My Italy

Chapter 532 Anti-Protection Alliance

The negotiations between the three Bosio countries in London were somewhat confusing because they were confusing. The reason is simple. The powers on the sidelines are exerting pressure and influence, hoping that the outcome of the negotiation will be more favorable to their own side.

Therefore, the three-party negotiations did not go smoothly at all. They basically broke up after more than ten minutes at the venue, making the progress of the negotiations very slow.

Bulgaria and Greece are very anxious about this, because they know that the longer it is delayed, the easier it will be for trouble to happen. However, the great powers of various countries are not anxious at all and are busy scheming.

For example, Germany and Austria adopted an approach that favored the Ottomans, while Russia was a little entangled. First of all, it valued the historical city of Istanbul very much and did not want it to be captured by other countries. Secondly, Russia is very influential in Bulgaria, and Russia is not willing to have a stalemate with Bulgaria. In addition, Bulgaria is becoming increasingly powerful, looming as a threat to Russia's penetration into the Balkans.

Britain and France are still saying the same thing, as long as they ensure that the major powers do not fight for the Balkans.

As for Italy, unlike other countries, it seems that it does not attach much importance to this negotiation and does not intend to exert its own influence.

However, Italy does not want to exert influence, but other countries want to exert influence on it.

"Your Majesty, Germany and Austria have sent a telegram, hoping that our three countries can maintain unanimous opinions in the London negotiations."

In front of Carlo, Foreign Minister Bacona reported to him the news from Germany and Austria.

"What's going on? Why do the two countries seek our help? I remember they don't have the upper hand?"

Faced with King Carlo's inquiry, Bakona spoke. "As far as I know, there seems to be a slight change at the venue, and the Russians' attitude has changed."

Upon hearing this, Carlo became interested. "What transformation happened?"

"Russia's attitude is actually biased towards Bulgaria and Greece, and supports them in drawing new national boundaries based on the existing positions of the two armies."


Upon hearing what the Foreign Secretary said, Carlo showed a surprised expression. This is so unexpected. This stuffed bear has changed his gender and started eating fast and chanting Buddha’s name?

Don't blame Carlo for being so suspicious, because he knows Russia's ambitions for Istanbul. This is the understanding brought about by countless Turkish-Russian wars. As long as the furry bear has some strength, it must beat the turkey. It can be said that the furry bear is either beating the turkey, or on the way to beat the turkey.

What the native chickens covet is control of Istanbul, or the Black Sea Strait. As long as it comes to this, it's like touching the sore spot of a furry bear. It won't stop until it bites the other person until it hurts.

Now Mao Xiong actually allows Bulgaria and Greece to see Istanbul from the new border. This does not look like the Russian style.

"Although I don't believe it either, it is the fact."

Bacona could understand the king's overreaction, because when he first saw the news, he scolded his secretary. Thinking that his work is irresponsible, he was so brainless as to show him false news.

"Any other news?"

Carlo didn't know the reason for Russia's sudden change of attitude, so he asked.

Facing the king's question, Bakona shook his head and answered. "No, I paid special attention to it."

"In this case, let our special envoy maintain a consistent attitude with Germany and Austria."

Whatever the problem is, it will eventually show up.

After Italy agreed that Germany and Austria would advance and retreat together in the London peace talks, the London peace talks began to advance slowly.

Although it's no longer a matter of just saying a few words and breaking up, the talks are finally getting results.

However, one thing that did not attract the attention of various countries was that Greek Foreign Minister Mavros did not come to London. The Greek side gave the reason that Mavros was unable to make the trip due to illness, and had to be accompanied by Deputy Minister Da Silva.

But the actual situation is that Mavros did not fall ill, but appeared in Bucharest, the capital of Romania.

In the Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Mavros was speaking to an old man with silver hair on his head.

"Your Excellency Narol, I come here with sincerity. Your country must have seen the current situation. The war against the Ottomans has ended, and Bulgaria is about to gain a large area of ​​land. It already occupies the largest area among the Balkan countries. position, with this expansion, its population is expected to be only more than one million less than your country. In addition, taking into account the bravery and prowess of the Bulgarians, in fact, Bulgaria is now the most powerful country in the Balkans. To become the most powerful country, can your country remain indifferent?”

Yes, Mavros was facing Romanian Foreign Minister Narol, and his task this time was to bring Romania into the alliance against Bulgaria.

One more thing, Mavros entered Romania from Serbia. Because three days ago, he had just signed a military alliance with Serbia to jointly deal with Bulgaria. According to the agreement, the two countries jointly sent troops to fight against Bulgaria and seize from it the occupied Macedonia and Thrace.

However, although Greece and Serbia have formed an alliance, they feel that the gap in strength has not widened. They also want to find an ally, and Romania, which has always been the strongest country in the Balkans, is their choice.

"Our country already understands what you mean, but your country also knows that the peasant riots occurred in our country last year, which caused our country a lot of losses, and it was powerless to participate."

Faced with Mavros's rhetoric, Romania's Foreign Minister Narol spread his hands and talked about his country's difficulties.

Speaking of which, among the Balkan countries, Romania is a relatively special entity because it rarely gets involved in Balkan disputes. Basically, they guard their own one-third of an acre of land.

It would not work otherwise. It is surrounded by Tsarist Russia to the east and Austria-Hungary to the northwest. It is sandwiched between the two powers. How much energy can Romania have to take care of other things.

Of course, just because he doesn't care doesn't mean he doesn't have this intention. Otherwise, why would Mavros be here?

Mavros did not hide this. The time for this trip was very tight and he could not delay it too much, so he directly issued the terms negotiated with the Serbian people.

"Our country and Serbia also know your country's difficulties, so we both believe that if your country can send troops with us, then after the war, your country will get four thousand square kilometers of fertile land in southern Dobroga. In addition, your country is in The scattered Romanians in Macedonia can also return. In addition, our country and Serbia will be able to provide some compensation after the war, and the value will not be less than 2 million pounds, but this will not be a one-time payment. "

Regarding the conditions proposed by Mavros, Narol considered the pros and cons.

Seeing that the other party didn't speak, Mavros knew that his heart was moved, so he continued. "In fact, your country joining the alliance to jointly deal with Bulgaria will also help reduce its own pressure. After all, the situation your country faces is the worst for small Balkan countries like us."

As if being persuaded by the other party, Narol immediately spoke. "I need to report this to the king. In addition, our country also needs a commitment. That is, during the war with Bulgaria, we must ensure that Russia will not interfere."

For Romania right now, the biggest threat is the Russians. Of course, Narol's words not only mean this, but also mean that it is necessary to ensure that the Russians will not interfere in this war.

Of course, Mavros knew about the concerns of the Romanians, and he would have had the same worries if not for the contacts in Belgrade. But now, he said with great confidence. "Please rest assured, Your Excellency, we can guarantee that the Russians will never help Bulgaria, and neither will Germany, Austria, and Italy."

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