My Super Apocalypse Tank

Chapter 249 Wisdom

If one day someone says that a zombie will turn into an intelligent creature, then others will definitely say that you are a fool. Soon after the zombie virus broke out, various countries began to study the zombie virus, and even captured a lot of zombies for study. However, zombie viruses have been studied and related to the evolution of living things. Zombies become zombies when the human immune system cannot resist the invasion of zombie viruses. It used to be that the great powers of mankind wanted to develop a special medicine to turn zombies back into humans. Facts have proved that this idea of ​​​​human beings is delusional.

The evolution speed of zombies far exceeds human imagination, but before humans can solve the zombie crisis, the second wave of doomsday crisis strikes again. In order to solve the asteroid crisis, humans have basically destroyed all the nuclear weapons in their inventory. Although To avoid a one-time extinction, a series of crises were caused by the landing of asteroid fragments on the earth, causing the earth's environment to deteriorate rapidly, and in a short period of time, it entered the glaciers that the earth experienced tens of millions of years ago. Century, the temperature of about minus 100 degrees Celsius was too unpleasant for human beings. Ordinary humans could not survive on the ground at all. Human beings were forced to become a race that lived in underground bases.

In order to adapt to changes in the earth, other organisms have rapidly evolved to adapt to changes in the earth's living environment. Of course, this is also largely due to the meteorites that fell on the earth. Plants have evolved the ability to grow without photosynthesis. Various mutant beasts have evolved the ability to withstand severe cold. As for zombies, they have evolved long hair and a thick layer of fat in a very short period of time. It can be said that humans have fallen behind in this evolutionary craze. Fortunately, humans still have wisdom, and humans can build underground bases, so that the fire of humans can be preserved.

But is intelligence just a human trait? No, the new species of zombies were originally transformed by humans. After being affected by the radiation from meteorites, some zombies evolved unique human intelligence. To say that they evolved intelligence is better to say that the radiation from meteorites transformed them into human beings. The original wisdom has been revealed, and these intelligent zombies have become smarter and smarter as time goes by. They are equivalent to the wise men and leaders in the zombie group.

Under the leadership of these leaders, zombies will try their best to avoid hunting by humans and mutant beasts. They will hunt lone mutant beasts and humans in groups. They will run away when they cannot defeat them. They are becoming more and more like humans. It was like when wisdom was first born in ancient times. Do humans know about the changes in the zombie swarms? You know, Gu Ming has long received the report from the combat department, but he can't do anything about this change in the zombies. He has speculated a long time ago that zombies will evolve wisdom, they will give birth to civilization, and they will become A brand-new intelligent creature, Gu Ming has no way to eliminate them all, and there are no genetic weapons or biological viruses in the system store that can completely eliminate zombies.

Knowing how to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages is already the most obvious sign of intelligent creatures, and zombies are beginning to use tools. Although the tools are still very primitive wooden sticks, these wooden sticks have only been processed casually, and one end has been sharpened. This is the intelligence reported to Gu Ming by Dong Dawei of the combat department recently. Gu Ming also went to the county next door to observe the zombies.

It feels like the zombies have become a tribe, even in the ancient times of mankind. However, these zombies are much stronger than ancient humans. Gu Ming took out a sniper rifle and aimed at a zombie to shoot, but the bullets of the sniper rifle could not kill him at all. Zombies, their thick hair and fat are the best protective layer. Not only can they keep cold and warm, but they are also natural armor. Human thermal weapons are becoming more and more useless, and because of the ultra-low temperature, new materials are not used now. Special weapons cannot be brought to the ground at all. The previous weapons will turn into noodles within a few minutes of being brought to the ground, and the weapons can be broken easily.

Seeing the group of zombies cooperating to hunt mutant beasts, Gu Ming's face looked solemn. He asked Dong Dawei, "Dawei, do you know where these zombies live?"

Dong Dawei nodded and said, "Yes, our people found that they all live underground. Most of them used to live in underground sewers, but I don't know why those mutant rats are now very good at digging holes. These mutant rats are like zombies." The relationship between the group is a bit like a symbiotic relationship. The rats will help the zombie group dig burrows, and the zombie group will feed leftovers such as the viscera of the mutant beasts they hunt to the rats. Don’t you think it’s amazing?”

So that's it. Gu Ming felt that even if zombies evolved long hair and thick fat, they couldn't stay on the ground all the time. Except for mutant beasts and those mutant plants, there were basically no zombies on the ground. Gu Ming originally guessed that zombies should live underground like humans. Now that he learned about the symbiotic relationship between mutant rats and zombies from Dong Dawei, he didn't find it strange at all. Zombies will not be extinct so easily. Zombies will be given to him. It feels like it is about to take over the dominance of humans on the earth, and the zombies are like the protagonists of the next era chosen by the earth. Of course, Gu Ming did not express his speculation.

"Let's go see where these zombies live." Gu Ming saw the zombies happily carrying the mutant beasts they hunted back. They were very fast, but Gu Ming and the others were not slow either. , Gu Ming only has four combat department leaders around him. Five of them can do it, and others can't keep up with their speed.

The zombies disappeared into a school. Gu Ming looked at the sign and could still vaguely see the writing. It turned out to be a middle school. They walked in carefully. Fortunately, the zombies left some traces. They followed the traces to the teaching Behind the building, there was a building that should be the canteen. The footprints of the zombies disappeared in the canteen. Gu Ming whispered to Chu Heng, "A Heng, have you seen those two zombies?"

Chu Heng looked in the direction pointed by Gu Ming. He observed carefully and soon discovered the zombies hiding behind the cover. The main reason was that the long hair of the zombies was easy to spot. He nodded and said, "Chief, see Yeah, are those two zombies sentries?"

"Yes." Gu Ming's face became a little ugly. Although he knew that zombies have evolved intelligence, but seeing that they now set up hidden sentries, you know that the intelligence of zombies is not much lower than that of humans, and the only advantage of humans is gone. , but it is useless for him to worry. He does not believe that the national forces will not know that no matter how weak the official forces are, they will pay special attention to the zombies. The changes of the zombies must have been observed by the officials long ago. He faced Chu Heng said, "Ah Heng, you are faster, go and deal with them."

"Okay." He was the fastest among the five. Chu Heng pressed his feet, and the person disappeared from Gu Ming's eyes as if teleporting. In the blink of an eye, he was behind the hidden zombies. Before it could react, it was killed by Chu Heng. The other zombie was killed in the same way by Chu Heng.

"Chief, look at this." When Gu Ming and the others came to him, Chu Heng handed the two wooden products he picked up on the ground to Gu Ming. Gu Ming took them and took a closer look. Hey, isn't this something he played with when he was a child? A very simple whistle? He knew that if these zombie sentries discovered something happened, they would use this whistle to notify the zombies in their lair.

"Come on, let's go in and take a look."

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