My Sister is the Female Team Leader

Chapter 135 , continue, thank you, Brother Little Red Flower, ???

Chapter 135, Continue again, thank you brother Xiaohonghua,

Early the next morning, Pei Xian was exercising with the horizontal bar in the living room, and he slept for two or three hours. After waking up, he sent a message to Kim Mi-sook, asking if she could postpone today's filming for two days.

I didn't get a reply, but I got a phone call.

But this phone is not his own, but Pei Zhuxuan's.

Reaching out for the mobile phone on the coffee table in the living room, Pei Xian saw that the caller ID showed the name of Lin Xuanjun's manager, raised his eyebrows subconsciously, and picked up the call.

"Hello, Broker Lin"

"Eh? Huh? Is it... actor Pei Xian?"

Lin Xuanjun was startled by the man's voice on the phone. He thought that something had happened to Pei Zhuxuan, but after thinking about it carefully, it seemed to be Pei Xian's voice. Guessing that Pei Zhuxuan might have lived with his younger brother yesterday, his tone became a little stiff and embarrassed.

"Actor Pei Xian, I'm sorry, Joohyun"

"My sister is still sleeping, but she is not feeling well. By the way, today's shooting, Manager Lin, can you postpone it? It's just right, I have something to do too."

Pei Xian thought to himself, if both of them have reasons. Is this the itinerary?

"Sorry, actor Pei Xian"

Lin Xuanjun shook his head and refused, and then said, "It's not that I don't understand artists, it's just that credit is the most important thing. I don't think Joohyun would agree. You are her younger brother. If you find a reason to delay the shooting on the same day, it will have an impact on the circle." But it's too big"

An idol, or an idol who debuted in S.M, the album can be delayed! (Oh, Sima has no heart)

But this kind of shooting has already arrived on the day, and it must not be postponed, unless it is really impossible to go, or no matter how uncomfortable, sick or sick, you have to go, and it cannot be postponed.

Pei Xian frowned, feeling upset. He didn't receive a reply from Kim Mi-sook, and he thought Lin Xuanjun could understand it. Now it seems that he is also a person whose work is more important than everything else.

"Let me tell"

At this time, a familiar voice came from behind, and Pei Xian turned around and saw Pei Zhuxuan walking in front of him covered in a blanket, and silently returned the phone to her, feeling a little complicated.

Pei Zhuxuan was talking with the mobile phone in one hand, while holding her arm with the other hand, she whispered to the other end of the phone that she could make it to the schedule today, but the pain in her abdomen made her face still look bad.

After talking on the phone, Pei Xian took the phone away, and she was stunned when she saw it, "What are you doing?"

"Before people come, go to sleep and rest." Pei Xian casually pressed the mute button on the phone and put it back on the coffee table, with a sullen face, he moved Pei Zhuxuan's shoulder and pushed her towards the room.

"Yeah, it hurts, yeah"

Pei Xian paused, then simply let go of her hand and let her go by herself, "Then you go by yourself"

...the brat

Pei Zhuxuan was angry and stared at him with dissatisfaction.

"Ah, Pei Xiaoxian"

"Then shall I carry you? Or carry you back?"


It's not when I was a child, what a hug!

Pei Zhuxuan held back her anger the whole time and went back to her room. Before closing the door, she still glared at him and said in a low voice, "Remember to make breakfast, I want porridge."

"Okay ~ my lord sister ~ you can go to bed with peace of mind, really" Pei Xian stood behind and watched her go back to the room angrily and funny.

Angry, she agreed to her agent to continue filming.

Laughing at her reaction, there is nothing happier than teasing my sister, isn't there?

The door was closed repeatedly, Pei Zhuxuan went back to bed to sleep without closing it, Pei Xian looked at her for a moment, then quietly walked away to cook porridge for her.

The current time is not yet 5:30 in the morning, Pei Zhuxuan woke up again, it was already close to 7:30, after two hours of sleep, her physical strength has recovered a lot, at least her face is not so pale.

Seeing her coming out of the room, Pei Xian yelled for her to sit on the sofa, while he walked over with the porridge and prepared dishes.

