My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Two thousand three hundred and seventy-eight Miracle Oral Liquid

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In other words, the performance of rice and ov mobile phones now far exceeds that of ordinary laptops.

In fact, Frank himself has the deepest understanding of this point.

He knew before that the mate50 was awesome, much more powerful than the flagship phone of Fruit.

But exactly how powerful it is, he himself has no idea.

But now as he uses mate50 more and more, he is now deeply fascinated by this phone.

Because his intelligent system is really amazing.

It's silky smooth and very smart. Many operations can be completed just by voice.

You must know that fruits also have voice assistants, but their voice assistant can only be regarded as garbage in front of mate50's artificial intelligence system.

Not even a younger brother!

And the more he uses mate50, the more powerful he feels about this phone.

It can not only be used as a mobile phone, but can even be used directly as a computer.

Many graphics software tools that used to be installed on super notebooks can be used on this mobile phone.

For example, he once used this mobile phone to connect some drone equipment.

Due to weather and light conditions, the images he shot with drones were very blurry.

If this had been done in the past, he would have had to take the content that no one had photographed and take it to a computer to sharpen it using a special program.

This way you can get a clear pattern.

But on the mate50 mobile phone, he can operate it directly on the mobile phone.

Even this mobile phone is so exaggerated that it can synchronize the picture level, that is, what picture is captured by your drone.

It can show you any picture, and the most powerful thing is that while synchronizing, it has completed the process of sharpening the picture clarity.

That is to say, the pixels captured by your drone are five million, but what it shows you is indeed 20 million, or even 4k.

This is the power of this phone.

Frank once made a comparison. The performance of this mobile phone alone has surpassed 95% of laptops and desktop computers in the world.

So his current daily operation is to carry this mobile phone with him and a tablet at the same time.

If it is daily communication and entertainment, then using a mobile phone is enough.

But if you need to work and need a larger screen, sync your phone with your tablet.

In this way, the tablet is equivalent to a large screen, and the mobile phone is equivalent to a host.

With just a keyboard and mouse from the outside, you can work directly.

Originally he thought he was playing a very high-end game, but now he sees that so many young people from the Southern Dynasties have bought rice and ov mobile phones that also have this function.

He knew that the local electronics giants were going to face challenges.

Although relying on their previous capital, they will not collapse soon.

But as these electronic products made in Yanguo go global, if they cannot come up with comparable products, they will be defeated by these competitors sooner or later.

Looking at these young people in the Southern Dynasty, he couldn't help but feel a trace of sadness in his heart.

Once upon a time, these guys were proud to buy and use their own electronic products.

And although they have Sansang themselves, they actually use the technology and chips that Sansang uses.

Which one is not provided by them?

And now, even their home market has been eaten up by competitors.

If this continues, business competition will definitely become more intense in the future!

You must know that this Sansang Company is, on the surface, a company from the Southern Dynasties. Gutai

But in fact, he is a cash cow for a lot of capital.

Behind him are hq Bank, ng Chase, and gtong and a series of capital and enterprises.

Thinking of this, Frank couldn't help but feel chills running down his back.

He was no longer in the mood to continue looking at these electronic stores, and instead chose to walk into a nearby pharmacy.

He had been to the Southern Dynasties several times before and was very interested in some of the health care products they produced.

Especially products like the red ginseng oral liquid produced by their Cheong Kwan Jang.

Many people know that people in the Southern Dynasties are energetic, but they don’t know why.

Because the people in this country have the habit of taking health care products for a long time.

Things like multivitamins and ginseng products from Zhengguanzhuang are daily supplements that their people like.

He also bought a lot of them and drank them for a while.

Not to mention, during that time, he was physically weak from singing and singing every night.

It’s really just good to drink that kind of health supplement.

Even before he discovered the Ninth Laboratory's rejuvenation series of health products, he had been a loyal user of Zhengguanzhuang.

Although now he doesn't drink the health products from this store very much anymore.

But since he is here, he might as well sell something. He really wants to try mixing this health product with the ninth laboratory health product to see if the effect will be better.

As for this man, as he gets older, he likes to pursue things that make him look younger.

However, unlike women, women prefer cosmetics, while men pursue products that can rejuvenate them from the inside out.

But when he entered the health product store, he was surprised to find out.

The most popular health products sold in this store are actually several products from Yan Kingdom.

The name is very domineering, it’s called Zijin Ginseng Oral Liquid!

What the hell is this?

He asked the store clerk, and the clerk introduced him enthusiastically.

It is said that this is a Yanguo supplement that has been very popular in the Southern Dynasties recently.

Yanguo ginseng is used, and many new elements are added, but the effect is outstanding.

For men, it definitely has a great tonic effect.

Drinking it at ordinary times can refresh your mind, but at night, who knows who drinks it.

And this thing is not blinding at all. If you drink it, the effect will be immediate.

As we all know, someone has done water quality monitoring in the Hanjiang River before, but unexpectedly found that the content of the little blue agent in the Hanjiang water exceeded the standard.

This shows that the people in this place have an astonishing demand for and use of that kind of medicine.

But now since the emergence of Yanguo's oral liquid, Hanjiang's water quality was tested again and it actually met the standard.

Anyone who understands will know why.

As a result, after this news came out, the sales of Zijin Pharmaceutical's ginseng oral liquid and various drinks in the Southern Dynasties began to increase sharply.

Even in the end, they completely crushed the country's Zhengguanzhuang...

And Frank, when he heard the clerk talk about this, he didn't know whether to be happy or speechless!

But no matter what, in the end, he bought several products of Zijin Pharmaceutical.

In the evening, he planned to hang out in a bar and try their oral liquid to see if it was really that magical...

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