My Sister is Tianzun

Chapter 123: Small goal: quarterly income of tens of billions

If it weren't for Chen Ze's revelation, I am afraid that Jerem would really qualify for the competition abroad with this jewelry series.

Although it is only a copy, it has been passed down for five thousand years in China, and Jerem has a unique vision for choosing Bakong and Shulong culture from many cultures. If he were not too conceited and defiant, Chen Ze didn't intend to be nosy, after all, he would represent China.

Even if he is not using his own original design, it is at least the world's recognition of Chinese culture.

The meaning of those two words is a bit embarrassing. Fortunately, more than seven billion people in the world know no more than two thousand. Few or no one among these two thousand people paid attention to this pair of earrings. It would be meaningless to study the meaning of the two words deeply.

Qiao Yanfei was here to discuss business. Chen Ze did not participate as a designer of those jewellery pieces, and only a few words of greeting when meeting with the judges.

The next day, Chen Ze arrived at the company very early. After Su Qian’s busy morning meeting, it was almost 9:30, and then he went upstairs and handed the documents to Chen Ze: "This is our share purchase contract for Extreme Cool, Lin Xin It has been signed and sealed."

Chen Ze signed his name without even looking at it, and asked, "What do I want you to prepare?"

"It's almost done. According to your requirements, customize the crystal cube with a side length of 10 cm. They need to change the production mold, and it will take a day to arrive." Su Qian said.

"How is the price?" Chen Ze asked.

Now considering batch shipments, Chen Ze must pay attention to production costs.

"What we asked for was secondary optical grade glass, and it was a machinable cube. The other party gave us a price of 300 yuan." Su Qian said.

Chen Ze secretly calculated that the engraving cutter that the old sister helped to improve can process a crystal cube with a side length of 10 cm into a camera lens with a diameter of 2 mm. To four cents. In addition to the subsequent parts and production costs, a lens will probably cost around four dollars.

At present, the import price of high-end cameras of major mobile phone manufacturers is generally 200 to 250 yuan. Now the country has entered the era of "number of cameras". Each mobile phone manufacturer has very high costs for flagship cameras. The most terrifying rumors are The cost price of this flagship camera is as high as 200M gold.

Chen Ze doesn't have such big ambitions, just a profit of 100M gold.

If he can win the market with his half magic camera, Chen Ze's profit for a mobile phone will be at least more than 400 yuan. Calculated on the basis of the shipments of the worst mobile phone manufacturers of more than 10 million per quarter, Chen Ze's profit in a quarter is about 4 billion.

Of course, he has absolute confidence in his half magic camera, after all, the imaging principle of this thing is not the light capture of ordinary cameras. If the picture quality is really measured by pixels, there are still hundreds of millions of pixels so-so.

So Chen Ze doesn't think that his camera will only get an order from a mobile phone manufacturer. He is not greedy, and he can reach the goal of tens of billions of dollars in quarterly profits with one-third of the domestic market.

As we all know, the three major parts of mobile phones are the screen, the lens and the motherboard, and the three major parts of the motherboard include the CPU, the font library, and the power supply. Most of these components are not produced domestically, and mobile phone manufacturers can only import them at high prices, and some have to pay copyright fees.

At present, Chen Ze's ability can only achieve mass production of cameras. If he makes one or two of them at random, it will almost be able to support his current funding needs.

"Not bad." Chen Ze nodded, and handed her some drawings in his hand: "Send it to Director Jiang, so that he must make a batch of samples for me before tomorrow."

"Didn't Mr. Jiang just be assigned the task of assembling the holographic projector? Asking him to do other things at this time will affect the progress." Su Qian said.

"Our new products are more important than the holographic projection market, and this is the bulk of our profitability. The demand for holographic projectors is not high, and a skilled master can solve it by working overtime."

Since Chen Ze took over the factory, he hasn't interfered much with the production of Director Jiang. Instead, Chen Ze subsidized a lot of benefits, which greatly increased the basic wages of workers.

After doing all this, Chen Ze entered his workshop. The jade that Su Qian prepared for him was of good quality and the tools were also very complete.

He spent the whole morning working in it alone, carving a five-square-centimeter square jade birch, and all that was left was to make an electrical connection component. Just like the base of the holographic projection, Chen Ze designed this time to be installed on the production line machine. After all, it is mass-produced, and it is impossible to manually operate the engraving camera components.

At this time the phone rang, and he saw Tang Yin immediately connected: "Sister-in-law, are you ready?"

In the morning, Chen Ze talked to Tang Yin on the phone. Today is the second time to give Lao Wu an injection, so she can prepare the medicine in advance.

"The medicine is ready." Tang Yin said, "We are ready."

At the request of Director Cai of the City Hospital, Lao Wu has been under observation in the City Hospital. The tumor in his body has continued to shrink, and there are almost no free cancer cells in the lymphatic test. Lymphatic vessels are the main channel for cancer cell metastasis. If there are no lesions here, it means that Lao Wu's cancer is basically under control.

During this time, her mood experienced great ups and downs, fortunately Chen Ze was there. According to the evaluation of oncologists, Lao Wu’s tumor has now regressed to about stage three, and if it is reduced a little bit, it can even be controlled or cured by Western medicine.

"Okay, I'll pass now."

Chen Ze put down the tools in his hand, anyway, the carving head of the production line was not in a hurry, and Lao Wu's life was more important.

After driving to the old Wu's house, Chen Ze was stopped by two people who suddenly rushed out within two steps after coming down.

"Damn!" Chen Ze was frightened, "Professor Ying, what are you doing."

"What are you talking about!" Ying Yuancheng said, "This is the director of the oncology department of our city hospital. We all know about Wu Jingchen's illness. I missed a recipe for the holy bone medicine last time when he broke a bone. Son, this time you can't miss the treatment of the tumor anymore."

Cai Xingpingyuan didn't believe that Chen Ze could cure the cancer, and even made the ambition to eat the conference room table. But after the comparison of Lao Wu's recovery the next day, the old guy turned his face and refused to admit it, and even took the initiative to attack Ying Yuancheng, planning to get some prescriptions from Chen Ze.

"Mr. Chen, saving a life is better than building a seventh-level Buddha. Your treatment method can cure even advanced liver cancer. It is not a life that you saved, but the sky is the Buddha."

Chen Ze smiled bitterly, "Two, I know what you guys are doing, can you let me go first."

Ying Yuancheng shook his head: "If you don't agree, I won't let it go."

Chen Ze sighed and said: "It's not that I died, but that there is no cure. This method directly killed the patient if it was a little careless. I still have a 30% failure rate in the shot, and I have to treat it five times in a row. If it is an ordinary Chinese doctor who shots. , The success rate is less than 10%."

It's not that he is alarmist. This treatment is not just two medicines and a few needles.

Stimulating the human body's potential is dangerous, and the patient may die because of the loss of control of the potential. Unless Duanmu Youwei was a genius of the medical immortal family and had a solid foundation in Chinese medicine, Chen Ze would definitely not teach her this method.

"Always try it." Cai Xingping said.

"How to try? Let me cure ten of them, and three will die. If others are not familiar with the process, I will die more. Why do you have a private life with the funeral home? Is this money earning ambiguous?" Chen Ze asked him.

Cai Xingping shook his head: "No, no, I can't talk nonsense about this. This is an insult to my personal medical ethics!"

Chen Ze said: "I know that Director Cai is just a joke. There is nothing to say, I will let you watch it once, and then you will naturally understand why I refused."

After that, Chen Ze greeted the two of them to follow him into the apartment, and let them watch Chen Ze treat Lao Wu throughout the whole process.

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