My Senpai Knows Magic

Chapter 182 Promotion

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When Teacher Britney started to meditate, Chen Luo obviously felt much more at ease.

It's better for two people to work together than alone. Teacher Britney largely shared the pressure on Chen Luo's shoulders.

By his side, the only people who treat him well without asking for anything in return are Miss Britney and Isabella.

They have been together day and night for more than a year, and their relationship has gone far beyond student and teacher, senior sister and junior.

As the lord of Yabo City, Auston seemed to have the idea of ​​staying in the capital for a long time. He actually bought the house next door to Chen Luo, and by the way, also bought the house that Chen Luo rented.

It is not uncommon in Lorraine for the city lord to leave his city.

They are not so much city lords as they are lords. They can formulate part of the laws of the city where they are located. There is no special justification.

The Austons lived next door, but Isabella did not move there.

Chen Luo originally thought that the life of the three of them would be disrupted, but apart from the first meal, the Austons did not disturb them any more.

King Orlando Werner didn't seem to blame Chen Luo for Pete's death. Not only that, but he also hung Chen Luo's portrait on the wall of heroes in the kingdom.

Wangdu has a special building in which countless portraits are stored.

The owners of these portraits, some are powerful magicians, some are world-renowned scholars, without exception, they have all made great contributions to Lorraine and are recognized as Lorraine heroes.

Chen Luo, who blocked the Gaya scholars, restored Lorraine's honor, cured the plague, saved the capital, and made great academic contributions, it is also reasonable for Chen Luo to hang his portrait on the wall of heroes.

His majesty's move is also considered to be an expression of open-mindedness.

After all, the second prince Peter Werner was expelled from the capital because of him, and was assassinated on the road. His Majesty the King not only did not resent him, but made him a hero. This kind of tolerance is not something everyone can have .

The more Orlando was like this, Chen Luo became more vigilant.

Normally, Chen Luo indirectly caused Pete's death. Even if Orlando did not intend to avenge Pete due to his various identities and his contribution to the kingdom, he would not do the opposite.

Unless he is really an open-minded person.

But after Pete's death, the follow-up of a series of events in the capital showed that his mind was narrower than Pete's.

The only explanation is that he did all of this on purpose, in order to establish an open-minded image in people's minds. No matter how kind he is to Chen Luo now, his methods will be as fierce in the future.

There is no doubt that Chen Luo has decided that Pete's death is the scapegoat.

It is obviously useless to resent the real murderer at this moment. Apart from vigilance, there is also his strength that needs to be improved.

After being promoted to a senior magician, the four series of offensive magic can show the real power in his hands. At that time, even if he faces the magister head-on, he will not be afraid at all.

When he advances to the great magician, under the holy magister, no one will be able to do anything to him.

Not long after the death of the second prince, Orlando should not take any action in a short period of time. After two months at most, Chen Luo is already a senior magician. People can pose a deadly threat to him.

Even though Orlando was the king of Lorraine, he could control enormous power in the capital, but he didn't dare to do anything to Chen Luo blatantly.

Otherwise, the entire Lorraine royal family will face a heavy blow.

In terms of school, since the death of the second prince, Christine never came to school again.

After the death of her own son, the queen was overwhelmed with grief. Christine took over the Knights of the Palace. Apart from accompanying the queen, she also had to be busy with many things.

The new teacher is called Avalo, a great magician of the water department, who mainly teaches magic to the students of the water department, and the fighting class is taken over by Helen Stern.

After learning the news, Vic's face was pale all day long.

Helen Stern's strictness was well known throughout the first grade.

She combined the fighting classes of the water department and the wind department, and at a fixed time every day, the two departments would have classes together.

Among the students of the wind department, Chen Luo saw a person who surprised him extremely.

She looked at the petite girl and said, "Your Highness Tasiya, you..."

Tasiya smiled slightly and said, "Student Blair, you can call me classmate Tasiya from now on."

The princess of the Gaya Kingdom, who hadn't seen her for a few days, turned into a student of the Magic Academy. Chen Luo didn't know what kind of medicine was sold in the gourds of the people in Gaya, and said politely: "Student Tasiya, why did you come to the Magic Academy? "

Tasiya said: "The Gaya Scholars Group will settle in Lorraine for a long time, I want to come to the Academy of Magic to experience..."

Alice looked at the two people who were chatting happily, her eyes especially stayed on Tasiya's long black hair for a long time.

Tasiya came to the academy for the first time, and she was not familiar with everything here. After school at noon, Chen Luo took her to the restaurant for dinner.

Isabella, who always walked with Chen Luo, deliberately lagged far behind him this time, looked at Alice beside her, and asked, "Why is she here?"

"She is a student of the wind department." Love

Liz asked, "Do you know her?"

"A student of the wind department?" Isabella asked in surprise, "Isn't she Princess Gaya?"

Alice said: "I haven't seen her in the academy before, it seems that she just appeared today, but, princess of Gaya, why did you come to Lorland King's Academy of Magic?"

Isabella shook her head and said, "How do I know..."

Alice thought for a while and said, "You don't need to care about other girls, but you must be wary of Tasiya."

Isabella asked, "Why?"

Alice said: "Because she might snatch Blair from you."

Isabella argued: "Who..."

"I reminded you as if you were a friend. If you don't like Blair, just pretend I didn't say it." Alice shook her head and said, "Anyway, Tasia and Blair look like a couple, they both It's black hair and black eyes..."


"It's all up to now, do you still deny it..."


"I can help you, but only if you can't lie to yourself all the time..."


In Chen Luo's impression, the relationship between Isabella and Alice seems to have never been like it is now.

In the past, they were like two tigress on a mountain, facing each other everywhere, but now, their relationship is so close that they walk together arm in arm. Chen Luo and Isabella are much more familiar than Alice, and she doesn't treat herself like this Pass.

The friendship between women is often really incredible.

However, this is also a good thing for Chen Luo, which means that he no longer has to choose between them and face the Shura field of two women.

Moreover, he didn't know if it was his illusion, but he always felt that after Isabella and Alice became good friends, they seemed to be influenced by Alice and became much gentler.

In recent days, there are many things to be happy about. Isabella's change is one, and the other is that after a certain meditation, Chen Luo accidentally released the ice cone technique.

This means that his spiritual power has reached the level of a senior magician.

From that moment on, he truly possessed the strength to gain a foothold on this continent.

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