My Italy

Chapter 587 Material Reserves

Argentina is located in the Southern Hemisphere and is one of the three most powerful countries in South America. Its superior environment has created Argentina's strong economic development.

For Argentina, the Pampas grassland in its hands is one of the three largest grasslands in the world. With its unique climate, the area is very suitable for the growth of cattle.

One more thing, before the arrival of European colonists, there were no cattle in South America. It was only after the arrival of European colonists that cattle were brought here.

However, the first Spanish colonists to arrive in Argentina did not stay long because they were abandoned because of the lack of gold and silver mines needed by Spain. It was abandoned later, and the cattle it raised did not follow, so it was abandoned. Only then did the first batch of cattle in the Pampas grassland appear.

And these abandoned cattle live and reproduce carefree in the Pampas, a place that is very suitable for growing. There are no natural enemies, causing the number of cattle to explode.

Later, when Spanish colonists came to the area again, they were surprised to find that the Pampas was full of cattle. Now, Argentina has resources. So later these European colonists took root here with the leather business.

At the same time, some strange professions were also born, such as adventurers such as cattle seekers.

They scoured the Pampas for wild cattle and brought them to coastal colonies to be slaughtered for their hides. As for so much beef meat and offal, I'm sorry, I'll eat it if I can. If I can't eat it, just throw it away. Because the cargo capacity of the sailboat is limited, only products with higher value can be carried first.

And the number of cattle brought back by cattle hunters can easily reach tens of thousands, which also brings more adventurers to come here for profit.

It is estimated that there were hundreds of millions of cattle in the Pampas at that time. No one knows exactly how many cows there are. They only know that cows can be found everywhere in the Pampas. Just look for them.

However, the emergence of such a large number of cattle hunters has gradually reduced the number of wild cattle in the Pampas. At its peak, it was looking for tens of thousands of cattle at a time, and then it dropped to thousands or hundreds of cattle.

The number of wild cattle in the Pampas has also been reduced to several million. At this time, it is no longer possible to rely on wild cattle. However, the unique environment of the grassland cannot be wasted like this, so raising cattle becomes inevitable.

Relying on cattle raising and grain cultivation, Argentina's economy has been rising since independence, and the economy is very good.

Of course, this has a lot to do with Argentina's small population. You must know that Argentina has been introducing European immigrants, and until now, Argentina's total population has not exceeded 10 million.

The vast land and sparse population make life very easy for Argentines. This has also attracted many Italians. Currently, Italians in Argentina occupy the second place among the Argentine ethnic groups. This shows how much Italian immigrants like this place.

Of course, for Argentina at present, its main export commodities are grain, leather, oils and meat. At present, there are more than 50 million cattle raised in Argentina. The leather, oil and meat produced are more than the Argentines themselves can eat. How can they not export them?

Currently, there are hundreds of trading companies in Argentina selling Argentina’s output goods to the world.

Among them, Broadford Trading Company is one of them.

The company is also involved in Argentina's product exports, but the trading commodities it chooses to export are different from the mainstream bulk commodities currently exported by Argentina. The company chose products based on meat processing, such as dried meat, which is easy to store.

Although the price of meat in Argentina is extremely cheap, raw meat cannot be preserved. If you want to export it abroad, you basically use jerky products.

The company exports up to 3,000 tons of dried meat every year, bringing huge profits to Broadford Trading Company.

And one more thing, maritime transportation in South America is still dominated by sailing ships. Although times are improving, it is far away from the main market of Europe, and there are few ports in the Atlantic for supply docking, so currently the most economical The method is still to use a sailboat.

Of course, the sailboats currently used in South America are not the wooden sailboats that require many people to operate the canvas. Times are progressing. Although sailboats are no longer the mainstream of shipping, they still play an irreplaceable role in some areas. So sailing boats are also improving.

At present, the world's largest sailing ship reaches tens of thousands of tons. With the assistance of various machines, only dozens of people are needed to operate it.

It is precisely because of the long shipping time that South American export commodities do not have a short shelf life.

"Mr. Broadford, we are talking about another big order, from the Italian Marl Trading Company. They sent a telegram saying that they want fifteen hundred tons of beef jerky."

The sales manager rushed into the office of general manager David Broadford with a telegram in hand.

Broadford took the telegram and read it, and after a while he spoke. "Our business has been good this year. In just five months, we have sold more than 4,000 tons. Even last year, we only sold 4,000 tons. This is very abnormal."

The manager spoke up. "Mr. Broadford, are you saying that a war is about to break out in Europe and that someone is hoarding supplies?"

"It should be like this." Broadford then said to his sales manager. "You go back and increase the external quotation of our products by 5%. If the order volume is not reduced by 20%, then we will discuss the price increase."

"Okay, general manager."

What Broadford Trading Company did was very normal. Because the demand for goods increases, prices will naturally increase. It has nothing to do with anything else and is entirely due to the nature of businessmen.

In fact, not only dried meat, but also various grains and some minerals have increased to a certain extent since this year.

The main reason is that the situation in Europe is tense, and all countries have begun to reserve some materials. Of course, food and minerals needed for industry but cannot be produced by themselves will definitely be priority reserves. Therefore, driven by various countries, these materials related to people's livelihood and production have increased to a certain extent.

In terms of the increased purchases by European countries, Italy's purchases are the largest, ranging from saltpeter and copper mines from Chile, wheat and meat from Argentina, pig hair, tung oil, and tungsten mines from the Far East, dyes from India, etc., Italy Materials are purchased in large quantities from all over the world.

Some of these materials are reserved for half a year, some for one year, and some for three or four years, mainly depending on their needs for the Italian war.

Italy's large-scale purchases have also pushed up the prices of these raw materials, but Italy ignores the rising prices. Instead, it continues to increase the number of purchases. Orders from Italy are also piling up the desks of traders selling these materials. .

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