My Italy

Chapter 304 Complete Disc

The Italian navy and army came to the Borneo colony with great momentum. How could the Dutch, their neighbors, not know their intentions.

Kisiniya glanced at the slightly depressed city outside the window and sighed. Jakarta's booming development has hit the brakes with the arrival of the Italians. In fact, it was not just the Dutch who were affected. Spain, Britain and France also had more or less influence on the local colonies. However, the Dutch were more affected than other countries.

Compared with other countries, the Dutch were weaker, so they relied more on Chinese groups to help them pursue colonial interests. After all, compared with local people, Chinese are also outsiders and are easier to manage and control.

Of course, while the Chinese helped the colonists search, they would also gain some benefits themselves.

As a large number of Chinese went to Italian Borneo, they brought a large amount of funds to Italy and helped Italy develop local resources.

As for Kitsiniya, who is the governor of Jakarta, he actually doesn't have much to do about it. It is too difficult for him to change the status of the Chinese because the policies implemented so far have multiplied too many relevant stakeholders. It also affects a large number of powerful people in Amsterdam.

However, now is not the time to consider this aspect. The increase in Italian troops is obviously a sign of bad intentions. As the governor, Kysinia naturally needs to deal with it seriously.

"Everyone, this time the reinforcement of troops in Italy comes from bad intentions. I wonder if you have any countermeasures."

Facing the questions from Governor Kisiniya, the senior colonial officials in the office looked at me and I looked at you. The room was very quiet for a while.

He didn't say anything when he saw it, and Kysiniya was furious. If these people hadn't been following him, he would have dismissed them all based on their behavior. What kind of people are they? Everyday they are more ruthless than the others in trying to make money. If something really happens, they won't be able to let go of their shit.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but slam the table. "talk!"

Facing the angry governor, no one spoke now.

However, their silence could not stop the Governor from calling his name.

"Your Excellency Creevey, as a senior official of the colonial government, what do you have to say?"

Crevi, who was named by Kitsinia, was a very important figure in the colonial government. He was very important in terms of power and tonnage.

Faced with the Governor's roll call, the heavyweight Creevey could not retreat and could only answer bravely. "Since the Italians have bad intentions, we need to ask for help from home..."

Creevey's words made Kyssinia look unhappy. Isn't this nonsense? He didn't know how to ask for help. He wanted others to teach him. While the Italian fleet was still halfway there, he sent a telegram back home asking for help.

Looking at the governor who looked like he wanted to eat someone, Creevey could only change the subject. "In addition, we should also seek help from our neighbors. The United Kingdom, France, and Spain must not be willing to see Italy expand its power in Southeast Asia. We can also think of ways in this regard. Of course, Amsterdam will do the same, but the distance cannot be understood. If you are thirsty, we can start from Southeast Asia.”

This time Creevey's suggestion finally made Kyssinia look much better.

"Then I'll leave this to you. I need to see the results within a month."

But it was obvious that Kysinia had no intention of letting him go, since it had given him a difficult task.

Even though it only takes a month, it is still difficult for Crevi. However, it was obviously unwise to disobey the governor's order at this time, and Creevey agreed with an ugly face.

Then Kisiniya called the names of other people one by one. Each of these people arranged their own tasks. Some were mobilizing manpower, some were collecting supplies, and some were responsible for purchasing supplies. Although these tasks seemed ordinary, the quantities were extremely large. huge. Anyway, no one's task was easy, and no one was clever, but they were all defeated in front of His Excellency the Governor.

There is a reason why they fear the majesty of the governor at this time, because although they are preparing various preparations, everyone knows that the Netherlands is destined to suffer a loss this time, but it is just a loss. There is no way, this is determined by size and national strength. Italy is stronger than the Netherlands, which is also a well-known thing.

After the Dutch suffer a loss, someone must take the responsibility. It is impossible for the adults in Amsterdam to play the role of scapegoat, so only the Governor of Jakarta is qualified.

It is obvious that the future of the governor of Kythenia is cut off and he may even become a prisoner in the future. He is definitely the most terrifying at present, because he is fearless and no one would think of running into the muzzle of a gun and becoming a target of power. Moreover, Amsterdam will definitely meet Kisiniya's requirements and will do what he wants, which can be regarded as compensation before he retires.

