My Super Black Technology Empire

Chapter 77: The gods come

Won? !


"Wow! I finally won! Hahaha!" Lu Kaikai jumped up from his chair with excitement, and the cheers made many audience laugh.

Finally won, they waited for this victory for too long too long.

But what puzzles the audience is that after the expansion of the expansion, there is still an animation that ends, presumably this is a follow-up plot.

Anyway, in the follow-up plot, it must be the warship on the human side that annihilated all the other warships, and ultimately prevented the arrival of the summit of the gods, and the human race finally won!

Everyone is thinking this way, and the ending animation is the same. All enemy warships were wiped out as if the leaves were swept away by the autumn wind of the human fleet. The more than 8,000 warships that survived the war were blocked in a spectacular formation. On the orbit of the peak of the gods.

"Alarm! Alarm, three star destroyers defected, please stop by the nearest warship!"

Suddenly, three star destroyers defected on the screen, two more star destroyers, and several large space cruisers followed suit.

"I won the battle, and want to defect? ​​Are you stupid?" Lu Kaikai also suppressed his inner ecstasy at this time, frowned, and sat down.

"It's started." Ye Fan, who was watching the live broadcast, suddenly smiled. He has restored as much as possible the scene of how the human space fleet was wiped out in the system expansion.

"Wow!" The top of the gods did not slow down, and it was still attacking the space fleet at a constant speed. At this time, a beam of laser shot directly from the top of the gods. It was obvious that the laser beam contained What object.

"Intercept! Intercept!"

At this time, all the warships seemed to be crazy, and they started to shoot at the laser beam continuously, and even released large-yield smoke bombs to disperse the laser beam, but everything was useless.

Humans have used all means, even the large-scale destruction weapon "Soul Song", regardless of the casualties of friendly forces, shot gamma rays of mass destruction toward the laser.


The laser beam still kept coming straight at a constant speed, and all human methods were useless. Some warships began to try to escape using hyperspace jump engines, but it was too late.

The shock wave that was invisible to the naked eye exploded quickly from the laser beam, and instantly swept all the space within 0.01 light-years in length, width and height.



All the macroscopic life involved in the shock wave exploded into a blood mist in an instant. In just an instant, human beings could not even make any reaction and were all wiped out.

The battleship remained intact, but the people and animals inside, including bacteria and viruses, all macroscopic life, were all wiped out in an instant.

Dumbfounded, Lu Kaikai, all the audience, and the challenged players were dumbfounded.

This Nima is metaphysics, right?

This is definitely metaphysics!

In just a moment, all the crew members were exploded into blood mist, there was no way to deal with it?

This is absolutely impossible.

"Is this plan burned out? Such a hard-core sci-fi type space war has produced such a metaphysical ending?"

"It's a horrible anticlimax! We have waited so long, but this is the ending? The screenwriter can simply let the top of the gods win the opening game, and even do these things!"

"I can’t agree with this ending either. It’s too sloppy. We have a total of 8,000 large battleships. There are countless constant star battleships, star destroyers, and various small frigates.

Even such a powerful enemy fleet has been defeated by us. Is our combat power very strong? Our combat power can even sweep the entire universe! Why was it wiped out by such an unknown attack? "

"Yes, according to the official setting, even the smallest frigate can wipe out the surface of our planet. Our huge fleet,

With the hyper-spatial jumping device and the curvature engine, it is not a problem to win a star field. Why is it so completely wiped out? "

"Grass! I played so hard, but in the end we were completely wiped out? We obviously put in so much effort, why did we wipe out all of us? I'm not convinced! Datang Technology is definitely doing the plane!"

"Yeah, isn't Datang Technology on our human side? Why do you want to make the other party so strong? And it has completely exceeded our physical knowledge. This is unreasonable. I have to go to the official website to complain!"

"Walk around, let's go to the official website to complain!"


At this time, all kinds of barrage of dissatisfaction emerged in the live broadcast room opened by Lu Kai. Some were dissatisfied, some were angry, some were angry, and all kinds of things.

