My Little Mom is the Richest

Chapter 217 A Bunch of Crazies

Biquge, the fastest update my little mom is the richest man!

On Weibo, comments about Mu Qingcheng's concert continued to rise.

"Fortunately, I got a ticket for the concert. I'm on the scene. It's amazing!"

"At the same scene, the singing skills of the goddess are really the best in the music world, and it feels like she sang the live album out of the album."

"It's simply a great hearing care, and the eardrum kills the chicken."

"Crying, I didn't get a ticket, so I can only squat at home and watch the live broadcast."

"My buddy who didn't get a ticket, I don't feel sorry for you. Why? Because I didn't get a ticket either."

"Ha ha ha ha ha……"

"I feel sorry for you for a second, the atmosphere at the scene is really not comparable to watching the live broadcast."

"It's the end. It seems like there are only three songs left? Oh, I really don't want to end so early."

"Xu, don't tell me how long it will be until the end, I'm engrossed in enjoying the health care of my hearing, after all Mu Qingcheng said that after this concert, I may not hold a concert for a long time, I don't think about tonight's concert for a second miss."

"Everyone is discussing the concert? No one knows about the lunatic near the bird's nest?"

"Crazy? What crazy?"

"I know, I know, a few lunatics came out near the bird's nest just now, and the thieves are so powerful, they smashed cars with empty feet, and smashed mobile phones with stones. Throw it all away."

"I'm going, are you kidding me?"

"I assure the person upstairs that what he said is true, and I saw it at the time. Two people wearing masks stood in front of a car, and when they raised their feet, they stepped on the car, and the car cover was completely damaged. The front tire blew up when it was flattened. Someone tried to record a video with a mobile phone, but one of them smashed it with a stone. It was horrible.”

"It's not just those two. There are a lot of people wearing black masks making trouble near the Bird's Nest, smashing cars and things. It's just a group of lunatics."

"The police have been called, and the police seem to be on their way there."

"Damn, are these lunatics human? Stop a car with one foot?"

"When is it not good to make troubles? It has to be on the night of the Goddess concert. These lunatics must be full."

"How about calling it a lunatic? I hope the police will come forward to stop this riot. Many people have been injured. They are really powerful."

The "Street Riot: The Madman Near the Bird's Nest" incident continued to ferment in a short period of time, and the topic continued to rise. Even if someone's phone was smashed while recording the video, related videos were still uploaded to the Internet. In the video, there are There are clear pictures of two men wearing masks trampling cars, and other men wearing masks smashing cars and destroying public facilities.

They smashed and frightened pedestrians all the way, like a group of lunatics. In such a short time, at least 20 lunatics wearing black masks were photographed.

For a while, apart from discussing Mu Qingcheng's concert, netizens had one more thing to pay attention to.


Outside the bird's nest, dozens of different people mixed into the large crowd. They all wore simple uniforms and wore black masks on their faces. They made trouble in the crowd like crazy people. Some will deliberately scare children into crying.


A black mask kicked on a trash can, and the large trash can was kicked into the air. The bystanders were so frightened that they screamed and ran around, almost being hit by the trash can.

There were screams of panic one after another, accompanied by the chaotic sound of various things being destroyed by the group of black masks. At this time, the sound of sirens spread to people's ears from far to near, and the crowd was suddenly pleasantly surprised, as if they had found something. Like the backbone, he leaned towards the approaching police car, seeking the police's rescue.

Due to the extremely serious impact of the situation, these lunatics injured hundreds of people in less than an hour, damaged many public facilities, and caused panic on a large scale. The police also attached great importance to it. The nearest police station here directly dispatched 20 police cars and 80 heavily armed policemen, and also notified the special police, who will come later.

Seeing this, dozens of black masks gathered together. They squinted their eyes and looked at the police car approaching this way. One of them whispered, "Is it almost there?"

"Well, it's almost there, it's time for the next step."

"The eldest lady of the Hao family has already entered this thing called the Bird's Nest, and the two people from the Hao family have also followed. There are quite a few people in there."

"Follow up first and then talk."

"What about this group of people? They seem to be managers from the outside world. They are not powerful in themselves, but they can use a weapon called a gun. I have seen this thing from an old man at home. It is extremely terrifying. Just flip the switch and it will kill you." It can shoot a bullet, and the speed of the bullet is very fast, generally speaking, it is impossible to avoid it at all, and it will definitely kill you if it hits the vital point, and it has strong penetrating power, so it is difficult to block."

"In terms of boxing skills, they are no match for a few hundred more, but they will be very troublesome if they have weapons called guns."

"You can't fight them head-on. There are so many pedestrians here, they may not dare to use that kind of weapon. After two people are broken, the others go to the bird's nest first."

"That's too embarrassing. Our current task is to make trouble. Why do we avoid these weak outsiders? I went to deal with them!"

A grumpy man rushed towards the oncoming police cars after finishing speaking. He had a strong build, and his simple clothes could not cover his bulging muscles, but he was not bulky, and he ran extremely fast. And the momentum is very strong, the first few feet on the ground actually cracked the hard ground, running like a ferocious rhinoceros, but with a speed exceeding that of a cheetah.

A black mask frowned and said: "He is prone to accidents if he goes alone, so two people will help him. Once the opponent uses that kind of weapon, he will immediately go to the bird's nest. The others will follow me first. Our priority is to catch Hao Meng." Mission. I heard that they installed a terrifying weapon called a 'bomb' inside, which has a wide range of damage. If it encounters undead, it will be disabled. When it comes to action, it will have a little eyesight. If you catch Hao Meng, you will run away immediately."


"I'll help him. These outsiders are better than each other. I can slap a hundred of them to death with one slap."

"Actually, Big Bear can kill them all by himself. If it weren't for the powerful weapon, we wouldn't have to be so restrained. I'll help him too."

Two more black masks rushed up, one of them rushed towards the police car following the burly man, while the other ran to a street light at a very fast speed, he looked up and down the ten meter high, two The street lamp with a thick fist, then raised his right hand, stood in front of the street lamp in a palm shape, pressed his fingertips against the street lamp, and then clasped his palms together into a fist, and punched the street lamp hard with a distance of an inch.


The force of this punch was so terrifying that it directly broke the street lamp. The street lamp lost its balance and immediately fell to the side. At this time, the policemen who drove the police car were still amazed at the scene. The two men in black rushed towards him, and in a daze, they saw the fallen street lamp, which was about to hit the roof of the car, and each of them stepped on the brakes. . ,,.

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