My Italy

Chapter 600 War breaks out

Although the discussions between the three countries in Munich lasted only three days, their promotion of the war was unparalleled.

On the second day after the negotiations, Germany and Italy asked France and Russia to cancel their military mobilization.

Having said that, will Russia and France agree to this request?

Don't even think about it. Seeing the other party sharpening their swords, and canceling military mobilization at this time, isn't this a joke?

As for Germany and Italy, could they not know that the other party would refuse their unreasonable request?

In fact, they know, but sometimes the excuse for declaring war is very important. Germany and Italy can't say that this war is because of helping their allies. Then the other party must have offended the dignity of our country. Only then can the people realize that it was the other party who was at fault first, and we are just trying to punish the other party. As for seizing its interests, just know it in your heart and don't say it in public.

In fact, when the two countries asked each other to cancel military mobilization, the two countries' war preparations had already entered a countdown.

On the German side, divisions are moving towards predetermined positions in accordance with the Schlieffen Plan. Under the command of the German General Staff of Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, Germany's seven armies on the Western Front have been formed.

At this time, on the Western Front, 1.4 million German troops had completed their mobilization and were marching towards various assembly points. Germany's railways, highways, shipping and other transportation have all been taken over by the military. Its vehicle was filled with soldiers riding it to the designated location. In addition, a large amount of ammunition and other military supplies were also transported to a reserve point under its transportation.

One more thing needs to be said here. Currently, Germany’s seven armies on the Western Front all have car transport regiments. As few as one or two, as many as ten. Take the First Army, which has the heaviest tasks and the longest distance, as an example. It has thirteen vehicle transport groups under its command. It is equipped with all Fiat F75 trucks, and each regiment is equipped with 200-300 trucks. These trucks will serve as a powerful supplement to the logistics transportation of its army, allowing it to carry more supplies.

Yes, the German military is preparing for the war. Even though it has purchased more than 20,000 trucks of various types from Fiat, the main force of the German military's transportation is still not trucks, but transportation composed of horse-drawn carriages. Team.

For the militaries of European countries, railways are still the mainstay of transportation. Of course, where the railway cannot reach, other means of transportation are needed. Although trucks are superior to horse-drawn carriages in all aspects, there is one thing that is not as good as horse-drawn carriages, and that is the commuting rate. Horse-drawn carriages can travel as long as there are roads, while trucks have requirements for roads and bridges.

Although roads in Western Europe are well developed, not every road can pass trucks.

While Germany was preparing, Italy, as an ally, was certainly not left behind. In order to cope with Germany's actions, Italy also gathered troops in Italy and France.

"Everyone get out of the car."

"Hurry up, don't waste time."

At Turin Railway Station, groups of heavily armed soldiers were walking from the carriages to the platform amidst the greetings of officers. After a while, the platform was filled with officers and soldiers getting off the train.

"Quickly form a team to count."

After driving all the soldiers out of the vehicle, the officer immediately conducted a head count. The officers did not give the soldiers much time because they were very pressed for time. The next train only had ten minutes to arrive at the station. They needed to count the soldiers within this time and then take them away from the platform, leaving their seats for the next train. train.

The soldiers are very adaptable to the officers' orders, because they have been in the army for at least one or two years and have become very accustomed to the army's system.





After a brief count, the soldiers, led by their officers, lined up and left the station. After a while, the platform became empty. Except for the station staff and some military police guarding the station, there was no one else on the platform.


Less than three minutes after they left, another train slowly stopped at the platform. However, compared with the previous train which had stuffy carriages, this train has two more high-end-looking carriages.

Station staff familiar with military trains knew that a general should have arrived with the train.

Yes, this train was carrying Lieutenant General Cosentz, the commander of the 57th Infantry Division. That's wrong. In addition to being the commander of the 57th Division, Lieutenant General Cosenz also serves as the deputy commander of the 18th Army.

The 18th Army is a newly formed army of the Army. It is composed of the 42nd Division, the 57th Division, and the 61st Division. The commander of the Army is Lieutenant General Armando Diaz.

The current order received by the Eighteenth Army is to go to the northern border of Italy and France and join the Third Army commanded by Prince Filiberto.

This Prince Filiberto is the second generation Duke of Aosta. His father is Amadeo, who was once the King of Spain. He is also Carlo's uncle, so Prince Filiberto is considered Carlo's cousin.

Unlike his father, Carlo's cousin is obsessed with military life and is very talented in combat command. He is now also a very famous commander in the army. With him leading the Third Army, Carlo was very relieved.

The Third Army is mainly responsible for fighting in the Savoy area, of course, if there is an opportunity. Although it is just a containment work, the Italian military first wants to show its strength, so it has ideas about its homeland of Savoy.

Some people may ask, why attack the Savoy area, why not seize the Nice area, whose terrain is more suitable for attack.

Very good, very good idea, and the French think so too. Therefore, it deployed a large number of permanent and semi-permanent fortifications in the Nice area, and Hai stationed 120,000 French troops in the area. According to estimates by the Italian General Staff, in order to seize the Nice area from these 12 French troops, Italy needs to prepare 300,000 people and be prepared to lose 80,000 to 130,000 people if the French army does not increase its troops.

As for the Savoy region, because it is separated by the Alps, the French army only has more than 40,000 troops stationed here. If the tactics are used properly, it is possible for the 120,000-man Third Army to seize the Savoy region.

After all, the Italian royal family is the Savoy family. They gave up their ancestral land for the unification of the kingdom, but if there is a chance, who would not want to take it back.

The German and Italian armies are stepping up their preparations for war. How could France be unaware of such large-scale military mobilization? France is also conducting military mobilization against its two ill-intentioned neighbors.

And given the dangerous situation it faces, France has mobilized heavily. This wave of general mobilization orders has allowed France to recruit more than 80% of all its men of working age. According to current information, France has formed 68 divisions, and its total strength is expected to reach 1.3 million people.

If it were Italy alone, France could easily withstand the Italian attack with the terrain of the Alps.

Of course, if France attacks the same way, Italy can easily resist the French attack.

Of course, the two countries have not forgotten one thing as they step up preparations for war, and that is the issue of declaring war.

On October 3, 1913, Germany and Italy declared war on France.

France also declared war on both countries, and the next day Russia declared war on Germany, Italy and Austria. The three countries also declared war on Russia, and Austria-Hungary also declared war on France on this day.

At this point, a war sweeping across Europe began, and all countries were fully armed and engaged in a brutal fight.

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