My Italy

Chapter 230 Response

The news that Bulgaria had captured Komodini not only shocked the Ottomans, but also surprised Carlo's ally. You must know that it has only been seven days, and it has only been seven days since Bulgaria declared war on the Ottomans.

Regarding the Bulgarians' super high combat effectiveness, a field military observation group commented on this. With good strength and super high morale, the Bulgarians deserved this victory.

Of course, unlike what was published in newspapers, Carlo had a detailed combat experience in his hands, which was sent by the Italian Military Advisory Group. Yes, Italy not only participated in the battle itself, but also sent military advisory groups to the Montenegrin and Bulgarian armies.

In this report, the details of the battle between the Bulgarian army and the Ottoman army are told in detail. Only in this detailed battle report did Carlo learn the specific truth. From the very beginning, the First Bulgarian Army followed Major General Gudshev's orders and launched a rapid and powerful offensive, breaking through two lines of defense of the Ottoman army one after another, and arrived at the city of Komodini within three days.

In fact, the effect was very good. The Ossan army, which originally planned to rely on the defense line to build more defensive offensives for Comodini, was caught off guard.

The Bulgarian army that rushed to the city did not give the enemy time to replenish themselves, and immediately threw themselves into the siege. After four days of hard fighting, they finally drove the Ottoman army out of the city.

In this battle, the First Army suffered 5,470 killed, 11,467 injured, and 379 missing, with total casualties reaching more than 16,000. Of course, their results were also very good. The defending Ottoman army lost 7,891 people, captured and injured 14,915 people, lost 69 artillery pieces, and more than 10,000 guns. It can be said that more than half of the defenders suffered casualties, and the resistance was already very fierce.

Major General Gudshev's First Army was the first to capture the target and was also the main target in the first phase of the Bulgarian operation.

A very interesting thing needs to be said here. Before the war started, the highest military rank in Bulgaria was colonel. Major General Gudshev was urgently promoted two days before the war started, along with three others.

In fact, there are currently only four major generals in Bulgaria, namely Major General Gudshev of the First Army, Major General Guchev of the Second Army, Major General Uzunov of the Third Army, and the Army General Staff who commands the remaining domestic forces. Major General Nikolayev.

Don't be surprised by this. You must know that in the Serbian-Bulgarian War five years ago, the highest military rank in Bulgaria before the war started was captain. That war was also called the Captain's War. (If you are interested, you can look up this war. It can be said that as long as Bulgaria makes one wrong move, everything will be lost. The timing, location, people, and luck are all overwhelming.)

The reason for this is that before this, the senior Bulgarian officers were Russian officers. From this, we can see how powerful Russia was in Bulgaria at that time.

Of course, after the two countries fell out, these Bulgarian captains fully assumed the military command of the war. And it performed very well, which made Serbia, which at that time considered itself the number one in combat effectiveness among the small Balkan countries, disgraced. (Salvia had defeated two Ottoman army attacks during the Russo-Turkish War, and of course it was generally highly regarded)

After reading the battle report on Bulgaria's victory over Komodini, Carlo raised his head and looked at the silent Army Minister General Saragat and asked. "Your Majesty General Saragat, Bulgaria has captured Komodini, why hasn't the army broken through the enemy's defense line yet?"

There is a reason why Carlo asked this, because the Italian army has currently landed 160,000 people in Albania, and the number continues to increase. In order to transport these troops and the supplies they need, transportation troops and drafted ships are operating at full capacity.

However, these troops, led by General Cadorna, Chief of General Staff, have been unable to break through the fortifications defended by the Ottoman Macedonian Second Army and break into the Macedonian region.

Facing Carlo's question, Admiral Cardorna thought about it for a while before speaking. "Your Majesty, our situation is very different from that of the Bulgarians. They have a sudden battle, and we have always been the focus of the Ottoman army's surveillance. In addition, the fortifications built by the enemy based on the terrain advantages of the Dinara Mountains are very difficult to attack. Due to the roads and terrain, it is difficult for our army to send heavy artillery to places where support is needed, so more soldiers can only attack, which is not very efficient and can easily cause huge casualties. "

Faced with the explanation given by Admiral Cadorna, Carlo did not agree. "I can believe the reason Your Excellency the Admiral has given, but I just don't know how to tell it to the king's people. You must know that your weapons and equipment are much better than the other party, and such results cannot convince others at all."

At the end of his speech, Carlo stretched out his hand and gestured. "I can accept the result that the Army breaks through the enemy's interception and enters the Macedonian area within five days. If it cannot be done by that time, then the Army's performance will not be worthy of this victory."

Yes, Carlo gave the Army a showdown at this time. Carlo couldn't stand it anymore after all the forbearance he had done before, in exchange for such a result.

You must know that except for the performance of capturing Durrës and Tirana at the beginning, which was pretty good, the army's performance at other times was really not good.

In battles with the Ottoman army, the army often played a one-to-one or one-to-two exchange ratio. Moreover, the efficiency of attacking breakthroughs is not high, and it is still blocked by the enemy in the mountainous area.

Although the enemy has been held back, is it time to hold the enemy back? At this time, facing the enemies surrounded by Macedonia, how can we get the biggest piece of cake if we don't show enough combat effectiveness?

You know, Albania is very important to Italy, and it must show enough strength to shut up others. Italy is not the only one who wants this land.

Facing the five-day deadline given by Carlo, Admiral Saraget did not dare to refute it at this time. Because he knew that if he refused, the king would not be polite to him, and it would not be impossible to replace him.

Ignoring the silent Minister of War, Carlo turned to the Minister of the Navy who was watching the excitement and spoke. "Admiral Golek, are your ships ready?"

The navy has been having a good time recently. The enemy has no strength to compete with itself. Although this has caused it to lose a lot of military exploits, it also reduces a lot of dangers. It only requires escorting and shelling. This kind of mission can be done by any qualified general.

Admiral Gorek knew what Carlo meant and nodded quickly in reply. "Your Majesty, the navy is ready."

"Then start hurricane planning immediately."

"As commanded."

After talking to the military, Carlo turned to the Prime Minister and others. "Things on the battlefield are left to the military, and other things require your efforts. Currently, there are two more countries than Serbia and Greece, so we need more diplomatic support. This time we need to increase support from various countries. After all, we are In liberating the oppressed Christians.”

Faced with the task given by Carlo, Bacona, as the Minister of Foreign Affairs, stepped forward. "Your Majesty, please rest assured that our Ministry of Foreign Affairs has made every effort to win the support of other countries, at least in terms of public opinion, to win the support of the people of all countries."

Facing the words of the Foreign Secretary, Carlo shook his head and said, thinking of Britain and Russia behind the two countries, and France hiding behind the Ottomans. "This is not enough, you need to work harder. Our enemies are not just the Osman in front of us."

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