After Kyssinia handed over the others, only the military was left. Although Kysinia has absolute power at this time, he also knows that the army must not move arbitrarily at present.

After driving everyone else out to perform their respective tasks, Kysinya spoke to the two colonial generals. "Lieutenant General Javier, Lieutenant General Appiah, we need your full support next."

When faced with the governor's words, the two generals naturally gave assurances one after another.

Of course, as the governor, Kysinia is not that easy to fool, so he said. "Vice Admiral Javier, how is your fleet currently prepared?"

Yes, Vice Admiral Havel is the commander of the Dutch East India Fleet and currently controls the fleet in Southeast Asia.

Faced with the Governor's question, Lieutenant General Javier said immediately. "Your Excellency Governor, please rest assured that the fleet will ensure the safety of Jakarta and will not let it be threatened by the Italians."

Yes, Lieutenant General Havel can only ensure the security of Jakarta for now. After all, the strength of the fleet he currently controls is just that. Although there are ironclad ships like the Netherlands and the Seven Provinces, in the face of Italy's absolute strength, it can only guarantee the safety of Jakarta.

Of course, there is another reason, that is, after Jakarta was threatened by Italy last time, the Dutch learned a lesson and equipped Jakarta with four new 280 mm Krupp coastal defense guns.

Although the 280mm is not as good as the 305mm main gun of the Italian Turin class, the coastal defense gun is much stronger than the naval gun. If nothing else, the defensive power is simply not the same level. After all, forts do not have to consider tonnage like warships, which is why warships rarely directly attack forts.

Faced with Lieutenant General Havel's fear, Kysiniya didn't say anything. Because he also knows that the strength of his own fleet is completely insufficient to confront the Italian fleet head-on.

In terms of speed, firepower, and defense, the Dutch fleet simply could not compete with the Italian fleet. Except for a few new warships in the Dutch fleet, the rest are all old warships that have been in service for at least ten years.

So after Lieutenant General Havel finished speaking, Kisiniya continued to ask.

"Lieutenant General Appiah, how is the army's preparation currently?"

When the navy was clearly unable to compete with the Italian fleet, Chisinia clearly placed its hope of resisting Italy on the army.

Facing the expectant gaze of the Governor, Lieutenant General Appiah, as the army commander, reported directly. "Currently, the total strength of the army we have is 53,000, but 44,000 of them are colonial troops, and only three regiments of less than 10,000 are troops formed entirely by our own people."

The colonial army that Lieutenant General Appia mentioned was an army composed of Dutch officers and local natives as soldiers. Although such an army was good at suppressing mobs, it faced the Italian Guards who were fully armed and experienced in combat. Totally not enough.

Not to mention anything else, the Guards Division alone can defeat more than 40,000 colonial troops. In addition to the suppression of equipment, the training of the colonial army is simply not enough.

Of course, if you add the three regiments composed of the Dutch themselves, at least the Dutch can make a difference in terms of army strength.

It is precisely based on this that Kythenia places its hope on the army. Even if the Spice Islands need more navy, there is no other way.

So in the expectation of Kyssinia, Lieutenant General Appiah continued. "At present, Italy is more interested in the territory of Borneo, so I put a colonial division and an infantry regiment in Borneo, with a strength of 15,000 people. Although it is not guaranteed to stop the Italians, it can at least delay it. Its footsteps will buy us time. In addition, I have placed 8,000 troops on Sumatra, and the rest are placed in Java and the capital."

Yes, even if the situation is so dangerous, the Dutch still focus on Java. As the core of Dutch rule, the island of Java is really important. It has the most fertile land in the entire archipelago, as well as the largest population.

So even though Italy is eyeing Borneo, the focus of the Netherlands' defense is still Java.

Just as Kitsinia was discussing with the military a plan to deal with Italy, a staff member suddenly broke in. Before he could reprimand him, he yelled. "Your Majesty the Governor, the Italians sent a letter asking us to reply within three days whether to allow their troops to enter our territory in Borneo to hunt down the rebels."

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