My Italy

Chapter 519 The Three Emperors’ Talk (End)

The talks in Sanssouci Palace became more intense as Italy took Austria-Hungary into account.

"Your country is a little too impatient to include our country's unfinished warships."

The speaker was His Excellency Count Ehrenthal, the chief representative of the Austro-Hungarian delegation, the Foreign Minister (who leads public affairs as the Chairman of the Council of Ministers and can also be counted as the Prime Minister). It was already the sixth day of negotiations.

For him who had always been a spectator, being suddenly asked by Italy to form a joint fleet was hard for Count Ellenthal to endure. What's more, the Italians also demand wartime command, which is even more intolerable. Therefore, his tough tone and angry expression clearly demonstrated the dissatisfaction of the Austro-Hungarian Empire.

Facing Count Ellenthal's performance, as the host of this meeting, Prime Minister Bülow has already seen through it all.

The Austrians are not really dissatisfied when they behave like this. They are mostly waiting for benefits from them. Sure enough, the Earl of Ellenthal continued immediately. "If you want our country to accept your country's conditions, then your country must provide compensation."

Although Count Ellenthal said these words to the Italian side, for some reason, Biro always had a feeling that these words should be directed at himself.

"Has your country asked the wrong person for compensation from our country? Besides, your country is not a Mediterranean country. Doesn't it need to guarantee sea control? If we really encounter a war and our navies cannot jointly fight, then That’s a real tragedy.”

Italian Prime Minister Antonio unceremoniously refuted the Austrians' remarks, but why did these words sound so weird?

It was obvious that the conversation between these two men was directed at the Germans. Because after the two men spoke, they unabashedly looked at Biluo, who had been sitting there like a mountain, and it was obvious that they were waiting for this reply.

Facing the staring eyes, how could Biluo not know what these two people were thinking.

But it is not easy for him to speak. As the German Prime Minister, it would be a joke if he was so easily squeezed out by his two colleagues.

Seeing that they failed to win over the German Prime Minister, the two men stopped pretending.

"Your Excellency Biro, what do you think of this moment?" Count Ellenthal asked directly by naming them.

"Yes, I also want to hear Mr. Billo's opinion." Antonio from the Italian side also expressed his thoughts.

Facing the inquiries from the heads of government of the two allied countries, Bülow knew that it would be impossible not to answer, so he just opened his mouth and said. "Both of you, I think this is a very good decision for the two countries to form a joint fleet in the Mediterranean. This will help integrate the strength of our alliance in the Mediterranean and deter potential enemies. We in Germany are also very willing to see it."

The two allies formed a joint fleet in the Mediterranean, which in itself was very beneficial to Germany. Not only can it contain the maritime power of Britain and France, but it can also reduce the antagonism between Italy and Austria, which is beneficial to the overall situation of the alliance.

However, although Bilo is very optimistic about the Italian's proposal, these two people who want to benefit from Germany are probably thinking too much.

I saw Biluo continue to speak. "I think that since it is a union of navies, then the navies should be the ones to negotiate. I think the navies of the two countries should know better how to negotiate, right?"

Biluo was good at Tai Chi and left the problem to the navies of the two countries. But although he had a good idea, others were not vegetarians, so Count Ellenthal said. "Your Excellency Billo, we are indeed talking about the issue of naval union at present, but this is not just the navy, but also involves other aspects. The navy alone cannot achieve this, so it is best for us to talk about it."

"Our country thinks the same way."

Antonio tacitly assisted.

Facing the naked and undisguised intentions of these two men, Biro smiled bitterly, because he knew that this time it would be impossible without some blood. When they talked with Italy about including the British Empire as a potential enemy, Germany paid a heavy price. In addition to opening up more technologies, an interest-free loan of 1 billion marks and some concessions on tariffs have made Italy a huge profit.

Of course, these are not important reasons. The most important reason is that the two countries have reached a consensus on naval issues. In the future, the German Navy must reach 70% of the British Empire in terms of main battleship ratio. This can be regarded as a concession by Italy to provide many benefits to Germany.

Of course, as part of the price, Italy will also, in accordance with the treaty, be responsible for containing some of its forces on land when Germany is at war with Italy's neighboring countries. Although the treaty did not specify who it was, who else could be on the land border with Italy? It couldn’t be Switzerland or the Balkan children in the new land.

When the talks with Germany were almost complete, Italy subsequently proposed the formation of a combined Mediterranean fleet.

This is a good thing for Germany and Italy, but it is hard to say for Austria-Hungary. First of all, the Austro-Hungarian coastline is not long, and Italy, which has a stronger navy, is holding up the front. In addition, there are still some disputes between Austria-Hungary and Italy, so Austria-Hungary is actually not very willing. However, considering that competing for interests in the Balkans requires support from Germany and Italy, it is purely normal to take some benefits.

However, Austria-Hungary wanted to get benefits, while Italy did not want to pay the money, so the two parties felt that the matter was difficult to negotiate, so they targeted Germany. Whoever makes this adjustment to the alliance will benefit the most from Germany. Who else to look for?

"I don't know what conditions Count Ellenthal wants to put forward. If it is too high, we cannot afford it."

Biro finally relented. There was no way anyone could make Germany the core. According to popular terms, it was the identity of the alliance leader. Since it was the alliance leader, it could not be as fussy as Italy and Austria. It must have the responsibility of the alliance leader.

Obviously, these two people also figured out that Germany must take responsibility, so they tacitly kicked the dispute to Bilo. Of course, Bülow also gave a request, and the lion cannot speak too loudly, otherwise Germany will not be willing to be taken advantage of.

After receiving the acquiescence of the Germans, Count Ellenthal immediately spoke. "We think it would be good if there was an interest-free loan of 100 million marks over ten years."

Well, this Austrian is already a known star and no longer hides himself.

This requires Bülow, who is the German Prime Minister, to also give him a thumbs up. The Austrian is really stuck just right, just at the bottom line of Germany's psychology. If it goes more, he will refuse.

"Yes, our country agrees."

Biluo didn't bargain and just agreed.

Now Germany's purpose of hosting this meeting has been achieved. After the main goal is achieved, the next step is some finishing work. The three countries also spent a lot of time talking about these finishing work. Finally, after the three monarchs (crown princes) played around for nearly a month, the renewed alliance treaty was finally negotiated, and the three monarchs (crown princes) each signed their names.

After signing the treaty, the Italian and Austrian negotiating delegations who came from afar needed to rush back to their respective countries. After all, these important ministers had been away for almost a month and needed to go back to continue managing their respective departments.

But for some people, leaving is a bit sad.

"Sister Louise, come to Rome when you have time. I will miss you."

On the tightly protected platform, Vittorio, the Crown Prince of Italy, was saying a sad farewell to the Kaiser's youngest daughter, Princess Louise.

"Brother Vittorio, I will miss you too."

The Kaiser's little cotton-padded jacket also said goodbye to the Crown Prince with red eyes.

As for the adults on the side, they were also saying goodbye.

"Goodbye, William."

"Goodbye, Carlo."

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