My Senpai Knows Magic

Chapter 186 Practice

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Christine's short letter with only one line may seem confusing to others, but Chen Luo knows it well.

For her to take such a big risk and send this letter with difficulty, it shows that after the killer incident, Orlando did not give up on him.

As a member of the Werner family and Orlando's daughter, she was able to do this, which moved Chen Luo a little.

"Blair, what happened? Why was Her Royal Highness Christine imprisoned by the king, and why did she let you leave the capital and Lorraine?" Catherine looked at Chen Luo, and after thinking about it, she seemed to have thought of something Maybe, unbelievable: "Could it be that your Majesty the King stopped you from falling in love without telling everyone, and wanted to elope?"


Chen Luo's train of thought was interrupted by Catherine's imagination, and he quickly explained: "Sister Catherine misunderstood, the king blamed the second prince's death on me, Teacher Christine must have noticed something, and then reminded me... ..."

Catherine asked in a daze, "What does the death of the second prince have to do with you?"

Chen Luodao: "Second prince, after all, I was exiled because of me. The king's son died because of me. After the second prince died, he once arranged for an assassin to kill me."

"That's the punishment he should accept!" Catherine said angrily, "You are trying to get rid of the plague, save the capital, and save all the sick people on the mainland who are troubled by diseases. Blame you for death, he is as stupid as a pig!"

"Sister Catherine, calm down, calm down..." Chen Luo hurriedly said, "The most important thing now is how to rescue Teacher Christine."

"No, the most important thing now is how to ensure your safety." Catherine shook her head and said, "Although Your Highness is no longer free, at least she is safe. The king may have already started to act if he wants to harm you..."

Chen Luo nodded and said, "I will be careful."

Catherine thought about it carefully, and said, "Perhaps, you should listen to Her Royal Highness and leave the capital and Lorraine. This place is not worth your stay, and Lorraine is not worthy of having you..."

Chen Luo shook his head and said, "I will leave Lorraine, but not now..."

Chen Luo and Orlando, one in the open and the other in the dark, His Majesty the King is a benevolent, selfless hero who will not harm the country in the hearts of the people of the capital.

The assassination of the Lorraine scholar was all a conspiracy by other countries. The few incidents in the capital a few days ago made the hearts of the people more cohesive.

If Orlando wanted to maintain this image, he would never be able to walk in front of people from the dark, and he could not use the power of the state machine, which meant that even if he didn't like Chen Luo, he could only engage in some unscrupulous tricks such as assassination.

But just assassination, unless he invites the Grand Magister, he has no chance at all.

Catherine's clinic.

Catherine looked at a man in the yard and said, "Please tell the priests that I am applying for the protection of Blair."

The middle-aged man shook his head and said: "Compared to Blair, Orlando is more valuable to us. He is an ambitious king, and he is not willing to be at the mercy of the Os Empire and the Temple. Orlando has the same goal as us. .”

"I don't think so." Catherine said resolutely, "Blair is still young, and his future achievements are limitless. His value far exceeds that of the Lorraine Kingdom."

"Who can tell clearly about the future?" The man shook his head again, "Whether he has a future depends on whether he can survive..."

Catherine looked at him disappointedly, and murmured: "You will regret it..."


Since seeing the crow last time, apart from the letter Chen Luo received from Christine, nothing happened around him.

And as the new semester is coming to an end, his first winter vacation in the capital is about to begin.

Before that, they still have the most important practical lesson to attend.

Whether it is Saint Donus College or Wangdu Academy of Magic, they all value the students' practical ability in magic.

God's Grace Continent is a world where only the strong have the right to speak. The common people rely on the law, and the strong trample on the law. The common people at the bottom spend their whole lives in ignorance. law.

The law is used to protect the weak, and if a magician wants to protect himself, he can only rely on his own strength.

The entrance standard of Wangdu Academy of Magic is already very high. After one semester, almost all the students in the magic department have been promoted to junior magicians. Those who have not yet advanced will be detained for one year. If in this year, If they can't advance to junior magician, they will be dismissed directly.

The practice class this time is a test of the actual combat ability of all the students, testing their magic mastery, the actual application of fighting skills, and combat awareness, etc...

This time, the task of the first-year freshmen was no longer to catch rabbits. Rabbits that could only slowly spew fireballs no longer posed any threat to them.

The location of the practical class is still in the wild. Most of the students in the academy are flowers in the greenhouse. In the mountains far away from the royal capital, they will encounter real danger, even the threat of death.

Different from the one in Lorraine, this time the practical class is in a real primitive mountain forest, and the threats to the students are the beasts in the mountains.

Those animals that can also mobilize magic elements, some only have the strength of magic apprentices, but

There are, but they can rival high-level magicians.

It's just that these beasts only have primitive fighting skills, and advanced human magicians can easily kill them.

Even so, they are not a small threat to these junior magician students.

Of course, the purpose of the academy is to train the students, not to kill them. Every three groups of students will be surrounded by a teacher from the academy to prevent accidents.

The teachers are only responsible for protecting the safety of the students. Unless their lives are threatened, the teachers will not take action. Even if the students are injured in practice, as long as it is not fatal, they will choose to stand by and watch.

This time, the practice is based on the class, with four or five people as a group, and the water system is divided into nine groups, led by three teachers, including two senior magicians and one great magician.

The spiritual power of high-level magicians is very strong, spreads, and can perceive a large distance around them. With their secret protection, there has never been any accident in the practical classes of the Magic Academy over the years.

Chen Luo's group is in charge of the great magician Avalo.

His other three partners are Alice, Lisa, and Emma.

There is no other way to do this. Apart from Chen Luo and Vic, there are all girls in the water department. Chen Luo has no other choice.

Although they were in the deep forest, the three girls were not nervous at all.

The most important reason is that Avalor is in charge of them, a strong man at the level of a great magician, who can fully protect their safety.

Isabella knew about Chen Luo and Alice's teaming up yesterday, but what happened last time didn't happen this time.

Not only was she not dissatisfied at all, but she also told Chen Luo to take good care of Alice.

The three of Alice regarded this practice as a game, but Chen Luo did not let down his vigilance.

Orlando has restrained himself for so long, if he wants to do something, this time is an excellent opportunity.

This place is far away from the royal capital, and in the wilderness, it is definitely a good place to kill people and throw their corpses away. It can also pretend to be an accident and blame the Academy of Magic.

Thinking in another way, if Chen Luo were Orlando, he would not miss this great opportunity.

"I have seen it just now, and there are no powerful beasts around here. From now on, you can complete your practical tasks..." Avalo slowly fell from the sky, brought more than ten people to the ground, and said: " You can move around here, if you enter the dangerous area, I will remind you..."

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