"What did you do, what is this?"

Pei Zhuxuan was sitting on the sofa with a thick blanket, and felt that the cushions on the surface of the sofa were a little hot. She turned her head and found that the original blanket had been replaced with an electric blanket. Thinking that it must have been replaced by Pei Xian, she felt much better and was still warm. .

In my memory, Pei Xian basically didn't touch such things, and smiled softly with his lips pursed, "I've already taken out the electric blanket, this is the first time you have taken it out."

"Anyway, you bought it, so it's normal for you to use it." Pei Xian put the tray on the tea table, and squatted on one knee to break the brown sugar eggs in the bowl for her. He even added a lot of brown sugar to the white porridge.

I'm just afraid that if her abdomen hurts again, she's fine at home, but when she goes out, no matter how I take care of her, I feel sorry for her sister.

"What did you do? Eggs? What's the color of the soup?" Pei Zhuxuan stared curiously at the dark or tan soup, her expression began to resist.

"Eggs stewed in brown sugar water. I also put sliced ​​ginger. The other one is broccoli. I have to finish it." After stirring the porridge in the bowl, he made sure that the brown sugar had completely melted. Pei Xian turned around and saw Pei Zhuxuan's resistance Add a disgusted expression.

"Yeah, Pei Zhuxuan, open your mouth, I'll feed you"

...this kid...

"I don't want it, it's too sweet, this taste is worse than that brown sugar ginger tea"

I hate this strange taste, and I don't like the smell of ginger, Pei Zhuxuan is strangely 100% resistant and doesn't want to eat it.

"Eat, I'll feed you, open your mouth, be obedient, come on, ah ~ if you dare not eat, I'll throw you off the stairs"


What about the tenderness in the first half of the sentence? Under the threat of death, Pei Zhuxuan stared at him dissatisfied, and opened his mouth to eat the strange and sweet egg bit by bit.

She can accept white porridge with brown sugar, but these are really dark dishes?

Pei Xian squatted on the ground with one leg and it was almost numb. She had only eaten a little bit, so she patiently changed her leg and continued!

As for why not sit on the sofa, there is an electric blanket on it, he doesn't like the heat, so he might as well kneel like this.

Standing hello?

This sister is too short! Kneeling is worse than bending over.

Before she finished her breakfast, the doorbell rang. Pei Zhuxuan saw that Pei Xian turned his head and quickly took the bowl from his hand, with a flash of anxiety in his eyes, "Hurry up, let people see what's going on."

Pei Xian looked back at her depressedly, stood up and walked towards the door, not forgetting to complain about her, "It's not because you are short"


Before he reached the porch, he was hit on the back by Pei Zhuxuan's throwing pillow.

It's painless.

Pei Xian turned around and stuck out his tongue at her, and hurried to open the door after Pi Jin passed, lest the sister start to get irritable again.

It was Lin Danni and Lin Xuanjun who rang the doorbell.

Pei Xian glanced at them unexpectedly, and asked, "Are you here together? Have you had breakfast yet?"

Lin Danni's face was a little displeased, and she came up with Lin Xuanjun because she met downstairs, so she explained, "I met downstairs, this manager Lin doesn't know which floor you live in, so I'll take you with me." up"

"Okay, come in first, I'm going to change clothes, Zhuxuan is still eating." Pei Xian nodded, and moved aside to get slippers for them.

Both he and Pei Zhuxuan like to step on the floor barefoot, and basically slippers are prepared for guests, although few people usually come.

Lin Xuanjun bowed his head with a smirk and thanked him. He was under the eaves and had to bow his head. He changed his slippers and saw that Pei Zhuxuan was still eating breakfast, so he whispered a word of mouth.

Pei Zhuxuan could only smile dryly when she saw it, and suddenly felt a little reluctant, she hadn't finished eating yet.

However, she couldn't continue to eat slowly, and there was one last bit, so she could only finish it quickly with a few mouthfuls, and then said goodbye to the warm electric blanket and went back to the room to tidy herself up.

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