My Italy

Chapter 257 Armistice

The news that the Ottoman army was surrounded by the coalition forces in Adrianople spread around the world three days later. As the current event that all countries are most concerned about, the news of the war between Italy and the Ottomans is always not spread at the first time.

So after the siege of Adrianople, the news spread immediately. Faced with the encirclement of the main force, the Ottomans certainly did not want to see it. Before this, their army had also had the idea of ​​​​breaking out of the encirclement. Troops urgently dispatched from the besieged Adrianople and Istanbul launched a counterattack against Luleburgac in an attempt to break the siege. However, in the end the city was still firmly in the hands of the Italians. It was announced that the Ottomans had failed to relieve the siege.

Of course, as the troops are not fully in place, the Ottomans who are currently surrounded can still use the gaps to withdraw a small number of troops. But don't even think about the large troops, it is impossible to withdraw.

Among them, many senior Ottoman officers who were concerned about the safety of Istanbul took advantage of this time to reserve their services for the future. However, as the commander, Riza did not evacuate.

Instead, he stayed in the besieged Adrianople, frequently showing up to cheer up the troops to maintain the plummeting morale among the troops as many officers secretly left. Frequent meetings with officers and soldiers increased Riza's influence in the army. However, despite this, they were destined to be surrounded in this last fortress of Istanbul.

During this period, Riza had countless opportunities to leave, but he refused them all.

He knew very well that if he left, the more than 200,000 Ottoman troops in Adrianople would be finished. The capital, Istanbul, could not stop the Italian-Bulgarian offensive at all, and he could not leave for the sake of Ottoman.

In some respects, Riza, as the leader of Al-Shabaab, is worthy of being a qualified patriot.

However, although Riza's patriotic enthusiasm has not diminished at all, it still cannot change the current situation of the war. After the news of the siege of Adrianople came out, the world in Istanbul was in chaos, and all kinds of gossip and rumors about the coalition forces were flying everywhere. Some said that the troops in Adrianople had surrendered, some said that the troops had withdrawn, and still others said that the enemy was approaching Istanbul.

These random news caused panic in the city of Istanbul, and many people fled to the Asia Minor Peninsula with their families by boat. Faced with such a scene, the troops stationed in Istanbul did not stop them at all. Unlike the citizens, they knew more precise information and knew that the coalition forces now need to prioritize the troops in Adrianople, so Istanbul is still safe for now.

However, although it is still safe now, after the enemy solves Adrianople, Istanbul will not have enough power to resist the opponent. Because all the troops that the Ottomans can mobilize have been eliminated by the enemy, in addition to the more than 40,000 troops in Istanbul, the Ottomans only have more than 80,000 troops facing off against the Italian landing troops near Izmir.

The Ottoman Empire, which currently has no troops available, has few options to make when the enemy is about to approach the city.

At this time, it is normal for some changes to occur among the Ottoman senior officials.

On the evening of the next day after the news of the siege of Adrianople came back, a mutiny broke out in Istanbul. The Ottoman army, still loyal to the Sultan, under the leadership of the former Minister of War Osman Nuri Pasha, would stay in Istanbul. The al-Shabaab forces were wiped out, and a large group of al-Shabaab members, including Ahmed Rissa, were imprisoned.

Although no fierce fighting broke out that night, it still made people in Istanbul panic. The curfew that night made the people of the Ottoman capital feel an unusual atmosphere.

In the early morning of the next day, after the dust had settled, Ottoman Sultan Hamid II once again took over the power, and the Ottoman political forces immediately welcomed the Sultan, as if the Al-Shabaab forces had never appeared before, and brought him to power. Forget about it.

The first thing Sultan Hamid II did after returning to power was to remove Grand Vizier Jawad Pasha, who was promoted by Al-Shabaab. In addition, basically all the officials who took office after Al-Shabaab came to power were dismissed this time. In the sequence of dismissals.

They were replaced by officials headed by Said Pasha, who was known for his stability and state-control. They took over the newly vacated positions and continued to ensure the production and operation of the Ottoman center. Of course, except for Osman Nuri Pasha, the most critical position of Minister of War is currently beyond his control.

The first thing that the newly appointed Ottoman senior officials need to do is to end the state of war with the coalition forces.

"Your Majesty, this is the armistice agreement we have drafted. Please take a look at it."

In the palace, the newly appointed Grand Vizier Said Pasha presented the urgently negotiated conditions to Sultan Hamid II. When the enemy was about to approach the city, an armistice agreement was presented at this time, and the conditions were as you can imagine.

In this agreement, Osman fully agreed with the previously negotiated conditions. Of course, it is still difficult to gain the approval of the coalition based on this alone. After all, this fight lasted for a while longer, and the result was even more unfavorable to the Ottoman side. Therefore, in addition to agreeing with the results of the previous negotiations, the Ottomans also added a clause. In view of the current war situation, the two parties ceased fire on the spot and waited for the results of the peace talks to be negotiated by the two parties. Coordinate again.

Obviously this clause is aimed at Adrianople and Istanbul. In order to prevent these two places from falling into the hands of the coalition forces, the conditions were written in advance.

Hamid II asked after reading the urgently drafted armistice agreement. "What is the attitude of other countries?"

Said Pasha knew what the Sultan meant by asking this question, and he answered immediately. "At present, the ambassadors of Britain, France, Germany, Austria, and Russia have expressed to our country their desire to end this war. For this reason, I think our country's armistice agreement is also what all countries want to see."

There is nothing wrong with what Said Pasha said. The European powers wanted this war to end immediately. The reason is very simple. The Ottomans performed too poorly in this war.

Everyone can see that this war has pulled the Ottomans out of their pants. At present, the main task of the Ottomans is to end this war as soon as possible. The next step is to learn lessons or lick their wounds and restore their strength.

In their view, the previous outbreak of Al-Shabaab was just a concentrated expression of the patriotic enthusiasm of the Ottoman military and civilians, but the timing of its outbreak was so poor that it simply added salt to the wounds of their country.

Now it is simply a dream for the Ottomans to return to normal. As for the mentality of the European powers, the Ottoman leaders can still guess something. After all, its location is too good and the Black Sea Strait is too important.

Therefore, amid the expectations of the Ottoman high-level officials, the armistice agreement quickly reached the hands of Italy, Bulgaria, and Black. Faced with the armistice proposed by Ottoman, the three countries were naturally happy to see results. I'm wrong. Except for Bulgaria, all other participating countries are willing to see it.

Although Bulgaria is jealous of Istanbul, which is just around the corner, they also know that this is not something they can point out at the moment, so after other countries expressed their stance, Bulgaria could only agree.

Although all countries have agreed to an armistice, as the mainstay of this war, Italy has made a special request, that is, the location of this negotiation must be in Rome.

Faced with Italy's request, the Ottomans agreed to it in order to avoid long nights and dreams. After all, they currently have no confidence to oppose Italy's request.

So negotiators from all parties rushed to Rome to prepare for the next negotiations.

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