My Little Mom is the Richest

Chapter 458 The Final Performance

Beethoven's "Sorrowful" sonata used many pauses in the Zhuangban part. It is a pity that no one in the previous life could perform it except the master.

However, Mu Qiu is an exception, because his divine-level piano skills have given him the ability to surpass ordinary people, as well as piano skills beyond ordinary people.

It can be said that in terms of piano skills, his strength is already on the same level as Beethoven. It can be said that the current Mu Qiu is a living "music saint".

Even if Beethoven is reborn, he may not be able to compare with Mu Qiu in terms of existing piano pieces. The current Mu Qiu, in the piano world, is just like his gamble.

It's just that Mu Qiu never cared about it. He thought it was completely boring. Ever since he exchanged for piano skills, he had no idea what it meant.

Of course, Mu Qiu doesn't know now, but he will know later, knowing where Mu Qiu went, and after knowing those things, he will naturally understand.

What kind of existence does the Manifestation level represent, and the Manifestation at the piano level, except for Beethoven, no one in the world can do it.

This is also the reason why Beethoven is called a saint of music. Of course, there are no Beethovens in this world, so Mu Qiu is the only pianist at the level of a saint of music.

In this Zhuangban, Mu Qiu taught those pianists a good lesson about "rest". This "sorrowful gun" is believed to be an unforgettable experience for many audiences in the competition field!

Afterwards, Mu Qiu stood up, looked at everyone, and said softly at this moment: "Next, this last piece of music is the latest one I have completed."

"No one has heard this piece of music, but today, I want to dedicate it to the people I love the most. I am very grateful to them. If it weren't for them, I wouldn't be who I am now. Thank you."

"The name of this piece of music is Starlight!"

Looking at the young man who has grown up, Mu Qingcheng looked at Mu Qiu's back, and said seriously: "Tonight is Mu Qiu's real step into the world music world. This music is destined to make the whole world go crazy."

A faint blue light beam is projected on the Steinway in the center of the stage. The eyes of tens of thousands of spectators. Quietly watching the dedicated figure in front of the piano. Looking forward to the wonderful music flowing from his fingers again.

Slowly caress the keys with the left hand. Gently flick. A burst of soft and low chords flowed out slowly. It brings people a sense of tranquility. Just this one chord. Then let everyone calm down from the excitement just now.

Small clauses as bright as crystal. It rang in the high register. With a little mysterious color. Like a dream. do not think so. A word by Xu Zhimo came to everyone's mind:

"Crushed among the floating algae. Precipitating a rainbow-like dream..."

The sound of the piano at this moment is like the quiet and undulating ocean at night, the splendor that occasionally sounds like broken silver, like the soundless waves splashing...

With the acceleration of the ups and downs of the hands on the keys, the melody became more complicated, and several different melodies echoed each other on each part, perfectly blending together.

At this moment, the piano has been separated, and its characteristics as a solo instrument are more like a band, a band composed of pianos alone.

The sound of the hammer hitting the steel strings, but at this moment under Mu Qiu's hands, seems to have undergone infinite changes, warm, soft, crisp, and dexterous.

Those dry expression terms that are usually written on the score sheet are now explained by Mu Qiu incomparably vividly, incomparably dreamy, and make people have infinite reverie!

Kissing, Levi's and others who were watching from the sidelines had already unknowingly revealed a look of obsession.

As a piano authority, they can hear the excellence of this piece better than anyone else. Although there is no fast show off in this song, it has always been a soft and dreamy melody from beginning to end.

However, every subtle change in this piece cannot escape the sensitive ears of Kissing, Levi's and others. They can hear it, except that the first few bars are a simple theme presentation, which is relatively simple. outside.

The following piece of music definitely requires very advanced performance skills. Because even now, even when the music texture is the simplest, there are at least three melodies in it.

And the intervals between each other are relatively far. You must know that people only have two hands, and Bach's three or four Inventions are already an extreme challenge to the use of the brain.

But listening to this "Starlight Fantasia" at this moment, people like Kissing and Levi's know that the achievements of this song in polyphony are definitely better than any of Bach's Inventions!

"This is the truly wonderful polyphonic work. This is simply a miracle in piano works. How did he do it?!" Kissing, Levi's and others felt that what they heard was simply a concerto!

Those independent melodies are perfectly coordinated, and the rich sound of the piano is played to an unbelievable level!

The dreamlike melody, like an elf that has fallen into the mortal world, dances in everyone's heart. People's eyes are fixed on the hands that gracefully rise and fall on the keys, and gradually get lost as the hands rise and fall...

The song "Starlight" completely immersed the tens of thousands of spectators present in the wonderful artistic conception, and there were faint smiles on their faces.

At this time, the sound of the zither had ended, but people were still unwilling to wake up from that wonderful state. For a moment, everyone even forgot to applaud.

At this moment, Mu Qiu stood there quietly. He no longer had any interest in scoring. As for the champion, whoever is interested can give it to him.

He wanted to leave even more, to hug those who loved him deeply. Mu Qiu looked at Jun Riyue, hugged his little mother gently, and said with a smile:

"Mom, does it sound good?"

After hearing these words, Jun Riyue looked at the child in front of him, smiled softly, and said dotingly: "As expected of my son, he is really great."

"Brother!" A figure suddenly hugged Mu Qiu from behind, Mu Qingcheng glanced provocatively, and his mother then said with a smile:

"As expected of my younger brother, it's really great. After you go back, you must teach me the last song, and I want to learn it too."

Mu Qiu carried Mu Qingcheng on her back, and said helplessly: "Sister, I know, I know, but can you come down and stop rubbing my hair."

Seeing this scene, Jun Yuelan smiled lightly, but Jun Riyue didn't say anything, one man and three women, just left here quietly.

(PS; the piano competition is officially over). ,,.

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