In their opinion, Ye Fan deliberately wrote the Space Fleet to death, but only Ye Fan knew the real situation.

In the eyes of the gods, the enemy fleet fighting the human fleet is just a bug.

What is it to destroy you?

Like a fighting cricket, the cricket he raised was killed by a wild cricket, and the gods just squeezed a bug to death.

In the background database of the system, the space fleet was wiped out by the entire army in this way. Ye Fan was hard to believe at first, but he had to believe it later.

What destroys the entire space fleet is something called an infrasonic hydrogen bomb. This kind of thing is very common. It is common to every warship to be equipped with, and it is a weapon that is too common.

When this weapon is detonated, it can carry out multiple nuclear explosions at the frequency of infrasonic waves in the air, generating strong electromagnetic radiation. The electromagnetic radiation interacts with the metal shell of the target spacecraft to emit strong vibration infrasound waves at the same frequency. All carbon-based Macro life will be shaken into powder under this sound wave.

But this kind of weapon is useless in a vacuum and cannot be effectively spread at all.

In that beam, there is an ultra-miniature constant-star celestial computer that can rewrite and redefine a small part of the physical rules within 0.01 light-years, and set infrasound waves to travel in the universe for 0.001 seconds.

Although this duration was very short, everyone was killed within this 0.001 second, in a state that humans could not understand at the time.

After that, a large number of **** slaves took over all the space fleets of mankind, and the warships that used to fight for mankind are now turned into swordsmen that stabbed themselves in the hands of the enemy.

How ridiculous.

From beginning to end, mankind was fighting with **** slaves, until the entire human continent collapsed and destroyed, mankind had never seen a god.

Everyone knows that the true **** has always been on the top of the gods, but no one has ever really seen a god. In the words of a **** slave, an ant is not qualified to see a god.

In the end, the **** slaves took over the human space fleet, and through the information in the database, they found and destroyed all human space colonies. All the escape and immigration spacecraft that set off from the human continent were intercepted or destroyed, without exception.

half year later.

The Supreme Council of the Human Federation Empire, the Supreme Commander announced to everyone on the human continent that the summit of the gods is about to come.

It was a serious and rigid middle-aged man. He stood under the golden banner of the Federal Empire, which was a pattern of seven stars illuminating this vast continent.

"According to the prediction of the Federal Empire Observatory, the pinnacle of the gods will descend on the human continent in an hour. The shock wave caused by the arrival of a planet will sweep the entire surface of the human continent and will completely destroy all living things on the surface of the human continent.

The current interception plan and the escape plan we implemented failed half a year ago. The Lu Shen plan did not achieve complete success due to the obstruction of the **** servants. At present, only a few cities use the land and sink function and cannot accommodate the current 160 billion population.

Three hours ago, the Federal Reich Assembly passed the highest resolution to change the "Landshen Plan" to the "Tinder Plan".

At present, 420 cities have begun to sink and sink to a depth of 30,000 kilometers to avoid shock waves. Each city has preserved all human knowledge, as well as the known DNA sequence and related genes of all life, and eight Hundreds of thousands of human beings’ eggs, with their presence, our human fire will not be cut off.

At present, there are still 55 minutes before the summit of the gods. In the last 55 minutes, we can embrace our lover and our children. In the last moment, we are not The towns of the Federal Empire, the Supreme Council of the Federal Empire, the Supreme Court of the Federal Empire, and the Federal Empire Space Force fleet will perform their duties to the last minute. "


55 minutes later, the pinnacle of the gods descended on the human continent surrounded by the fleet of **** servants.

The scorching fire wave with a temperature of 3,000 meters high and a temperature of 8,000 degrees swept across the entire human continent. Everywhere it passed, whether it was a city or a mountain, it was razed to the ground, the sea water evaporated, and the land was roasted into magma.

"I love you."

At the last moment, an old woman and an uncle looked at the monstrous fire wave and hugged each other tightly.

everything is over.


PS: Thank you "My Love", "Ji Dian", "Bow Wen", "Starry Sky Without Regrets" for your rewards, thank you all for your recommendation votes, your support will be a steady stream of me Forward momentum! _

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