can use the words Italy and country. It is not a bank controlled by the government, so this cannot be done.

And this newly built bank is indeed different. They actually don't take deposits. Even if someone tried to inquire about the bank's business, they were persuaded to leave by the staff who said they were worth 258,000 yuan.

Tell them directly that the bank does not handle public-facing businesses such as deposits and withdrawals.

Curious people who were persuaded to leave, faced with such a result, if they hadn't seen the scary name of the bank, they would have spit in their mouths. How dare you do this to me, you will be bankrupt sooner or later.

Well, this bank, which is very unfamiliar to the public, has caused shock in the industry, because this financial management institution with the name of a bank, which is both a bank and an institution, has been established, and it will definitely be their leader in the future. boss. Many things in the future will depend on the bank's attitude, which makes many people feel uncomfortable.

That's right, it's just discomfort, not opposition. Anyone who dares to object to the current situation and wants to develop business in Italy must abide by its laws. Even those who cross the river must give face to the government and the national bank that pushed it to the front in Italy.

Therefore, although the National Bank of Italy has a low reputation in front of the public, it is famous in the banking industry.

Of course, how long this reputation can last depends on the next actions of the National Bank of Italy. Only by letting other banks feel its energy can it be made to behave accordingly.

Tom Metyles, the bank's first president, was well aware of this. However, he is not at all anxious about how the National Bank of Italy will appear now, because he has more important things to solve.

Sitting in his perfectly located office on the third floor, Maytells was looking at a document carefully.

The light aroma from the wooden furniture mixed with a bit of paint makes the office smell a little nice. The clock on the wall is ticking, and people can't help but want to indulge in it, especially with the emerald green trees outside the window and the calls of unknown birds, everything seems so quiet and pleasant. people.

Maytells sat in his office and turned a deaf ear to this, not even interested in looking up.

What is it that makes Maytells so entranced?

In fact, it's nothing, it's just about the progress of the construction of thirteen branches of the National Bank of Italy in Italy.

Some people who don’t understand may ask why Maytells is so dedicated to the construction of branches.

This question is very simple, because the construction of branches is related to the execution ability of the National Bank of Italy. Many policies will change from beneficial to harmful because of the lack of execution.

Having served as a bank executive before, and later entering the Treasury, becoming second only to the Chancellor of the Exchequer and several senior deputy officials, Maytells certainly knew what the first shot would be like and how important it was to him.

In fact, on the first day he learned that he would become the National Bank of Italy, Maytels already had specific plans.

He wants to make the bank famous in the financial banking industry, and at the same time let other banks and financial institutions know that the National Bank of Italy is watching their every move.

Of course, more importantly, he must use this to reach a higher position. That's right, it means to reach a higher position. He has his own ambitions for the position of finance minister. As second only to the Chancellor of the Finance and several deputies, Mertells is still very young. He is only in his forties, and he has enough patience and perseverance to accomplish this goal.

Look at how old our current finance minister, His Excellency Toston Tejela, is. He is already sixty-four years old. As for the other deputies, they are all about the same age, and he is only forty-five years old, so he can survive even if he endures.

Of course, if it was useful to just endure, there wouldn't be so many people standing still in their positions.

Maytells does not belong to this category. No matter where he goes, he is a capable person with outstanding abilities.

When he was in the bank, he could ask the bank's board of directors to set up incentive shares specifically to retain him. Within the government, he has always been a reflection of his ability. Whenever there is a problem, the Minister of Finance, His Excellency Tejela, will be the first to recall him. His catchphrase was, "Wherever Maytells is, call him."

This shows how capable Maytells is, as he is almost regarded as a firefighter. Of course, being remembered by the Chancellor of the Exchequer has both advantages and disadvantages, depending on how you look at it.

But for Metells, this is mostly a benefit. Tejela did not stop his progress just because he was easy to use. Instead, the newly formed central bank recommended him.

After a conversation with the king, he was officially appointed as the inspector in charge of various financial institutions in Italy.

Of course, becoming the governor of the National Bank of Italy is not that simple. It seems that it was just proposed by Finance Minister Tejela, and then the king met with him, and it was done.

But in practice, Maytells paid a huge price just to defeat other competitors. The position of governor of the National Bank of Italy is being watched by hordes of people, and they do not want to take over this high-power position. Then you need to compete to know that you need to compete for qualifications, connections, abilities, etc. These all require competition. But Metells's ability to stand out is enough to show that he is ahead of others in all aspects.

Of course, taking this position does not mean that Maytells' position is stable. If he cannot achieve satisfactory results, he will need to talk about it.

Metyles is not worried about this. Satisfactory results alone cannot reveal his ability. He needs dazzling results.

Therefore, for this goal, Metels has been patiently thinking and intends to act with more preparation.

While Maytells was making preparations, a shocking news also appeared in front of Carlo.

Although I was prepared in my heart, the news was still shocking enough. The German Emperor, Frederick III, who had only been on the throne for three months, died.

This news is not shocking enough.

Looking at the emergency telegram in his hand, Carlo knew that his third visit to Germany was about to begin.

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