My Italy

Chapter 310 Dongxue Party Uprising

Carlo, who was thousands of miles away, could receive news of the East Hak Party uprising. Although there were issues that Carlo was particularly concerned about, it was enough to show that the uprising was huge in scale.

The uprising that broke out among Donghak Party members such as Jeon Junjun and Kim Deok-myung was very powerful. Tens of thousands of people gathered in just a few days, and their troops were directed towards Jeonju, the capital of Jeolla Province.

The Donghak Party Uprising will be familiar to those who know something about the Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1894. It was the Donghak Party uprising that caused China and Japan to fight over North Korea.

Carlo has been waiting for this war for a long time, otherwise why would the task force and the 1st Guards Division be staying in Lanfang? The tropical humid climate is not friendly to warships and people at all.

The Dongxue Party's uprising at least made Carlo know one thing, that is, he did not make any big changes in history. At least from the perspective of the Far East, the changes were not much.

"Send a telegram to the Minister in the Far East to the Qing Dynasty, asking him to pay close attention to the situation in North Korea. In addition, you can contact Li Zhongtang of Beiyang to inform Japan of possible moves to cause trouble."

All Carlo could do was to remind the Qing Dynasty paper maker. As for whether the other party could make some preparations in advance, he felt it was a bit difficult. But even with preparations made, with the fighting power of the Huai Army, in this war that is destined to break out, if there is no external force, Li Zhongtang will even have his underwear stripped off.

While Carlo was planning for the next interests of the Far East, Japan, as one of the protagonists, was also cheering for the Donghak Party uprising in North Korea.

"At present, the Donghak Party has occupied the whole state. Although North Korea has sent troops, according to what we have learned, its military combat effectiveness is extremely low and cannot cope with the chaos at all. In view of the fact that the rebellion in North Korea has seriously threatened the interests of the Japanese Empire, Therefore, our country cannot sit idly by and do nothing, and must send troops to provide support."

At the imperial meeting, the radical Army Minister General Oyama Iwa was making an impassioned speech about the importance of Japan sending troops to North Korea.

However, although Oyama Iwa was speaking, many people present used their peripheral vision to glance at the Privy Council Chairman Yamagata Aritomo who was sitting in his seat. Everyone knew who was the most influential person in the army. However, the father of Japan's army seemed not to care at all about those looks, sitting there as steady as a rock.

Oyamayan's words immediately aroused approval, and the Tibetan Prime Minister Watanabe Kunitake agreed. "This rebellion in North Korea is very detrimental to our country's trade with North Korea. We have every reason to send troops to declare our position."

Watanabe Kunitake's words also caused others to whisper. Judging from their expressions, most people supported sending troops into North Korea.

But even so, there are still objections.

"I don't agree with sending troops now."

The speaker was the current Japanese Foreign Minister Mutsu Munemitsu, and he stood up and said.

"But our country's entry into North Korea will inevitably cause a backlash from the Qing Dynasty. This was already reflected in the Jiashen incident ten years ago. Moreover, the major powers of various countries have a lot of interests in the Qing Dynasty, so we cannot ignore the attitudes of the major powers."

That's right, Mutsu Munemitsu was only considering the attitudes of the major powers and was afraid of extraneous matters.

Faced with Mutsu Munemitsu's words, Ito Hirobumi, as Prime Minister, moved in his heart.

"Foreign Minister, is there a change in diplomacy?"

Ito Hirobumi’s words made everyone present feel tense. Today's Japan is not as arrogant as it was after the Russo-Japanese War.

At present, let alone the European powers, Japan is still not confident about whether it can defeat the Qing Dynasty next door, so how can it ignore the attitudes of the powers.

Seeing that everyone's expressions were abnormal, Mutsu Munemitsu, who knew that everyone might be thinking wrongly, quickly explained. "Not yet?"

Upon hearing this, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

"However, Italy's attitude is somewhat unclear. The Italians have not responded much to our several goodwill gestures. In addition, Italy's current military strength in Nanyang is not weak, and considering that Italy's interests in the Qing Dynasty are not small, so I Worried."

Mutsu Munemitsu's words made Ito Hirobumi tense up. He knew what the other party was worried about. The Italians were indeed a problem, but after thinking about the pros and cons, he spoke.

"The worries of the Italians can be put aside for now. At present, our main diplomatic work is on the British. As long as we can get the support of the British, who are the most powerful in the Far East, other countries can slowly talk about it. This also requires the military to take the next step. In our actions, we should pay attention to the interests of the great powers."

Ito Hirobumi named the Foreign Minister and the military at once, asking them to pay attention to the situation next.

Ito Hirobumi saw it accurately. The British were indeed the most powerful in the Far East, and maintaining relations with the British was very important to Japan. The Japanese were quite lucky. At this time, because Russia announced that it would build the Siberian Railway, the British who were besieging Russia on all sides really needed a helper. At this time, Japan, which had gradually become civilized, came into the eyes of the British.

Ito Hirobumi certainly hopes to gain support from the British, so he actively responds to the British's goodwill. The two countries are now very close. If it is any later, Mutsu Munemitsu will need to go to London to officially start negotiations.

After resolving or suppressing Mutsu Munemitsu's concerns, the Imperial Council finally reached an agreement that Japan needs to take advantage of this opportunity to send troops to North Korea.

Of course, Japan is also very aware of the consequences of sending troops. North Korea is close to the Qing Dynasty's Longxing land, so this battle is inevitable.

While Japan was actively preparing, as the current sovereign state of North Korea, the Qing Dynasty also sent troops into North Korea.

Ye Zhichao, the governor of Zhili, and Nie Shicheng, the commander-in-chief of Taiyuan Town, led 3,000 Huai troops into North Korea.

The Huai army entered North Korea not mainly to deal with the Dongxue Party, but because someone in North Korea was acting as a monster.

Daewongun, the biological father of the King of Joseon, who had been under house arrest for many days, saw that the world was getting worse and worse, and he began to think of seizing power from his daughter-in-law, Concubine Min (the core of the political chaos in North Korea at that time was the family conflict between the daughter-in-law and her father-in-law).

Daewon-kun, who wanted to seize power, looked around and realized that the only people who could help him were the Japanese.

So the Daewonjun secretly contacted Japan and tried to rely on Japan's support to make a comeback. Unfortunately, the news got out and he was even more closely guarded.

Japan, relying on its contact with Daewongun, immediately accused the Qing Dynasty of lax management of the vassal country of Korea, which caused turmoil in Korea and affected the trade between various countries and Korea, and demanded that the Qing Dynasty give up its suzerainty over Korea.

In view of another trouble in North Korea, Li Zhongtang, as the main person in charge of managing North Korea, naturally had no choice but to shoulder the responsibility, so three thousand Huai troops entered North Korea.

However, Li Zhongtang still did not know at this time that Japan had made up its mind to take this opportunity to seize North Korea.

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