My Italy

Chapter 423 Munich Talks (Part 2)

The navy's joint technical research is currently the strongest among the three countries, and Carlo brought it out from the beginning, because he knew that both Germany and Austria wanted Italy in this regard.

Of course, with the help of the navy's technological research and development, it is natural to transfer to the army.

At this time Carlo released a large satellite. "In fact, in the army, we are the ones who need joint research the most. Our country recently received news that France has developed a time-honored artillery, a new 75mm rapid-fire cannon that can fire 15 shells per minute."

"This is impossible! There is no such fast artillery in the world!"

Before Carlo could finish his words, the Kaiser stood up and denied it.

"It's completely incredible."

Archduke Ferdinand also expressed his disapproval of Carlo's remarks.

Don’t they understand artillery?

Wrong, it is precisely because they understand it that they deny it. You must know that the current rate of fire of artillery with similar calibers in various countries is basically 2-3 rounds per minute. No matter how hard you train, this is the rate of fire. What is it that allows all artillery to shoot at this rate of fire?

Yes, that's recoil. The recoil when the artillery is fired will push the gun body back and away from the gun emplacement. Not only does the soldier have to work hard to push it back to its original position, it limits the places that can be selected when the artillery is placed. At the same time, the aiming is completely lost and the ballistic parameters have to be recalculated. Yuan. With this coming and going, time just slipped away. And these two people obviously knew this, so they flatly denied it after Carlo spoke.

"I also hope that what I said is false, but there are some things that cannot be solved by denying them."

Well, actually, these two people knew that they had said the wrong thing as soon as they opened their mouths. But this is also reasonable. You must know that Germany trusts its own artillery very much and considers it to be the best artillery in the world. I haven’t seen that Krupp cannons have been sold all over the world in recent years, and you can see them everywhere. This is proof.

Of course, Carlo's words now broke Krupp's myth. An epoch-making artillery was actually born, and they didn't know it yet.

"Can I ask, do you know the performance of this artillery?"

That's right, at this time the two finally calmed down and immediately asked them about the performance of this product.

Carlo then briefly explained Miss 75's data, which made the two of them, especially the Kaiser, frown. With a rate of fire of 15 rounds per minute, it can still have a range of 8,500 meters, and its maneuverability is pretty good. God, are you going to abandon Germany?

Knowing the seriousness of the matter, William couldn't sit still. He needed to discuss it with his military officials immediately.

"I'm sorry if I can excuse you. I hope we can continue chatting later."

"I'm sorry, I'll excuse you."

Looking at the two people leaving in a hurry, Carlo left immediately. The thunder that exploded today has some effect. I believe it will be enough to put pressure on Germany and Austria.

That's right, Miss 75's information mainly came from Carlo's mind. After the French developed this epoch-making masterpiece, they kept it secret and even did not hesitate to modify the data.

But unfortunately, this didn't work at all for Carlo.

For the sake of Italy's future artillery, Germany and Austria must be informed that the French are hiding a big killer. As for why Austria-Hungary is also nervous, because Russia is an ally of France, will this epoch-making masterpiece not appear in the hands of the Russians?

In fact, it would have been better to tell them earlier, at least it would have forced Germany to take the heavy artillery route for two years earlier. Yes, Germany was forced to equip so many heavy artillery pieces in World War I by this Miss 75.

You must know that at this time, the German divisions were mainly equipped with 77mm field guns, and they had not yet thought of using heavy artillery. That thing is too heavy and not suitable for maneuvering with the army. (Historically, it was also this Miss 75 that forced Germany to adopt the heavy artillery route, because Germany could not beat France in terms of speed of fire. As for the French military who got the artifact, they were so fascinated by this Miss 75 that they lost their consciousness.)

As for Carlo's intention, it is very simple, that is, to make the German and Austrian armies feel the pressure, and then promote the joint research and development of army weapons among the three countries. Italy has limited funds. If not, how can it obtain the latest army weapon technology.

In order to keep Italy at the forefront of military technology, Carlo was forced to use some crooked tricks. It’s all caused by lack of money. Who wouldn’t want to develop their own exclusive technology if they have money?

Of course, Carlo only knows. If you want him to tell you the detailed data or key skills of Miss 75, it will be a bit difficult.

Although the two monarchs (princes) were disturbed by the news brought by Carlo and left midway, they returned soon after.

"Thank you Carlo for bringing this news, it is so important to us."

"Yes, thank you very much for your country."

Let’s just forget about the thanks from the two monarchs. How about discounting them?

Of course, Carlo could only think about this in his heart.

"Both of you, I think that under the current circumstances, our three countries really need joint research on military technology."

When faced with Carlo's talk about joint research and development again, William's attitude was completely different this time. "I very much agree with Carlo's words. Military technology is advancing rapidly, and we cannot delay for a moment, otherwise we will fall behind at any time."

It was obvious that the Kaiser's words were inspired by this. In the morning, German artillery technology was still the best in the world. Now, even before lunch, it was already lagging behind. This change happened so fast that it was hard to guard against it.

"We in Austria have no problem. Joint research and development of military technology is very beneficial to our three countries. I very much agree."

Well, after the monarch has reached the basic agreement, it’s time for the ministers to come on stage. However, the main discussion was with the military. Military personnel from Germany, Italy, and Austria discussed the main content of the research and development of technology for the navy and army.

This was different from the gentle discussions between the three monarchs. The military leaders of these three countries were not economical. For example, it took more than a week to determine the caliber of naval guns. The main reason is that the navies of various countries have different perceptions of caliber, and the order of research and development of naval guns is also different.

After a week of quarreling and slapping the table and staring, the caliber of naval guns was unified. Regarding naval guns, the three countries unanimously agreed to divide naval guns into 37, 57, 75, 105, 150, 210, 254, 305, 350, 380, and 410 calibers.

Regardless of the warships and guns built by the previous countries, the warships built by the three countries in the future will need to move closer to this aspect, because the future research on artillery of the three countries will mainly focus on these calibers. Of course, for the navies of the three countries, the most important naval gun research and development is still 305 mm.

Because the three countries decided that the next level of warships should be equipped with 305mm rapid-fire naval guns.

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