My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

One hundred and ninety eight Sutera

When the British colonized India in the 18th century, Surat was a famous trading port in India. The reason why it was famous at that time was because of the developed diamond processing industry here.

The discovery of diamonds in India has a long history of wearing diamonds by nobles. The earliest trace was around the tenth century AD. At that time, Indians had already discovered and used diamonds to make precious jewelry.

In 1304, the Indians discovered an 800-carat rough stone in the Kola Mine, and then cut it into a rose shape, weighing 191 carats, which became the national treasure of India at that time. Later, in 1562, Babier Sultan established the Mughal Empire, and took the diamond as a national treasure and put it in his pocket. In the eighteenth century, Nadir Shah, the emperor of the Persian Empire, even launched a campaign because of the diamond. an invasion war.

Later, after the British colonists took control of India, through various coercion and lures, they finally got the Indians to dedicate this diamond named 'Mountain of Light' to the Queen of England. Later, this diamond was also inlaid in the Queen's On the crown, became a generation of legends.

This diamond can show that Indians have a long history of processing diamonds. Of course, there is a reason why Surat can become the diamond capital of Asia. Centuries of processing and production have concentrated here the best diamond polishing in India. , cutting, processing artisans, the city's millions of people, one tenth are engaged in the diamond processing industry.

Every summer, nearly 30,000 buyers from all over the world gather in this city to purchase diamonds. The diamond transaction volume here can reach one billion US dollars in one summer. Of course, this is only on the surface, and if it involves underground Trading, the transaction volume will be doubled even more.

The whole of Surat is full of gray and white high-rise buildings, and even the houses in the residential area are painted in gray and white, making the whole city look clean and solemn from the outside.

When he arrived in the urban area, Xiao Feng inevitably felt that he had returned to the familiar Indian city. The streets were full of people. Except for the main road of the city, which was relatively clean, the other streets were full of potholes and disordered. It is full of people and leisurely cattle, and the road is full of cow dung.

The city once declined due to the exhaustion of diamond mine resources in India, but at that time Argyle in Australia discovered diamond mines again, so the rough stones produced in Australia were continuously transported here, and Surat once again Prosperity flourished.

When Xiao Feng came, it happened that the diamond trading peak season had already passed, so the traffic situation in this city was much better than the previous few months.

The driver of Xiao Feng's chartered car was an Indian chatter, and he chatted with Xiao Feng all the way in English with an Indian accent. Maybe it's because more and more Chinese people appeared in Sutra in recent years, so this driver has already treated him well. Chinese people are used to it.

Send Xiao Feng to the hotel,

Xiao Feng sent the driver to have something to eat, and he went directly to the restaurant after a brief wash at the hotel. He booked the Sheraton Hotel, and the Indian food these days scared him. After enjoying a steak meal in the hotel restaurant, I went downstairs contentedly.

The Karabi’s family recommended by Liu Jin lived in the northeast of Sutra City, next to the Tapti River passing through the city. Xiao Feng asked the driver to drive him to the gate of the Karabi’s house. He has been with this Carabi before. Surasivi got through, and before he came, Liukin had also called this Karabi.

So the other party also knew that he was coming. As soon as his car stopped at the door, the electric gate opened. Two strong bodyguards with guns opened the door. Behind the report was a gray-haired Indian, because his skin was dark. , I can't tell how old she is.

"Hello, are you Mr. Xiao?"

"Yes, it's me, you are..."

"Hello, I am Karabi. Surasivi, you are very welcome."

This Karabi's English is much more authentic than ordinary Indians. With a London accent, it can be seen that he should have received higher education, and he is also very enthusiastic. I think Liu Jin must have said a lot of good things to Xiao Feng when he talked with him on the phone before coming here. .

Xiao Feng got out of the car and walked into his house under the leadership of Calabi. The yard of Calabi's house is very large. There are two rows of workshops on both sides near the gate, and the sound of electric grinding wheels can be heard from a long distance away. There was an indescribable smell in the air.

Karabi took Xiao Feng to visit his 'factory'. The two rows of factory buildings were full of machines that Xiao Feng couldn't recognize, and there were many teenagers crowded in front of the machines. Polished, cut diamonds.

Before Xiao Feng came here, he had heard that the diamond merchants in Surat had a tradition of employing child labor. Today, seeing is believing, and the scene is still very shocking. These poor children don’t even have masks. It's really dark.

Karabi took Xiao Feng to visit all the way, and introduced the situation to Xiao Feng all the way. Through what he said, Xiao Feng knew that India occupies such an important position in the world's diamond trade, and 90% of the world's rough diamonds The grinding and polishing work is done in Sutera.

No wonder the diamond industry here is so hot.

When Liu Jin called Calabi, he explained some of Xiao Feng's background. Of course, Calabi regarded Xiao Feng as a big customer from Huaguo, and he treated him very enthusiastically.

After seeing a lot of polished and polished rough diamonds, Calabi finally led Xiao Feng into the mansion behind his manor, and after having two cups of coffee served, Calabi asked Xiao Feng.

"I don't know Mr. Xiao, what kind of diamonds do you want to buy this time? I have all kinds of diamonds here, cut or rough diamonds."

"Well, Mr. Calabi, I think Liukin may not have made it clear to you on the phone before that I am not here to buy diamonds this time, but to sell them."

"Oh? So, did you bring your diamond? What is it like?"

Karabi opened the door to do business, whether he came to buy from him or sell to him, he can make money, plus he has been in business for so many years, and he is also used to storms, so after listening to Xiao Feng's words, he is neither Surprised, not angry.

Xiao Feng also wanted to end the transaction as soon as possible, so he simply took out a rough diamond from his pocket. This rough diamond was the smallest one he had pried off from the gold necklace he had stirred up in other worlds, but there were also ordinary eggs. Size, as soon as this diamond was taken out, Calabi on the opposite side immediately became stupid!

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